Falconry questions in section 2.1 - 4.4

A beautifully illustrated image of various raptors in flight against a backdrop of a blue sky, highlighting the art of falconry.

Falconry Knowledge Challenge

Test your knowledge and skills in falconry with this comprehensive 56-question quiz. Whether you're a seasoned falconer or a curious learner, this quiz will challenge your understanding of raptor care, training, and hunting techniques.

Key Features:

  • 56 thought-provoking questions
  • Multiple choice format
  • Detailed feedback on answers
56 Questions14 MinutesCreated by SoaringEagle71
2.1 The most important factor in maintaining a healthy raptor of any species is...
A. Daily flying.
B. Balanced diet.
C. Regular access to fresh drinking/bathing water.
D. All of the above.
2.1 When a hawk mutes or slices, which of the following is correct?
A. The white chalky substance is the feces (digestive waste) and the hawk has eaten something white and chalky such as bones.
B. The white chalky substance represents urates from the kidneys; the brown portion is feces (digestive wastes).
C. The waste products all come from the vent and are uniformly mixed together.
D. Both "B" and "C" are correct.
2.1 A small greenish mute from a hawk that seems otherwise healthy indicates...
A. Frounce.
B. Coccidiosis.
C. An empty crop.
D. Roundworm infestation.
2.1 True or false. The mews must be thoroughly cleaned every weekend.
2.1 If a raptor is to be released to fly in the mews (also called "free-lofting"), the windows should be protected with...
A. Heavy gauge welding wire.
B. Insect screen reinforced with poultry netting.
C. Horizontal rods.
D. Vertical round rods.
2.1 True or false. Minor primary feather or tail damage during hunting should be repaired before the next hunt.
2.2 Before putting your hawk out of weather on its perch, you should...
A. Make sure there are no avian predators in the sky.
B. Make sure the bath pan is filled.
C. Check to insure the perch won't tip over if the hawk bates.
D. Check the equipment's condition.
2.2 The mist net is also known as...
A. Bal-chatri.
B. Dho-gazza.
C. Phai-trap.
D. None of the above.
2.2 True or false. When making their own hoods, most North American falconers prefer the Anglo-Indian to the Dutch pattern.
2.2 True or false. The goshawk needs longer field jesses than does the longwing.
2.2 In the field, it is important to have the following falconry equipment:
A. Bells.
B. Lure.
C. Jesses.
D. All of the above
2.2 A telemetry signal is likely to be strongest when the antenna is held...
A. Horizontally when the antenna whip is hanging vertically.
B. Vertically when the transmitter whip is hanging vertically.
C. Vertically when the transmitter whip is hanging horizontally.
D. Vertically regardless of the position of the transmitter whip.
2.2 A traditional instrument used to stop a hawk from bating was the...
A. Creance.
B. Braces.
C. Brail.
D. Cadge.
2.3 Aspergillosis is frequently seen in...
A. Peregrine, Cooper's and sharp-shinned hawks.
B. Red-tails, goshawks and gyrfalcons.
C. Harris' hawks and kestrels.
D. "B" and "C," but not "A".
2.3 A raptor disease caused by eating infected pigeons is...
A. Frounce.
B. Bumblefoot.
C. Cramp.
D. Myiasis.
2.3 The preferred treatment for an early, mild case (i.e. Foul breath, failure to but the crop over, or slight dullness) of sour crop is..
A. Pedialyte®.
B. Ancoban.
C. Zovirax ointment.
D. Ampicillin.
2.3 The hawk most susceptible to apoplectic fits is the...
A. Kestrel.
B. Cooper's hawk.
C. Merlin.
D. Goshawk.
2.3 Which is most dangerous to the health of a hunting kestrel?
A. Cooper's hawk.
B. Sour crop.
C. Sloppy weight control.
D. All of the above.
3.1 True or false. Some falconers prefer to man newly-caught red-tails outdoors to avoid overheating.
3.1 The major advantage of taking or capturing a passager is:
A. Once manned, it is nearly loss-proof.
B. The hawk has successfully hunted.
C. The hawk is in good physical condition.
D. Plenty of time is available in the day to work with the hawk.
3.1 The minimum amount of time the falconer should spend per day manning a newly trapped passage hawk is...
A. Dependent on the amount of time the falconer has available before darkness.
B. Dependent upon the amount of time the falconer can get off work.
C. An hour per day.
D. Two hours per day.
3.1 True or false. Eyass hawks are generally easier to hood than passage hawks.
3.1 Hacking is a process whereby...
A. Young accipiters or red-tails are allowed to get fully summed in a large chamber.
B. Young longwings are allowed full flight freedom until they begin to kill for themselves without the obvious presence of the falconer.
C. Passage hawks are quickly manned by keeping them constantly awake.
D. Phlegm is coughed up by a hawk with pneumonia.
3.1 One method of breaking a hawk of the bad habit of snatching food from the fist and bating is to...
A. Feed the hawk rangle.
B. Retrain the hawk.
C. Use a halsband to restrain the hawk from bating.
D. Conceal small amounts of Tabasco sauce or other foul tasting food in the carcass of a day old chick and allow the hawk to bate with it.
3.1 True or false. Yarak is utterly a function of a hawk's hunger.
3.1 True or false. Generally, it is a good idea to gorge your hawk on its first ten kills.
3.1 Your passage male red-tail is mobbed by ravens on his first hunting release. He flies into a tall tree and refuses to come to you. You should...
A. Go get a sleeping bag and plan to be there until dawn.
B. Try to call the hawk down with a tidbit after a few minutes.
C. Try to call the hawk down with the lure.
D. None of the above.
3.1 During a late afternoon hunt, your red-tailed hawk takes a field rat and carries it high into a heavily foliaged oak tree and begins to consume the prey. You should...
A. Be patient.
B. Try to call the hawk down with a tidbit.
C. Try to call the hawk down with the lure.
D. Go get a sleeping bag and plan to be there until dawn.
3.1 In buteos, parabuteos, and accipiters, moulting of the primary wing feathers..
A. Starts with the innermost primary and proceeds in sequence to the outermost primary.
B. Starts with the outermost primary and proceeds inwards to the last one.
C. Starts with primary #4 and proceeds in both directions.
D. Proceeds in an irregular fashion but is the same sequence on each with.
3.1 True or false. During the moult, red-tails revert to the wild state.
3.1 True or false. You are asked by the local rehabilitation service to recondition a red-tail for release to the wild. You are a second-year apprentice. You are permitted to do this.
3.2 True or false. At certain points during the training process of hawks, it is necessary and beneficial to use trussed-up or otherwise handicapped or incapacitated poultry, game birds, or rabbits as bagged game or baggies (also known in older literature as trains or trainees) as recommended by books of classic falconry.
3.2 True or false. It is safe to allow your red-tail to kill all the prey it attacks.
3.2 True or false. Most types of waterfowl are more difficult for a hawk to take than are upland game birds such as pheasants, partridge, and grouse.
3.2 True or false. The swiftest short-winged hawks rarely catch waterfowl in a tail chase.
3.2 You hunt cottontails with a male red-tail. They are...
A. Easy quarry for male red-tails to catch.
B. Easy quarry for male red-tails to kill.
C. Difficult for a male red-tail to catch.
D. "B" and "C".
3.2 True or false. Starlings are easily caught by a kestrel if it is waiting-on over them.
3.3 The medieval falconer was most likely to enseam his hawk...
A. When it was hood-shy.
B. Immediately after capturing the hawk.
C. When the hawk was too fat.
D. When the hawk was sharp-set.
Enseam means to prepare a hawk for flying by eliminating her reserves of fat. Today it sometimes refers to the feeding of washed meat to lower the hawk's condition. The medieval term referred to certain purges (e.g., rangle-small stones) given to a hawk to rid it of excess fat and mucus, thus making it more eager to fly.
Got it.
Can't remove this question.
Got it.
3.3 True or false. Abatement is the use of trained raptors to reduce human/wildlife conflicts.
3.3 True or false. A captive-bred raptor is the progeny of raptors of two or more distinct species listed in Title 50, CFR, Section10.13.
Partially True and therefore False. A trick question. A captive-bred raptor results form the natural mating of raptors held in captivity or through artificial insemination. The definition above is that of a "hybrid" raptor, which is certainly the result of captive-breeding. All hybrid birds are bred in captivity, but not all captive-bred hawks are hybrids.
Got it.
Can't remove this one either.
Got it.
4.1 An apprentice must have "at least two years experience in the practice of falconry at the apprentice level" to be advanced to general. In California, this means the apprentice...
A. Must possess a hawk for two seasons.
B. Can become a general falconer exactly two calendar years to the day his/her first license was issued.
C. Can become a general falconer as soon as he/she has twenty-four months on the falconry license.
D. Must trap, man, train and hunt with an allowed species of hawk for two seasons.
4.1 To be eligible for a California master falconer license, the applicant must...
A. Complete five years' experience as a general falconer.
B. Be at least twenty-one years old.
C. "A" and "B".
D. "A," but not "B".
4.1 Unlike apprentice falconers, general and master falconers in California may TAKE from the WILD...
A. Gyrfalcons.
B. Peregrines.
C. Harris' hawks.
D. Red-shouldered hawks.
4.1 True or false. Applications for renewal of a falconry license or written notification of non-renewal must be submitted to the Department postmarked no later than June 30th.
4.1 True or false. California falconry regulations stipulate that nestling raptors may be captured only between the dates of May 20th through July 15th.
{I don't really understand the question/answer; this is what it says in the book} "Only general or master level falconers may take nestling raptors (eyasses)."
Got it.
Can't remove this one too.
Got it.
4.1 True or false. A falconer who captures a raptor must submit form 3-186A within 48 hours of capture. You may fill out this report just prior to mailing.
But you must submit the form with ten calendar days of the capture of the raptor.
Got it.
Or this one.
I got it already!
4.1 Which of the following hawks have a RESTRICTED take in California.
A. Ferruginous hawk.
B. Prairie falcon.
C. Adult kestrel.
D. Passage red-shoulder hawk.
4.1 Which of the following hawks have a restricted capture PERIOD in California?
A. Marsh hawk.
B. Prairie falcon.
C. Passage merlin.
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