A corporate office environment with diverse employees engaged in a team meeting, discussing ethical guidelines and compliance in a vibrant atmosphere.


Test your knowledge on the Corporate Governance and Business Ethics (CG&BE) policies at PTTEP! This quiz is designed for employees to understand the expectations and regulations regarding ethical conduct within the company.

  • Learn about conflict of interest policies
  • Understand the no-gift policy
  • Engage with real-life scenarios
11 Questions3 MinutesCreated by EngagingGuide147
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What should you do if you are invited to join a vendor’s networking activity on the weekend?
A. Do nothing to avoid putting yourself in trouble.
B. Accept the invitation because it’s not during working hours.
C. Politely decline the invitation because PTTEP has a no-gift policy.
D. Extend the invitation to include your boss and colleagues to establish the good relationships with them.
What is the wrong action and not in accordance with PTT Group’s CG&BE?
A. Use your private email to communicate bid clarification with vendors.
B. Download unlicensed software to complete your urgent work.
C. Express your feelings about a new PTTEP business deal in detail on your private Facebook account.
D. All answers are correct.
What should you do first if you observe that a colleague’s conduct might violate PTTEP’s regulations, but you don’t have enough information to be sure?
A. Investigate that matter to get more information first.
B. Discuss this matter with your supervisor.
C. Make a report via a whistleblowing channel.
D. Tell your colleague directly that his/her conduct is wrong.
What is the most appropriate action if you are invited to be a lecturer at the university that you graduated from after working hours?
A. You can give the lecture without asking for your supervisor’s approval.
B. You have to consider first whether there is any conflict of interest with PTTEP if you join that activity.
C. You have to refuse to join that activity.
D. There is no correct answer.
What should you do if successful winning vendor sent you a 1000 THB (or 30 USD) gift voucher after announcement of the bidding results?
A. You can accept that voucher because it wasn’t during the bidding period.
B. You should politely decline that offer because of PTTEP’s no-gift policy.
C. You should send the voucher to the unit that is responsible for handling it.
D. You can accept that voucher because there is no conflict of interest.
What is not related to the Company’s conflict of interest policy?
A. Use of PTTEP’s assets for your own benefit.
B. Use of inside PTTEP information for your friend’s benefit.
C. Use of your authority for the benefits of your relatives.
D. There is no correct answer.
If you are in situation where a conflict of interest may arise, what should you do immediately?
A. Report the matter to your supervisor and withdraw yourself from that situation.
B. Report the matter to the HR Department.
C. Do nothing until you are sure that you have conflict of interest with the Company.
D. There is no correct answer.
What action can you take that is in accordance with PTTEP’s CG&BE?
A. Express your political opinion with colleagues during office hours.
B. Exercise your rights by voting for your favorite political party.
C. Take part in your favorite political party’s activities while wearing a PTTEP shirt.
D. Wear clothing with a political party’s logo to work.
What is the right action according to SSHE?
A. Cease operations immediately if unsafe conditions are detected.
B. Always wearing employee identification badges.
C. Sometimes allow SSHE standards to fall if it is necessary.
D. A and B are correct.
5. Can you write an article to be published in your own webpage about your work experience in PTTEP Group?
A. Yes, it is your own personal information.
B. No, it is PTTEP Group’s information.
C. Yes, if it is published information and you obtain permission from your supervisor.
D. No, you have to ensure it is kept as PTTEP’s intellectual property.
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