RNA Isolation Quiz 2 - Concepts

An illustration of a laboratory setting focused on RNA isolation and analysis, featuring various lab equipment such as pipettes, centrifuges, and gel electrophoresis setups, with vibrant colors and a scientific atmosphere.

RNA Isolation Mastery Quiz

Test your knowledge on RNA isolation techniques and concepts with this comprehensive quiz! Designed for molecular biology enthusiasts, this quiz covers essential topics that will enhance your understanding of RNA handling and analysis.

Do you have what it takes to score perfectly? Dive in and challenge yourself with questions covering:

  • Nucleic acid stability
  • RNA handling protocols
  • Ethical lab practices
  • Critical analysis of techniques
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by IsolatingMolecule47
Which of the following is the most stable nucleic acid?
Double stranded DNA
Single Stranded RNA
Why do we pass samples through QiaShredder columns?
To homogenize cell/tissue lysates - breaking cells apart releasing cellular components
To break down the RNA inside the cells
To separate DNA from RNA
To shred up harmful RNases
What is the role of 70% ethanol in RNA Isolation?
To wash away proteins
To precipitate nucleic acids
To dissolve nucleic acids
To help the sample forget its troubles
What is the role of RW1 in RNA isolation?
It concentrates DNA in the DNA columnns for R&D extractions
It's proprietary information not given to us
It's a wash buffer that removes non-specific biomolecules bound to the silica membrane while leaving RNA bound to the column
None of the above
Does 80% ethanol perform the same function as 70% ethanol?
Yes, it's only 10% difference, duh!
No, it's like RPE an extra wash to wash away residual salts
No, it washes away the sample's pain
Yes, it purifies the RNA
Why do we perform a dry spin after the 80% ethanol addition?
Ethanol interferes with downstream processes and sample purity
We don't
Ethanol degrades RNA
It angers the lab gods
What causes RNA to elute from the column?
EDTA is used to bind to RNA at several points, removing it from the column after spinning.
Water is a polar molecule that can interact electrostatically with nuceleic acids, allowing them to easily dissolve in water to be spun into elution tubes.
An act of God.
None of these.
Which reagents contain guanidine salts?
Both RW1 & RLT
True or False: We should mix reagents that contain guanidine salts with bleach.
True: It inactivates the salts
False: It creates toxic volatile gases
What happens during RNA Quantnorm?
Samples are normalized to 5ng/uL these sample volumes can vary based on the dilutions (C1V1=C2V2)
RNA is amplified
Samples are brought to the same volume
None of these.
What are SpeedVac samples?
Low concentration DNA
Low Concentration RNA
RNA at 5ng/uL
What are the 2 peaks that we are looking for when we run Bioanalyzers?
18S and 28S ribosomal subunit peaks
16S and 26S ribosomal subunit peaks
None of these
18S/28S and 16S/26S
What type of cells are our samples from?
What are RINs?
An RNA Integrity Number that is the ratio of 18S:28S subunits
RNA Integration Number that's the ratio of total RNA:mRNA
RNA Intensity Number that tells the sample's A260/A280
None of these.
{"name":"RNA Isolation Quiz 2 - Concepts", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge on RNA isolation techniques and concepts with this comprehensive quiz! Designed for molecular biology enthusiasts, this quiz covers essential topics that will enhance your understanding of RNA handling and analysis.Do you have what it takes to score perfectly? Dive in and challenge yourself with questions covering:Nucleic acid stabilityRNA handling protocolsEthical lab practicesCritical analysis of techniques","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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