N419 EBP Quiz 1

The ANA established the Commission on Nursing Research, whose report emphasized the rights of human subjects in which of the following three ways?
Right to privacy and dignity, right to anonymity, right to medical record access
Right to freedom from harm, right to privacy and dignity, and right to anonymity
Right to freedom from harm, right to honesty and right to anonymity
Right to freedom from harm, right to privacy and dignity and right to compensation
An index commonly used for nursing and health-related literature is:
Google Scholar
Academic Search Complete
In the context of nursing theory concepts are best defined as:
Ideas, terms and phrases which define practice expectations
Ideas, terms and phrases which outline the nursing scope of practice
Words or phrases that convey a unique idea that is relevant to a theory
Words or phrases that provide step by step guidance for clinical practice
Which of the following is an example of a meta-analysis?
Using the results of one study on patient acuity to create an evidence based practice model of care
Combine the results of 15 studies on patient acuity based on a statistical method to help determine best practice in assessment of patient acuity
Using the results of 15 studies on patient acuity to create an evidence based practice model of care
Using the results of one study on patient acuity to make a declaration of best practice in assessment of patient acuity
Which of the following is an appropriate strategy to incorporate in attempting to overcome the barriers which can prevent the adoption of Evidence Based Practice in a healthcare facility?
Have staff members work independently to make all policy changes
Use a team approach and proven research when considering policy changes
Use an autocratic leadership to determine all facility policies
Avoid policy changes to maintain consistency in patient care
The nurse researcher is using an electronic index to perform a literature review and is aware the other common name for an electronic index is what?
Journal bank
There is a relationship between seatbelt use and head injury in auto accident. This is an example of a:
Null hypothesis
Research hypothesis
Research question
Research problem statme
When the nurse is narrowing a research focus and determining a research topic it is important to consider which of the following?
The importance of the research on potential future research and how current research will be affected by future research
The historical significance of the research ensuring that it will have an impact on all aspects of care
The guiding research theory ensuring the theory is well aligned with the research focus and topic
The clinical significance of the research ensuring it adds to the body of nursing knowledge
The clinical significance of the research ensuring it adds to the body of nursing knowledge
Research which focuses on health policy
Research done using nursing interventions
Research with a focus on nursing practice
Research done by a nurse
Staff nurses are integral to EBP; many organizations provide performance criteria for promoting best practices. Which of the following is an example of nurses' who carry out philosophical imperatives for utilization of EBP?
Continual questioning of practice
Consistency of care
Avoiding questioning of practice
Limited evaluations of processes
A _______ is an observation that can be measured by assigning a number to each dimension.
A middle range nursing theory is best defined as:
Are easily testable with a high number of variables which predict outcomes
Have a narrow scope providing a bridge from practice theories to application theories
Have a narrow scope providing a bridge from grand theory to a testable theory
Have a broad scope providing a bridge from grand theory to a testable theory
The nurse is using a keyword search to determine the amount of literature available on a specified topic, the nurse is aware that the keyword search is:
A significant word from a title or document used as an index to content
Using the database to find all occurrences of a key word in any given article
The most efficient way to search for an article with a known title and known authors
Using one term in a thesaurus to find all like terms and like content
Read the following statement: There is no measurable difference in incidence of incarceration for adolescent children whose mothers work outside the home in comparison with those whose mothers do not work outside the home. How is this statement best defined?
Null hypothesis
Confounding variable
Research objective
Research question
Hypotheses can be categorized in what four broad ways
Associative vs. causal, simple vs. complex, directional vs. statistical, and null vs. research
Associative vs. causal, simple vs. complex, nondirectional vs. directional, and null vs. research
Active vs. causal, simple vs. moderate, nondirectional vs. Directional and null vs. research
Associative vs. Grand theory, simple vs. complex, complex vs. nondirectional, and null vs. research
The nurse researcher is quoting a physician who provided statistical data which will be added to a research study, the nurse would consider the physician to be what type of resource?
Peer Reviewed Resource
Primary Resource
Initial Resource
Hypothesis: Scores on the Beck Depression Inventory will be lower in women who take yoga classes than in women who do not. What is the dependent variable?
Score on Beck Depression Inventory
Type of participation in yoga.
Yoga ability.
Nurse executives have an important role in ensuring EBP in their facility. Which of the following are examples of how nurse executives should be involved in EBP implementation?
Read evidence related to practice
Ensure individual recognition is provided to early adopters of EBP
Allow nursing managers to discipline staff who do not adopt EBP
Make contingency plans for staff unable to adopt EBP
What is the primary purpose of nursing research?
Nursing research is limited to nursing interventions and nursing theories it does not extend into practice
Nurses use research to generate new knowledge which will contribute to medical research findings
Nurses use research to generate new knowledge or validate and refine existing knowledge that directly or indirectly influences nursing practice
Nursing research is used to guide medical and psychological patient care investigations and research
In an article, a nurse reads the following statement: In the United States, 350,000 deaths occur annually as a result of malignant ventricular arrhythmias. This statement is an example of a:
Research question
Purpose statement.
Problem statement.
Research hypothesis.
Using theory in practice provides a ________ for nurses as they assess and provide care
Theory, research, and nursing practice are related through
The metaparadigm of nursing.
Specialized frameworks that guide medical practice.
Reciprocal relationships that inform development of nursing (discipline) knowledge.
Focusing primarily on individualized nursing care to patients.
The nurse researcher is aware that PICOT is a research strategy mnemonic for which of the following components?
Patient disease or illness , Intervention , Comparison of interest , Outcome of interest , Total patients involved
Patient population or patient condition of interest, Intervention, Comparison of interest , Outcome of interest , Time
Patient population or patient condition of interest, Intervention, Comparison of intervention, Outcome of interest , Total patients involved
Patient population or patient condition of interest , Intervention, Comparison of intervention, Overarching alignment with practice , Time
"Do hope and spiritual well-Being predict quality of life in hospitalized patients across the time points spanning admission, discharge, and 6 weeks after discharge? " This is an example of a:
Null Hypothesis
Research Hypothesis
Research question
Purpose statement
Read the following purpose statement: “The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a generous weekly allowance and twice-weekly text messages from parents on number of days absent from class, in freshman college students.” What kind of variable is number of days absent from class?
Demographic variable
Independent variable
Extraneous variable
Dependent variable
Random sampling is best defined as:
Most people in the population of interest have the same probability of being selected to be included in the study
All people in the population of interest have the same probability of being selected to be included in the study
All members of the population of interest in the study were asked to participate in the study
All study participants reflect all levels of the diversity of the population of interest in the study
Which of the following is an example of a data source appropriate for a historical research study?
Eyewitness accounts
Historical medical records
Newspaper databases
All of the above
Which of the following is an example of a pandemic?
An outbreak of Cholera in the Southern Hemisphere
An outbreak of Cholera in London England
An outbreak of Cholera affecting the world
An outbreak of Cholera in Africa
Which of the following are potential threats to internal validity?
All of the above
Descriptive epidemiology examines the distribution of disease in a population in terms of what three factors?
Person, place, time
Population, treatment, outcome
Population, community, cause
Population, subgroup, individual
A form of qualitative statistical analysis that categorizes unit of meaning through a process of comparing incident to incident is termed:
Basic social process.
Constant comparative method.
Substantive coding.
Symbolic interaction.
Which of the following is an example of epidemiology?
A.Studying the effects of genomic based cancer therapies
B.Studying the interaction between HIV cells and healthy cells
C.Studying the effect of Tuberculosis medications on the severity of the disease
D.Studying the effect of STD prevention on STD prevalence rates
Validity is best defined as:
The ethical accuracy of the study design
The truth or accuracy of the study results
The truth or accuracy of the study participants
The accuracy for the independent variable
History is considered a threat to internal validity in which of the following situations:
A threat to internal validity when the dependent variable is influenced by an event that occurred during the study
A threat to internal validity when a pretest influences the way subjects respond on a posttest
A threat to internal validity when there is a loss of subjects before the study is completed
A threat to internal validity when subjects change by growing or maturing
Which of the following types of studies is considered qualitative research?
Grounded theory
Quasi experimental study
Online survey
Two measures (test A and test B) offer a blood sugar test result to screen for diabetes. While both tests have the same sensitivity (98.0%), test A has a specificity of 96% and test B has a specificity of 92%. In a comparison with true diagnosis of diabetes, you would expect that: Note: PPV: = a / a+b; = a (true positive) / a+b (true positive + false positive)
The positive predictive value (PPV) of test A is greater than the positive predictive value of test B.
The positive predictive value (PPV) of test A is less than the positive predictive value of test B.
The positive predictive value (PPV)of test A and B is the same.
The positive predictive value (PPV) of test cannot be identified.
Ecologic studies have a distinct disadvantage for the nurse researcher. Which of the following is the greatest disadvantage?
The lack of useful data demonstrating the cause of the disease
The inability to link exposure to disease with specific individuals
The inability to determine the prevalence of the disease
The inability to link the disease to diagnosis and treatment data
Factorial design has what unique quality related to the design?
Allows researchers to manipulate more than one intervention
Allows researchers to change the hypothesis during the study
Allows researchers to expand the data and findings by a factor of 10
Provides researchers the option to manipulate the dependent variable
Which of the following does not apply to qualitative research?
Involves direct and personal contact with subjects
Data are often words and pictures.
Ends with statistical report
Use of inductive methods
Quantitative research is considered ________________ in nature.
Which of the following would be a threat to external validity?
Effects of selection
In nursing studies, the intervention is conducted with the experimental group, while the control group receives what?
The usual standard of care
No care or intervention is provided
The intervention being tested
A combination of the intervention and standard of care
In experimental designs, researchers actively manipulate the ____________, sometimes to determine its effect on the dependent variable (DV) or outcome variable.
Independent Variable (IV)
Design Variable (DV)
Construct Variable (CV)
Information Variable (IV)
A researcher conducts a study in which Syrian refugees are asked to describe a typical day and the health beliefs. Which type of qualitative study does this represent?
Historical research
Grounded theory
When formulating labels for codes, themes, or patterns, it is always best to try to use what type of language?
Language to match the hypothesis
Language to match the research problem
Language to match the participant responses
Language to match the discipline
Which of the following is an example of a case-control study?
Studying a group of people with breast cancer diagnosed at different times
Studying a group under 40 with breast cancer and a group over 40 with breast cancer
Studying a group of people with breast cancer and a group with brain cancer
Studying a group of people with breast cancer and a group without breast cancer
The nurse reviews a new screening test. She found that in the package the sensitivity was 96% and the specificity was 97%. This means that:
97% of the people with the disease will test positive.
96% of the people with the disease will test negative.
96% of the people without the disease will test positive.
97% of the people without the disease will test negative.
The nurse researcher is aware that the most valued research study design in creating evidence based practice is which of the following:
Which of the following is an example of a data collection method appropriate for an ethnographic research study?
Collecting the age of all participants in a study
Immersion in the environment being studied collecting observed data
Sending out Likert scale multiple question questionnaires
Phone surveys of individual participant religious beliefs
The researcher stops collecting data when she/he notices that she/he is beginning to hear the same things repeatedly and that no new themes are emerging. The researcher recognizes that what has occurred?
Data saturation
Thick description of data
Themes of data
Reliability of data
This is best defined as adopting an innovation on a trial basis:
Active adoption
Passive adoption
The nurse understands that nursing research is essential to ensure what type of practice occurs which ensures high quality health care with beneficial outcomes?
A.Research based practice
B.Science based practice
C.Evidence based practice
D.Evidence based outcomes
The _________________ is a ratio level scale of a 100 mm line anchored on each end with words or symbols.
Visual analog scale
Likert rating scale
Ratio number scale
Quantitative survey scale
The nurse researcher has written out description of the proposed study participants and how the participants will be recruited; this is the definition of:
Sampling plan
Participation plan
Population plan
There are four categories that are used to describe ___________: the four categories are nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio.
Researchers use nominal measurement to classify or categorize variables. Which of the following is an example of nominal measurement?
Open ended questions with common themes coded
Yes and No question responses given numerical value, 1 and 2
Family members in a study where sons and daughters are categorized as A and parents categorized as B variables
Yes and No question responses given level value of low and high
Physiological measures provide a wide range of biological, chemical, and microbiological data, which of the following is an example of a physiological measure?
Cardiac output
A student nurse makes the following statement: "I will consider the results of the study as I make decisions with the implementation step of the nursing process for my patient." The statement is an indication of what major concept in relating evidence to nursing practice:
Standard deviation
Statistical significance
Clinical significance
The nurse has a proposed study to determine the effect of yoga on patients with a diagnosis of hypertension. The nurse needs to determine the number of participants needed for the study, which of the following is the best way to determine the sample size to best detect the effect of yoga on hypertension?
Significance level
Effect level
Attrition rate
Power analysis
This type of data is the lowest level of measurement whereby data are categorized simply into groups.
Categorical data
Levels of measurement
Interval data
Ordinal data
Likert scales are best defined as:
Ordinal level scale containing seven open ended questions focused on the topic
Nominal level scale containing seven points on an agree or disagree continuum
Ordinal level scale containing seven points on an agree or disagree continuum
Nominal level scale containing seven open ended questions focused on the topic
There are benefits of using questionnaires in quantitative research. Which of the following are potential benefits?
Easily collect data from large number or respondents
Ensures high response rates
Easy to code and assess data
Which of the following is an example of nonpropositional nursing knowledge?
A.Findings from a research study influencing blood pressure interventions
B.Interventions for wound care based on knowledge in a text book
C.Interventions for nausea based on experience in patient care
D.Opinions from a physician for interventions based on her opinion
What type of statistics involves analysis of data so predictions can be made about a phenomenon of interest?
A.descriptive statistics
B.inferential statistics
C.calculation of the mean
D.hypothesis testing
This is best defined as scholarly papers exploring the attributes and characteristics of a concept:
Concept analyses
Case study
____________ is best defined as a statistical procedure, which involves quantitatively pooling the data from a group of independent studies that have studied the same or similar clinical problems, using the same or similar research methods.
Exploration analysis
Concept analysis
Internal consistency is best defined as:
A.Attribute of reliability when all items on an instrument measure the same concept
B.Attribute of reliability where alternate forms of an instrument or alternate raters are in agreement
C.The degree to which one can conclude that the independent variable produced changes in the dependent variable.
D.Test for instrument reliability when new instruments are given at two different times under the same conditions
Continuous data is best defined as:
A.Interval or ratio-level data that use a continuum of numeric values with equal intervals
B.Nominal or ordinal data that use a continuum of numeric values with equal intervals
C.Categorical data that use a continuum of numeric values with equal intervals
D.Levels of measurement data that use a continuum of numeric values with equal intervals
The nurse researcher is designing a study, which will use a questionnaire with a scale to get data from participants. To ensure best practice the design will use what type of scale?
A.A new untested scale designed for the study
B.A likert scale
C.A visual analog scale
D.A previously tested reliable scale
When conducting a systematic literature review why is it important to research published and unpublished findings?
A.It will help to increase the accuracy of the study findings
B.It will ensure the study is ethical in all areas
C.It will provide the required amount of resources
D.It will help to decrease bias from the strength of significant findings
The researcher is planning a quantitative study on blood pressure and will utilize 5 research assistants to collect data. To ensure best practice, the researcher will use what format to train the research assistants?
A.No specific training is required if all assistants know how to take a blood pressure
B.All assistants should receive consistent one on one training on data collection
C.All assistants should receive an email with data collection directions
D.All assistants will be trained by a healthcare professional in their area
______________ is the analysis of a group of qualitative studies.
A.Exploration analysis
D.Concept analyses
Data from quantitative studies are the highest level of evidence on which clinicians can use to influence what in healthcare.
A.Decisions in hospital policies
B.Decisions in Evidence Based Practice
C.Decisions in medication administration
D.Decisions in evaluation methods
_____ is best defined as highest level of measurement that involves numeric values that begin with an absolute zero and have equal intervals.
The nurse researcher has defined the target population for a study as females under age 40 who have had infertility of unknown cause for over 12 months with no surgical intervention. The nurse now needs to determine what related to the target population?
Available population
Participting population
Accessible population
Appropriate population
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