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Understanding Relationships: Submission and Empowerment Quiz

Create an illustration of two people engaging in a meaningful conversation about relationships, with elements symbolizing empowerment, submission, and healthy communication.

Understanding Relationships: Submission and Empowerment Quiz

Explore the dynamics of relationships through this thought-provoking quiz. It delves into concepts of submission, independence, and the characteristics of healthy partnerships.

  • Assess your understanding of relationship roles.
  • Learn about abusive behaviors and how to identify them.
  • Discover ways to balance femininity and empowerment.
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ReflectiveHeart275
Why be more submissive in a relationship? What good can it bring you?
Only good for your bf and is very little beneficial for the gf
Very beneficial for both partners
It's not about benefits of both partners but Being submissive can bring more passion, strength and life to a healthy relationship.
What is meant by an abusive man ?
A man who beats his lady
A man who verbally abuses his lady
Both of the above
Have you ever experienced any type of abusive behaviour from sanskar
Yes he has beaten me beofore
He said bad words before
He scolds me for my mistakes sometimes which I feel is abusive
Never being abused by sanskar most of the time he is a very loving bf but sometimes he scolds me
Submission is a part of learning to become More
Lazy and not taking any responsibility
One of the ways to become more feminine is to
Be in more control of all the things
Asking for help from sanskar as am I'm not capable of all the thing in life
Doing things by myself
I don't need anyone I am one man army
Pretending we are always smart and capable As a women is A trait in
Low tier women
High value women
A good person
A flashy person who shows off herself
You are going to your friend's place and you saw there are also boys there who you don't know suppose one of them comes to you and asks you how you doing, how will you respond ?
Greet them with a Hi!
Ignore them
Act like you are deaf
Scream for help !
Are you allowed to make guy friends ?
Yes, but call all of them bhai all the time
A random guy starts flirting with you what will be your response?
I will try to talk in a normal way
I will directly tell him to stop ✋ and I will ask him to be more polite
I will flirt back
2nd option and I will tell sans about it asap
What will happen if you start applying these principles in real life ?
Sanskar will love and respect me more
I will be enslaved by sanskar
It's only beneficial for sanskar
It's betterment of myself sanskar cares about my mental health and wants to me to be a better women, sanskar always loves and respects me it's sometimes my fault that I make some
If sanskar tell you to deactivate instagram account for a while and you don't want to do it how will you respond ?
I will say that it's my account and I operate it it's my will
I will ask for specific reasons why I should deactivate my account
I will talk with him if he wants me to block a guy or to delete a picture a uploaded without his permission And I will do it according to his will, because he might be feeling uncomfortable about something I did
I will deactivate my account because I am her slave
What do you think about the differences between sanskar and you
He is more capable of rational and logical thinking he takes good decisions and can take some degree of control in my life (not full control)
Sanskar is doing all these for his benefit
I am equally capable as him I can also make rational designs and I'm good with myself alone
I believe sanskar can't make rational decisions
Bonus question 1 - your favourite heroic moment of sanskar
That evening at colours mall when I was arguing with the guards and sanskar handled them gracefully by his rational and logical actions
That night when he stood in front of 2 goons with a blade in their hand and again saved both of us by being smart and subtle, He sensed their greed of money and used it to fool them By pretending he will give them some cash but instead he made a phone call it was so subtle which even I was unaware of !
That day when we both were struck at KV and 2 guys knocked from outside he fooled them by saying he will be out in 5 mins and we flew right away
Few days ago he was prepared for the worst and he locked the door from inside so that if his papa or someone comes down the door will be already locked
Bonus Question- 2 - how did you find this quiz ?
Needs improvement
It's perfect with practical applications
It was offensive
What do you think these quizzes will make any difference?
I believe in sanskar it would make a Huge impact our fights will be less in number
No impact at all
Might work
I don't know
{"name":"Understanding Relationships: Submission and Empowerment Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Explore the dynamics of relationships through this thought-provoking quiz. It delves into concepts of submission, independence, and the characteristics of healthy partnerships.Assess your understanding of relationship roles.Learn about abusive behaviors and how to identify them.Discover ways to balance femininity and empowerment.","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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