Part 2:  Root-canal Problems

Create an image depicting a dental clinic with a focus on a patient discussing root canal treatments with a dentist, incorporating imagery of dental tools and a focus on health concerns.

Understanding Root Canal Health Risks

Are you concerned about the potential health implications of root canals? This quiz helps you assess whether you may be experiencing health issues linked to root canal treatments. Answer the questions honestly to gain insight into your dental health.

  • Identify possible signs of root canal toxicity.
  • Explore connections between root canals and chronic pain or infections.
  • Assess your knowledge on the health impacts of dental treatments.
9 Questions2 MinutesCreated by HealingTooth247
Yep. Its true - root-canals can cause some proper health problems.
If you are not sure you have had a root canal this is generally the way it goes at the clinic: You are told you need three appointments to clean out and fill the canal of a tooth that has died or is about to die (generally you will have had toothache before hand but not always)
You will usually fork out between $400 for a front tooth -$1000 for a back tooth for the privilege - not including any crown work. Sound familiar? Then read on:
Yep. Its true - root-canals can cause some proper health problems.
If you are not sure you have had a root canal this is generally the way it goes at the clinic: You are told you need three appointments to clean out and fill the canal of a tooth that has died or is about to die (generally you will have had toothache before hand but not always)
You will usually fork out between $400 for a front tooth -$1000 for a back tooth for the privilege - not including any crown work. Sound familiar? Then read on:
Do you currently have or previously had root-canal-fillings?
Yes more than one
Yes one
Dont know - possibly
Oral signs of root canal toxicity
Ou have recurrent gingivitis or painful gums - even with regular checkups
Regular sore throat, dwollen lymph glands or redness and irritation in mouth
You get a bad (sometimes very bad) taste in your mouth on occasion
Ou can't shake bad breath
Constant dull pain in tooth (sometimes on biting) even after root canal procedure
Regular oral infections/ulcers
On thinking about it you can see you became sick after a tooth died or root canal filling was placed
Any fluid weeping in to the mouth (usually bad tasting)
None of the above
Signs your root canal is interfering with NEUROLOGICAL Function:
(Please note these symptoms can crossover with mercury)
You're beginning to have numbness and/or tingling in exremities
You have balance issues
Difficulty remembering things.. Getting worse over time
Tremors or shakes in hands and/or feet
Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis or other neuroligical disease
Increasing weakness in muscles
Bells palsy or any area of partial paralysis or numbness
Epilepsy or convulsions history of
None of the above
Signs your root canal is linked to CHRONIC PAIN SYNDROMES:
General aches and pains - regular worsening with stress
Irritable bowels or regular gut pain
Eye pains on side of face with root canal filling
New jaw pains on side of face with root canal fillng
Have you had body pain resolved by taking antibiotics
You've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia
You have unexplained single joint pain (especially the hip)
None of the above
Signs your root canal is linked to CHRONIC INFECTION:
Chronic eye infections
Chronic sinusitis - may have appeared at time of the tooth dying
Regular low grade unexplained fever and/or systemic infections
Pustulous sores that are hard to heal
Recurring tonsilitis
Regular unexplained skin and/or nail infections
Chronic upper respiratory infeactions
You get head pressure headaches
Ongoing candida or other infection
You have had benign brain tumours
Persistant staph or strep infections
History of blood infection (septicemia) or organ infection (bone, liver, brain, heart gut etc)
History of recurring cysts anywhere in body
Hypocalcemia or hypercalcemia diagnosis
Nerve infections
None of the above
Signs your root canal is linked to INFLAMMATION:
You have suspected coronary artery disease
History of arterial or heart infection
Rheumatoid arthritis (particularly with periodontitis)
Arthritic or joint pain sudden onset
Autoimmune markers showed up in your blood testing
Elevated Cholesterol, creatine or other inflammatory markers
You get gout
You have experienced unexplained weight loss
Heart or chest pain or developed heart murmer, endocarditis etc..
None of the above
Signs your root canal is linked to IMMUNE INTERFERENCE:
Excema or dermatitis or strange rashes anywhere on body
Allergies developing or worsening
Slow healing from injury
Swollen lymph nodes or recurring glandular fever
Chronic anemia
Diabetes or pre-diabetes diagnosis or susptected
Any diagnosed autoimmune disease esp MS or ALS, chrons
Precancerous lesions
Cancer diagnosis
None of the above
Have you ever had a tooth diagnosed as having 'died' without receiving root canal?
Yes one tooth
Yes more than one tooth
Dont know - possibly
{"name":"Part 2: Root-canal Problems", "url":"","txt":"Are you concerned about the potential health implications of root canals? This quiz helps you assess whether you may be experiencing health issues linked to root canal treatments. Answer the questions honestly to gain insight into your dental health.Identify possible signs of root canal toxicity.Explore connections between root canals and chronic pain or infections.Assess your knowledge on the health impacts of dental treatments.","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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