Successive Percentages

In a school, 40% of the students come by public transport. Of those who come by public transport, 5% use the train.
What percentage of all the school's students come by train?
2% of the school come by train
In a town, 90% of the 20,000 adults who live there have a job.
Of these workers, 40% are female.
a)  How many adult females in this town have a job?
b)  How many adults males in this town have a job?
a)  7,200 female adults have a job
b)  10,800 males have a job
{"name":"Successive Percentages", "url":"","txt":"In a school, 40% of the students come by public transport. Of those who come by public transport, 5% use the train.   What percentage of all the school's students come by train?, In a town, 90% of the 20,000 adults who live there have a job. Of these workers, 40% are female.   a)  How many adult females in this town have a job? b)  How many adults males in this town have a job?","img":""}
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