WHAP Test Ch 3-4

Persian political organization included which of the following features?
An emperor who was little more than a figurehead
Lower-level officials drawn from local authorities
A civil service examination system
A written constitution
Which of the following was a unique feature of political life in classical Greece?
Representative democracy
The idea of free male citizens running the affairs of state
The universal right to vote for all men and women above the age of sixteen
The granting of limited political rights to slaves
Solon brought which of the following reforms to Athens after 594 B.C.E.?
Limited political rights for elite Athenian women
The creation of debt slavery as a way of helping the poor pay off loans
. Representative democracy
The expansion of democracy by allowing more citizens to participate in the Assembly
In contrast to the Persian Empire, the political culture of classical Greek civilization....
allowed for the limited participation of women in public assemblies.
Emphasized the absolute power of the monarch.
featured popular participation in politics.
Relied heavily on satraps to administer their states.
A major development that occurred during the Hellenistic era was
. The spread of Greek culture throughout most of the ancient world.
The expansion of the Roman Empire to its greatest height.
Sparta’s defeat of Athens in the Peloponnesian War.
The Mongol conquest of Europe.
Athens’ leadership in which event launched Athens on a path to establish its dominance over other city-states in the region?
Peloponnesian War
Greco-Persian Wars
Pax Romana
The Macedonian invasion of Greece
The Persian Empire and the Mauryan dynasty were similar in that both
Defined the right of the emperor to rule through the Mandate of Heaven.
Controlled parts of eastern China.
Ultimately evolved into republican governments.
Relied on imperial spies to keep tabs on distant provinces.
Which of the following represents a period during which most of the South Asian subcontinent was unified under a single imperial state?
Persian Empire
Han dynasty
Mauryan Empire
Roman Empire
Which of the following is an example of what the Mauryan ruler Ashoka meant by “dhamma”?
Extravagance in spending
Intolerance of foreign religions
Severity in punishing the slightest offense
Generosity to Brahmans and ascetics
Unlike China that will be unified politically by the Sui dynasty in 589 CE after the collapse of the Han Empire, what will immediately replace the Roman Empire in western Europe?
The Visigoth Empire
The Caroligian Empire
Small, independent kingdoms based on the fuedal systme.
It will fall into chaos as various tribes battle for control of Western Europe.
Which of the following statements is true of the religious and philosophical traditions that developed in Eurasia in the centuries surrounding 500 B.C.E.?
Confucianism was adopted as the state religion of China.
Confucianism encouraged individualistic values.
The civil service examination system was based on Confucian texts.
Confucianism challenged social and gender hierarchies.
Which of the following statements is true of the religious and philosophical traditions that developed in Eurasia in the centuries surrounding 500 B.C.E.?
. All sought to define a single source of order and meaning in the universe.
All drew on rationalism to explain the universe.
All played down the value of humankind.
All favored communal ritual.
Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between Daoism and Confucianism, as understood by Chinese elites?
Most Daoists despised Confucians because their policies fostered cosmic chaos.
. Most Confucians dismissed Daoism as meaningless superstition.
Daoism and Confucianism were regarded as complementary rather than contradictory.
Daoism is an offshoot of Confucianism that develops the mystical elements inherent in Confucius’s teachings.
Which of the following classical religions and philosophies focused more on affairs of this world than on the realm of the divine and its relationship to human life?
. Zoroastrianism
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