What do you think is the most interesting paper(s) today? Let's vote and let people know!
New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 30 Apr 20
[2004.13718] Carlos Handrey Araujo Ferraz: Effects of the long-range cohesive forces in binary particle packing dynamics
[2004.13723] Jacob S. Gordon, Hae-Young Kee: Testing Ising Topological Order in $α$-RuCl$_3$ Under In-Plane Magnetic Fields
[2004.13726] Songci Li, Alex Levchenko, A. V. Andreev: Hydrodynamic electron transport near charge neutrality
[2004.13727] Sanjay Moudgalya, Nicolas Regnault, B. Andrei Bernevig: Eta-Pairing in Hubbard Models: From Spectrum Generating Algebras to Quantum Many-Body Scars
[2004.13746] Navot Silberstein, Jan Behrends, Moshe Goldstein et al.: Berry connection induced anomalous drift velocity in non-Hermitian systems
[2004.13772] S. S. Seidov, S. I. Mukhin: Spontaneous symmetry breaking and Husimi Q-functions in extended Dicke model
[2004.13800] Daniel K. Mark, Olexei I. Motrunich: Eta-pairing states as true scars in an extended Hubbard Model
[2004.13804] E. Sheveleva, B. Xu, P. Marsik et al.: Muon spin rotation and infrared spectroscopy study of $Ba_{1-x}Na_{x}Fe_{2}As_{2}$
[2004.13807] Gernot Münster, Manuel Cañizares Guerrero: Interface roughening in two dimensions
[2004.13854] Marco Siniscalchi, Davide Tierno, Kristof Moors et al.: Temperature-Dependent Resistivity of Alternative Metal Thin Films
[2004.13858] Simone Assali, Alain Dijkstra, Anis Attiaoui et al.: Mid-infrared emission and absorption in strained and relaxed GeSn semiconductors
[2004.13872] Hao Wu, John Nance, Seyed Armin Razavi et al.: Chiral symmetry breaking for deterministic switching of perpendicular magnetization by spin-orbit torque
[2004.13885] Yunyoung Hwang, Jorge Puebla, Mingran Xu et al.: Enhancement of acoustic spin pumping by acoustic distributed Bragg reflector cavity
[2004.13928] Daigorou Hirai, Hajime Sagayama, Shang Gao et al.: Detection of multipolar orders in the spin-orbit-entangled 5d Mott insulator Ba2MgReO6
[2004.13941] Praneeth Ranga, Sung Beom Cho, Rohan Mishra et al.: Highly tunable polarization-engineered two-dimensional electron gas in $ε$-AlGaO3 / $ε$-Ga2O3 heterostructures
[2004.13950] Jia Song, Luyu Wang, Liang Zhang et al.: Structures and Properties of $β$-Titanium Doping Trace Transition Metal Elements: a Density Functional Theory Study
[2004.13955] Atanu Betal, Jayanta Bera, Satyajit Sahu: Impressive optoelectronic and thermoelectric properties of two-dimensional XI$_2$ (X=Sn, Si): a first principle study
[2004.14013] Long Zhang, Lin Zhang, Xiong-Jun Liu: Unified theory to characterize Floquet topological phases by quench dynamics
[2004.14030] Alberto Marmodoro, Sebastian Wimmer, Ondrej Sipr et al.: First principles calculations of steady-state voltage-controlled magnetism: application to x-ray absorption spectroscopy experiment
[2004.14038] S. Reschke, A. A. Tsirlin, N. Khan et al.: Structure, phonons, and orbital degrees of freedom in Fe$_2$Mo$_3$O$_8$
[2004.14039] Kento Ueda, Sadashige Matsuo, Hiroshi Kamata et al.: Half-Integer Shapiro Steps in a Short Ballistic InAs Nanowire Josephson Junction
[2004.14044] Norman Haag, Daniel Lüftner, Johannes Seidel et al.: Signatures of an Atomic Crystal in the Band Structure of a Molecular Thin Film
[2004.14056] Lorenzo Caprini, Claudio Maggi, Umberto Marini Bettolo Marconi et al.: Hidden velocity ordering in dense suspensions of self-propelled disks
[2004.14078] Francisco Orts, Gloria Ortega, Ester M. GarzonMatthias Fuchs et al.: Dynamics and friction of a large colloidal particle in a bath of hard spheres: Langevin dynamics simulations and hydrodynamic description
[2004.14086] M. G. Vasin, V. M. Vinokur: Bose system critical dynamics near quantum phase transition
[2004.14105] Evgeny V. Anikin, Natalya S. Maslova, Nikolay A. Gippius et al.: Transmission spectra of bistable systems: from ultra-quantum to classical regime
[2004.14112] Azin Mohajerani, Zahra Faraei, S. A. Jafari: Fast nuclear spin relaxation rates in tilted cone Weyl semimetals: Redshift factors from Korringa relation
[2004.14123] Murod Mirzhalilov, M.Ö. Oktel: Perpendicular space accounting of localized states in a quasicrystal
[2004.14125] S.-R. Eric Yang, Min-Chul Cha, Hye Jeong Lee: Fractional edge charge of e/2 in interacting disordered graphene zigzag nanoribbon
[2004.14128] Qi Zhang, Yumeng Yang, Ziyan Luo et al.: Terahertz Emission From an Exchange-Coupled Synthetic Antiferromagnet
[2004.14140] Jin-Xin Hu, Cheng-Ping Zhang, Ying-Ming Xie et al.: Nonlinear Hall Effects in Strained Twisted Bilayer WSe$_2$
[2004.14179] M. J. T. Costa, J. Fernández-Rossier, N. M. R. Peres et al.: Non-reciprocal magnons in a two dimensional crystal with off-plane magnetization
[2004.14182] L. S. Ricco, J. E. Sanches, Y. Marques et al.: Topological isoconductance signatures in Majorana nanowires
[2004.14190] Piyush J. Shah, Derek A. Bas, Ivan Lisenkov et al.: Giant Nonreciprocity of Surface Acoustic Waves enabled by the Magnetoelastic Interaction
[2004.14202] Sophia Helmrich, Alexander W. Achtstein, Hery Ahmad et al.: High phonon-limited mobility of charged and neutral excitons in mono- and bilayer MoTe2
[2004.14219] Marc G. Cuxart, Miguel Angel Valbuena, Roberto Robles et al.: A Molecular Approach for Engineering Interfacial Interactions in Magnetic-Topological Insulator Heterostructures
[2004.14222] Johannes Holler, Sebastian Meier, Michael Kempf et al.: Low-frequency Raman scattering in WSe$_2$-MoSe$_2$ heterobilayers: Evidence for atomic reconstruction
[2004.14225] Lukas Fischer, Andreas M. Menzel: Magnetically induced elastic deformations of magnetic gels and elastomers containing particles of mixed size
[2004.14246] Bernd Aichner, Kristijan L. Mletschnig, Benedikt Müller et al.: Angular magnetic-field dependence of vortex matching in pinning lattices fabricated by focused or masked helium ion beam irradiation of supercondu...
[2004.14261] L. K. Upreti, C. Evain, S. Randoux et al.: Topological swing in Bloch oscillations
[2004.14271] Maria El Abbassi, Jan Overbeck, Oliver Braun et al.: Universal approach for unsupervised classification of univariate data
[2004.14313] Jian Qiao Liu, Fei Ye Li, Gang Chen et al.: Featureless quantum paramagnet with frustrated criticality and competing spiral magnetism on spin-1 honeycomb lattice magnet
[2004.14316] Rijan Maharjan, Ethan OReilly, Thomas Postiglione et al.: Intermittent dilation and its coupling to stress in discontinuous shear thickening suspensionsReilly, Thomas Postiglione et al.: Intermittent dilation and its coupling to stress in discontinuous shear thickening suspensions
[2004.14323] G. Cantele, D. Alfè, F. Conte et al.: Structural relaxation and low energy properties of Twisted Bilayer Graphene
[2004.14335] Alexander J. Leide, Matthew J. Lloyd, Richard I. Todd et al.: Raman spectroscopy of ion irradiated SiC: chemical defects, strain, annealing, and oxidation
[2004.14341] Dimitrios Bachtis, Gert Aarts, Biagio Lucini: Extending Machine Learning Classification Capabilities with Histogram Reweighting
[2004.14370] Ananda Roy, Frank Pollmann, Hubert Saleur: Entanglement Hamiltonian of the 1+1-dimensional free, compactified boson conformal field theory
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