MBI Exam #1 Review

Scientists involved in _______ study the complex interactions of protective substances and cells produced in response to microbial infection.
Environmental microbiology
The intentional use of microbes to break down pollutants, garbage, etc. Is called...
Genetic engineering
Nitrogen Fixation
Infants acquire their normal microbiota
From contact with people who care for them
During birth
When the sperm and egg fuse during conception
A & B but NOT C
A, B, and C
Locations in the body that are thought to be sterile (contain no normal microbiota) include all of the following EXCEPT the...
Spinal cord
Gastrointestinal tract
A characteristic that assists a microbe in causing disease is called...
A pathogenicity factor
A virulence factor
An opportunistic factor
An endemic factory
None of the above
Indirect damage to a host organism can be casued by that host's excessive, inappropriate immune response. This can be triggered by bacterial ______
Endotoxin (lipid A)
Superantigens and endotoxin (lipid A)
Endotoxin (lipid A) and hemolysin
Cholera toxin is an example of a bacterial endotoxin.The end result of the action of cholera toxin is _______
Severe diarrhea
Internal bleeding
Flaccid paralysis of muscle
Formation of a "pseudomembrane" in the throat
Formation of blood clots
Bacteria that have capsules on their surface ______
Break open red blood cells
Digest the material that holds cells together in tissue
Resist being engulfed by immune system cells
Cause blood clots to form in the host
Change their surface molecules frequently
An infection that exists with no symptoms of disease is called a _______
Focal infection
Systemic infection
Localized infection
Nosocomial infection
Subclinical infection
A patient first begins to notice symptoms of an infectious disease during the _______
Incubation period
Susceptibility stage
Prodromal stage
Period of invasion
Convalescent period
The main emphasis of epidemiology is _______?
Finding disease carriers
Finding disease vectors
Discovering new antibiotics
Disease casisation
Disease prevention and control
Infectious microbes expelled from the body during a sneeze can be transmitted to others by.....?
Airborne transmission
Transmission by droplets
Vertical transmission
A & B but NOT C
A, B, and C
Disease-transmitting VEHICLES include all of the following EXCEPT
Door Knobs
Yersinia pestis (plague) bacteria can be transmitted to humans by ______?
Rat flea bites
Airborne transmission
The fecal-oral route
A and B but NOT C
A, B, and C
Antonie can Leeuwnhoek originally developed the microscope so he could examine _____?
Gen powder
Well water
Plant cells
Wheat grains
Which development in disease prevention is attributed to Edward Jenner?
Insecticide to prevent malaria
Quarantine to prevent leptosy
Vaccination to prevent smallpox
Hand washing before assisting childbirth
Bird beak mask to prevent plague
Which two diseases are thought to have contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire?
Bubonic plague and malaria
Malaria and smallpox
Smallpox and syphilis
Syphilis and leprosy
Leprosy and bubonic plague
Germ Theory Disease? (Which scientist)
Ignaz Semmelweis
Hamilton Smith
John Tydall
Robert Koch
Joseph Lister
ACAM 2000 is a new vaccine against ______ that is currently given only to military personnel.
Bubonic plague
Which early scientist demonstrated that the theory of spontaneous generation was incorrect?
Antonie van Leeuwnhoek
Ignaz Semmelweis
Robert Koch
Edward Jenner
Louis Pasteur
Between 1970 to 2010, the majority of human cases of plague in the U.S. Occurred in _______?
CN and Mass.
Mississ. and Alabama
Kansas and nebraska
Arizona and NM
Montana and Wyoming
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