A&P II Test 2
The respiratory system fun ctions to
Exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the external environment
Regulate blood pH
Produce sounds
Defend against airborne pathogens
None of the above
Transformation of cholecalciferol to the active form of vitamin D requires
A hydroxylation step in the liver
A hydroxylation step in the kidney
A hydroxylation step in the thymus
A hydroxylation step in the bone marrow
None of the above
Plastic pollution is an emerging concern worldwide, with the majority of studies focusing on
Plastic particles with a longest dimension > 5mm
None of the above
Are phagocytes
Are important to the innate immune response
Move about like amoebas
Are long-lived
Rely on chemotaxis to find their way to infected tissues
None of the above
Are also called Brunner's glands
Are located at the terminal ends of pancreatic ducts
Secrete pancreatic juice
None of the above
Which of the following could constrict bronchioles
None of the above
The largest lymphoid organ
Lymph node
Thoracic duct
Right lymphatic duct
Is highly vascularized
has white pulp in venous sinuses and splenic cords
None of the above
Interstitial lung disease
Is a work related condition
Can induce coughing
Can induce dyspnea
Can induce breathlessness
Can increase lung capacity
None of the above
Multiple sclerosis
Is a demyelinating disease of the peripheral nervous system
Is a autoimmune disease
Development and occurrence has been associated with low vitamin D levels
None of the above
Inspiration is caused by changes in transpulmonary pressure as a result of
Relaxation of the diaphragm
Contraction of the alveoli
None of the above
The thymus
Is a secondary lymphatic organ
Is bilobed
Has cortex and medulla
Contains thymocytes
None of the above
Calcitriol inhibits the differentiation of B-cells into
Plasma cells
Natural killer cells
None of the above
The biopersistence of inhaled fibrous microplastics is related to
Their durability in the lung
Their clearance from the lung
Their length
None of the above
You would find deep lymphatic collecting vessels
Traveling with/following same routes
In the subcutaneous tissue of the skin
None of the above
Factors that affect serum vitamin D levels include
Dermal synthesis from ultraviolet radiation in the sunlight
Application of sunscreen lotions
Liver disease
Kidney disease
None of the above
Helper T-cells
Are important in humoral immunity
Are important in cell-mediated immunity
Suppress T-cells
Give rise to plasma cells
None of the above
Have walls that are one cell thick
Have walls that contain capillaries in dense beds
Are sites of gas exchange
Have cells that produce surfactant
None of the above
The largest collections of lymph nodes occur in the
Inguinal region
Axillary regions
Cervical regions
None of the above
Dalton's law states that
In a closed container at constant temperature, volume, and pressure are inversely related
In a closed container at constant temperature, volume and pressure are directly realted
The total pressure of gas mixture is equal to the sum of partial pressures of the gases in the mixture
None of the above
Consider 10 molecules of Hemoglobin. To saturate all hemoglobin binding sites with oxygen, you would need
10 oxygen molecules
20 oxygen molecules
30 oxygen molecules
40 oxygen molecules
None of the above
Acquired immunity
Is associated with memory of our adaptive immune response
Can be used in medicine
Includes active immunity
Includes passive immunity
None of the above
Airborne fibrous microplastics may carry pollutants adsorbed from the surrounding environment due to their
Hydrophobic surface
Hydrophillic surface
Amphipathic surface
None of the above
Complement proteins
Are part of our adaptive immune response
Include proteins that may serve as the chemical agents that attract neutrophils
Include proteins that may attach to foreign cells macrophages to ingest them
Include proteins that may interact with immune antibodies to make them more effective
None of the above
Which of the following can impact the flow of air in the respiratory system
A pressure gradient
The difference between atmospheric pressure and alveolar pressure
Presence of mucus
Neuroendocrine agents
None of the above
Absorption can occur through which of the following mechanisms
Active transport
Passive transport
Facilitated diffusion
Secondary active transport
None of the above
If atmospheric partial pressure =2mmHg, and alveolar partial pressure =0mmHg, then
There is no air flow
Air will flow into the lung
Air will flow out of the lung
Alveolar partial pressure
None of the above
Peritoneal fold that is a site of fate deposition in people who are overweight
Lesser omentum
Falciform ligament
None of the above
Which contain an outer fibrous capsule
Lymph node
Lymphatic nodules
Thymic lobes
None of the above
Reactants in the overall equation for cellular metabolism include
Carbon dioxide
None of the above
Is moved/propelled by pulsations of nearby arteries
Flows away from the heart
Is moved/propelled by contractions of smooth muscles in the walls of lymphatic vessels
None of the above
Humoral immune response
Is associated with innate immunity
Results primarily from the action of T-cells
None of the above
Lymphatic capillaries
Are also called terminal lymphatics
Begins as blind ended tubes forming a closed system like that of your cardiovascular system
Carry lymph towards the heart
None of the above
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