First 100 Ways: Action Checklist
How many First 100 Ways Actions did you complete?
Day 1: Spread Positivity
Day 2: Support the Women's March
Day 3: Know Your Reps - follow them and put their numbers in your phone
Day 4: Ask your representative to support affordable healthcare
Day 5: Stand with Planned Parenthood
Day 6: Pledge to become #StigmaFree for mental health
Day 7: Learn about PEPFAR and the move toward and AIDS-free generation
Day 8: Get loud and get covered - make sure you have health insurance
Day 9: Breathe
Day 10: Honor a woman who has made a difference in your life
Day 11: Nominate a woman to run for elected office
Day 12: Donate a book to empower young girls to dream big
Day 13: Welcome Black History Month by sharing a quote that inspires you
Day 14: Join the #HeForShe movement for global gender equality
Day 15: Urge politicians to prioritize justice for victims and survivors of sexual abuse
Day 16: Rest and Reflect
Day 17: Experience the choices refugees are forced to make
Day 18: Find out where your Senators stand on the immigration ban
Day 19: Urge your Senator to speak publicly about the immigration ban
Day 20: Trace your immigrant roots
Day 21: Contribute to our collective welcome letter
Day 22: Support a child who came to the US alone
Day 23: Support DACA and those who benefit from it
Day 24: Commit to vote - set a reminder vote in every state and local election
Day 25: Share real news
Day 26: Grow our impact - share the campaign with a pal
Day 27: Say Hello - introduce yourself to your state legislators
Day 28: Be Indivisible - download the indivisible guide
Day 29: Walk the talk - stand up for values of tolerance, inclusivity, compassion, and freedom
Day 30: Get inspired - share a song that inspires you to persist
Day 31: Recognize Bias - take the Harvard Implicit Bias Test
Day 32: Let America Vote - discover how activists are working to end voter suppression
Day 33: Increase Visibility - donate a children's book featuring kids of color
Day 34: Support Equal Justice - advocate for criminal justice reform
Day 35: Show Up - find a SURJ chapter near you
Day 36: Watch This - celebrate diversity in Hollywood
Day 37: Sync Up - make daily action a habit by adding to your calendar
Day 38: Become an Ally - learn what it means to be LGBTQIA
Day 39: Celebrate Progress - watch expressions of joy after the Supreme Court ruling
Day 40: Pledge to Fight for Equality - Sign HRC's No Hate in My State Pledge
Day 41: Speak Up - tell the Dept. of Education to protect trans students
Day 42: Stand with Students - support GSA Network
Day 43: Create Safe Spaces - volunteer with the Trevor Project
Day 44: Reflect - think about a relationship you admire
Day 45: Break the Ice - get to know your neighbors
Day 46: Promote Safe Communities - through Everytown
Day 47: Support the American Dream - shop local
Day 48: Get Schooled - support a classroom through Donors Choose
Day 49: Swipe Right for Libraries - get a library card
Day 50: Fill in the Blank - share your idea for a First 100 Ways action
Day 51: Be Present - chill out in your local park
Day 52: Get Smart - read a primer on the state of poverty and homelessness in the US
Day 53: Take a walk in someone else's shoes - Experience the difficult choies of a person living under the poverty line
Day 54: Be Ready to Give: Create a portable kit to distribute to people in need
Day 55: Stand Up for Hungry Families - Tell congress to support SNAP
Day 56: Fight Food Insecurity - nominate a student, professor, or administrator to start a Swipe Out Hunger chapter on your campus
Day 57: Know Where to Go - listen to stories at your local shelter
Day 58: End Veteran Homelessness - donate to National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
Day 59: Let it Out - Scream into the virtual void
Day 60: Advocate for Arts Funding - Remind your senator to support the NEA
Day 61: Press Play - listen to our persistence playlist
Day 62: Cartoon Catharsis - Experience the power of political cartoons
Day 63: Support NPR
Day 64: Press Record - Use Facebook Live as an activism tool
Day 65: Get out and Get Inspired - join NARM
Day 66: Prayer Positive - pray, reflect, or express gratitude
Day 67: Learn about religions - download the app
Day 68: Support our Friend - help rebuild the Islamic Center of Eastside, WA
Day 69: Welcome Your Neighbors - display the sign
Day 70: Celebrate American Muslims
Day 71: Gently Remind - send a postcard to remind Speaker Ryan about his support for religious freedom
Day 72: Support Inclusion - Donate to the Gay Christian Network
Day 73: Speak Up for Diplomacy - write a letter to the editor
Day 74: Choose Your Global Goals - take the quiz
Day 75: Give a Crap! Donate manure to empower a farmer
Day 76: Goat a Coke - subscribe to the goats and soda podcast
Day 77: Test Your Map - How many countries can you I.D. in 100 seconds?
Day 78: #SaveSyriasChildren - Donate to provide relief
Day 79: Sleepover - See how kids live around the world
Day 80: Burst Your Bubble - take the bubble quiz
Day 81: Flip your Source - Seek out news from the other side of the aisle
Day 82: Practice Compassion - tune in to our guided meditation
Day 83: Books Build Bridges - open a book and close the divide
Day 84: Write it Down - let someone know you are grateful for them
Day 85: Take it Offline - Forgo Facebook and talk IRL
Day 86: Break Bread - Find a friend to host a dinner
Day 87: Vote - wilderness or ocean
Day 88: Practice Meatless Monday
Day 89: Get Organized! Invite friends to the March For Science
Day 90: Make Waves with Oceana
Day 91: Choose one new sustainable practice to adopt from our list
Day 92: Lend a Hand - help clean up your neighborhood
Day 93: Happy Earth Day - join the #MarchForScience
Day 94: Help Us Learn - complete the First 100 Ways eval
Day 95: Persistence Partners - connect to keep acting
Day 96: Go to School - sign up for Resistance School
Day 97: Support Journalism - subscribe to a Newspaper
Day 98: Set up a recurring donation to an organization you are passionate about
Day 99: Shout out to an organization you plan to support moving forward
Day 100: Take this quiz to see how many actions you've completed.
{"name":"First 100 Ways: Action Checklist", "url":"","txt":"How many First 100 Ways Actions did you complete?","img":""}
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