
61. Gypsum die material អាចចម្លង surface detail of:?
σ� 15 µm
σ� 25 µm
σ� 50 µm
σ� 75 µm
62. ប្រយោគខាងក្រោមគឺជា functions of jaw relation record លើកលែងតែ:?
σ� They provide the stability or support that the casts of the remaining dentition lack.
σ� They reduce chair time for the delivery of the restoration.
σ� They reduce the likelihood of making restorations in hyperocclusion or without occlusal contacts.
σ� They increase the chance of perforation of restorations.
63. នៅពេលដែលមាន tripod of widely spaced contacts និង good intercuspation of the teeth, an interocclusal record គឺ:?
σ� Needed
σ� Not necessary
σ� Optional
σ� Done using an additional bite block
64. អ្នកជំងឺម្នាក់បានបាត់ធ្មេញលេខ 15,16,18 នៅ upper arch និង 48 នៅ lower arch. គាត់ចង់បាន bridgework ដើម្បីជំនួសធ្មេញដែលបានបាត់បង់. តើអ្នកគួរធ្វើ interocclusal record បន្ទាប់ពីធ្វើ final impression ឬទេ?
σ� Yes, we must.
σ� No, we must not.
σ� It’s optional.
σ� It depends on the dentist’s preference.
65. និយមន័យ provisional restorations:?
σ� a fixed or removable prosthesis, designed to enhance esthetics, stabilization or function for a limited period of time, after which it is to be replaced by a definitive prosthesis. Any dental prosthesis that is removable which replaces a part or an entire dentition and associated structures of the maxillae or mandible.
σ� A prosthesis which replaces missing teeth and is attached by means of cemented retainers to existing natural teeth, thus is not removable by the patient.
σ� a fixed or removable prosthesis, designed to enhance esthetics, stabilization or function for a limited period of time, after which it is to be replaced by a definitive prosthesis.
σ� a fixed intracoronal restoration; a dental restoration made outside of a tooth to correspond to the form of the prepared cavity, which is then luted into the tooth.
66. Provisional restorations ដើរតួនាទីជា periodontal surgical guide នៅក្នុង procedures ខាងក្រោមលើកលែងតែ:?
σ� Crown lengthening
σ� Root planning
σ� Ridge augmentation
σ� Pontic site development procedure
67. គ្រូពេទ្យអាចគ្រប់គ្រង thermal insult ទៅលើ pulp បានដោយ:?
σ� Minimizing the volume of the material.
σ� Fabricate the provisional restoration in extraorally.
σ� Adequate water coolant until the material sets.
σ� All of the above answer.
68. Color instability of the provisional restoration អាចបណ្តាលមកពីកត្តាទាំងឡាយខាងក្រោម លើកលែងតែ:?
σ� The surface is too smooth.
σ� Incomplete polymerization of the material.
σ� Sorption of oral fluids.
σ� Surface reactivity.
69. វិធីទាំងឡាយខាងក្រោមត្រូវបានប្រើសម្រាប់ធ្វើ provisional restoration លើកលែងតែ:?
σ� Direct technique
σ� Indirect technique
σ� Indirect-direct technique
σ� Closed-tray technique
70. តើ prefabricated matrices អាចត្រូវបានប្រើដើម្បីធ្វើ a fixed partial denture provisional restorations បានដែរឬទេ?
σ� Yes
σ� No
σ� Sometimes
σ� I don’t know
71. តើប្រយោគណាមួយខាងក្រោមដែលរៀបរាប់បានត្រឹមត្រូវអំពី procedures of direct technique នៅក្នុងការធ្វើ provisional restorations?
σ� Provisional material is mixed, put in the matrix and seat directly in the mouth until setting occurs. Finishing and polishing are done and the provisional restoration is temporary cemented to prepared abutment.
σ� Irreversible hydrocolloid is used to take the impression from a final abutment preparation and the cast is poured. Provisional restoration is made on the stone die and then delivered to the patient.
σ� Primary cast are minimally prepared and a shell of provisional restoration is made on the stone die. The shell is tried-in, relined Finishing and polishing are done and the provisional restoration is and finishing and polishing then temporary cemented to prepared abutment.
σ� Flowable composite is spread on to the circumferential margin of the prepared abutment, light-cured and done.
72. តើប្រយោគណាមួយខាងក្រោមដែលរៀបរាប់បានត្រឹមត្រូវអំពី procedures of indirect technique នៅក្នុងការធ្វើ provisional restorations?
σ� Provisional material is mixed, put in the matrix and seat directly in the mouth until setting occurs. Finishing and polishing are done and the provisional restoration is temporary cemented to prepared abutment.
σ� Irreversible hydrocolloid is used to take the impression from a final abutment preparation and the cast is poured. Provisional restoration is made on the stone die and then delivered to the patient.
σ� Primary cast are minimally prepared and a shell of provisional restoration is made on the stone die. The shell is tried-in, relined Finishing and polishing are done and the provisional restoration is and finishing and polishing then temporary cemented to prepared abutment.
σ� Flowable composite is spread on to the circumferential margin of the prepared abutment, light-cured and done.
73. តើប្រយោគណាមួយខាងក្រោមដែលរៀបរាប់បានត្រឹមត្រូវអំពី procedures of indirect-direct technique នៅក្នុងការធ្វើ provisional restorations?
σ� Provisional material is mixed, put in the matrix and seat directly in the mouth until setting occurs. Finishing and polishing are done and the provisional restoration is temporary cemented to prepared abutment.
σ� Irreversible hydrocolloid is used to take the impression from a final abutment preparation and the cast is poured. Provisional restoration is made on the stone die and then delivered to the patient.
σ� Primary cast are minimally prepared and a shell of provisional restoration is made on the stone die. The shell is tried-in, relined Finishing and polishing are done and the provisional restoration is and finishing and polishing then temporary cemented to prepared abutment.
σ� Flowable composite is spread on to the circumferential margin of the prepared abutment, light-cured and done.
74. Resistance form:?
σ� the quality of a preparation shape that prevents anteroposterior movement of the casting about a fixed point.
σ� the quality of a preparation shape that prevents rotational movement of the casting about a fixed point.
σ� the quality of a preparation shape that prevents displaceable movement of the casting about a fixed point.
σ� the quality of a preparation shape that prevents rotational movement of the casting about a removable point.
75. Castings that failed by becoming uncemented and lacks resistance form are usually on:?
σ� premolars
σ� Molars
σ� Canines
σ� Incisors
76. The restoration may dislodge when its margin passes:?
σ� Point A
σ� Point B
σ� Point C
σ� Point E
77. Retentive grooves be used in case of lack of: ?
σ� Retentive form
σ� Resistance form
σ� Short clinical crown
σ� Total occlusal convergence
78. Proximal grooves resist ?
σ� Faciolingual dislodgement force.
σ� Mesiodistal
σ� Occluocervical
σ� Sagittal force
79. Facial & lingual grooves resist ?
σ� Faciolingual dislodgement force
σ� Mesiodistal dislodgement force
σ� Occlusocervical dislodgement force
σ� Sagittal dislodgement force
80. Total occlusal convergence (TOC) is:?
σ� is the angle formed between two opposing prepared axial walls.
σ� is the angle formed between four opposing prepared axial walls.
σ� is the angle formed between two nearby prepared axial walls.
σ� is the angle formed between four nearby prepared axial walls.
81. Optimum TOC is:?
σ� 15° to 3o °
σ� 15° to 20°
σ� 10° to 20 °
σ� 6° to 10 °
82. Minimum occlusocervical dimension is:?
σ� 2mm for anterior teeth & premolar
σ� 3 mm for anterior teeth & premolar
σ� 4 mm for anterior teeth & premolar
σ� 1 mm for anterior teeth & premolar
83. Minimum occlusocervical dimension is:?
σ� 2mm for molar
σ� 3 mm for molar
σ� 4 mm for molar
σ� 1 mm for molar
84. Ratio of OC to FL should be:?
σ� ≥0.4 for all teeth
σ� ≥0.4 for anteior teeth
σ� ≥0.4 for posterior teeth
σ� ≥0.2 for all teeth
85. Advantages of supragingival finish line are below except: ?
σ� Can be easily finished
σ� Easier in OH maintenance
σ� Less soft tissue damage
σ� To mask discolored teeth
86. The correct order from a - f of the following diagram about finish lines are:?
σ� Knife edge, deep chamfer, Chamfer, shoulder, bevel shoulder, bevel
σ� Deep chamfer, chamfer, feather edge, shoulder, bevel, bevel shoulder
σ� Deep chamfer, shoulder, knife edge, feather edge, bevel, bevel shoulder
σ� Deep shoulder, chamfer, knife edge, shoulder, bevel shoulder, bevel.
Pict 101.
87. The correct order from a – c of the following diagram about PFM crown margins are: ?
σ� Porcelain extended, porcelain, metal
σ� Porcelain extended, metal, porcelain
σ� Metal, porcelain extended, porcelain
σ� Metal, porcelain, porcelain extended.
88. Why round line angles must be achieved in tooth preparation?
σ� Ease of crown fabrication in lab
σ� Enhance restoration fit
σ� Increase strength of the restoration especially all ceramic
σ� All of the above
89. The definition of fixed dental prosthesis (FDP):?
σ� any dental prosthesis that is luted, screwed or mechanically attached or otherwise securely retained to natural teeth, tooth roots, and/or dental implant abutments that furnish the primary support for the dental prosthesis.
σ� any dental prosthesis that is removable which replaces the entire dentition and associated structures of the maxillae or mandible.
σ� any dental prosthesis that is removable which replaces a part of missing dentition and associated structures of the maxillae or mandible.
σ� any dental prosthesis that is removable which replaces a part or an entire dentition and associated structures of the maxillae or mandible.
90. Which sentence is wrong?
σ� Iatrogenic damage to adjacent teeth must be avoided.
σ� Damaged adjacent teeth have nothing to do with the properly fabricated restoration.
σ� Iatrogenic damage to adjacent teeth can be prevented by using metal matrice band or leaving lips or fin of enamel at the proximal areas.
σ� Damaged adjacent tooth structure must be restored prior to final impression of the restoration.
91. Which sentence is wrong?
σ� Soft tissue may heal itself without intervention, so care should be taken only on the abutment to be prepared.
σ� Properly retract the soft tissue when preparing the abutment
σ� Injury to the tongue may make the patient frustrated
σ� Mouth mirror, saliva ejector or aspirator tips can be used to retract the oral soft tissue
92. Which sentence is wrong?
σ� Carious dentin must be removed prior to tooth preparation
σ� Temporary crown must be carefully cemented on to the prepared abutment
σ� Plaque must be properly eliminated before tooth preparation
σ� Dentinal tubules have their own protecting mechanism, so prepared abutment can be left exposed in the oral environment
93. We can prevent pulpal damage during tooth preparation by:?
σ� Using blunt carbide or diamond burs, so reduction of small amount of the tooth structure at a time can reduce the heat generated by the instrument
σ� Using new and sharp burs with adequate water spray
σ� Using petroleum jelly to apply on the abutment during the preparation
σ� Intentionally root canal treated the tooth for abutment to prevent further problem of pulp necrosis due to extreme heat.
94. The size of the pulp may:?
σ� Decrease with age and more faciolingually than occlusocervically
σ� Increase with age and more faciolingually than occlusocervically
σ� Decrease with age and more occlusocervically than faciolingually
σ� Increase with age and more occlusocervically than faciolingually.
95. Indications of crown are:?
σ� To provide a contour to receive a RPD
σ� Replacement of previous defective restorations
σ� Endodontically treated teeth
σ� All of the above
96. Which sentence is not contraindication of a crown?
σ� Patient with active caries
σ� Untreated periodontal disease
σ� Large pulp chamber (young patient)
σ� Extensive destruction from caries or trauma
97. Prostheses ខាងក្រោមគឺ purely tooth supported លើកលែងតែ:?
σ� Fixed partial denture (FPD)
σ� Cantilever FPD
σ� Root supported overdenture
σ� Maryland bridge
98. បើសិនជាមានការចាំបាច់ត្រូវធ្វើ long span FPD, the material for substructure គួរតែ:?
σ� Less bulky possible to accommodate the veneering porcelain
σ� Strength of the material is not a critical point
σ� Sufficiently bulky and made from high strength material
σ� Sufficiently bulky and can be made from material with various strength.
99. ពាក្យបច្ចេកទេសខាងក្រោមគឺជា components of a FPD លើកលែងតែ:?
σ� Connectors
σ� Retainers
σ� Indirect retainers
σ� Pontic
100. What is the difference between inlay and onlay?
σ� Inlay covers more than 1 cusp of the tooth
σ� Inlay is bigger
σ� Onlay covers more than 1 cusp
σ� Onlay covers all the cusps of a posterior tooth
101. Below are fixed prostheses, except:?
σ� Inlay/onlay
σ� Fixed partial denture
σ� Telescopic bridge
σ� Resin bonded bridge
102. Below are dental ceramic, except:?
σ� Zirconia
σ� Alumina
σ� Feldspathic
103. The following are contra-indications for bridge, excepts:?
σ� Patient with active caries
σ� Patient with severe systemic disease
σ� Untreated periodontal disease
σ� Loss of 1 or 2 teeth
104. The following prostheses are all provide “complete cuspal coverage” for an abutment, except:?
σ� Overlay
σ� Crown
σ� Fixed partial denture
σ� Maryland bridge
105. These are types of fixed partial denture, except:?
σ� Cantilever bridge
σ� Fixed-movable bridge
σ� Maryland bridge
σ� Telescopic bridge
106. Radiographic examination could help identify all of the following, except:?
σ� Bone support
σ� Abnormality of the periodontium
σ� Periapical lesion
σ� Articular disc displacement
107. Damage to adjacent teeth in tooth preparation can be prevented by:?
σ� Leave fin of enamel
σ� Use metal matrix band
σ� Use mouth mirror to isolate the patient’s soft tissue for clearer access
σ� All of the above
108. For tooth with severe gum recession, the most appropriate finish line to avoid pulpal exposure is:?
σ� Deep chamfer
σ� Shoulder
σ� Bevel shoulder
σ� Feather edge
109. What finish line form requires the least tooth reduction:?
σ� Bevel
σ� Shoulder
σ� Knife edge
σ� Chamfer
110. For porcelain veneers, for maximum adaptation, the surface of the abutments need to be:?
σ� Smooth
σ� Rough
σ� Porous
σ� Any surface roughness
111. What articulator needs an arbitrary facebow?
σ� Kinematic articulator
σ� Semi-adjustable
σ� Fully-adjustable
σ� Hinge articulator
112. Which articulator among below produce the most accurate mandibular movement?
σ� Hinge
σ� Average value
σ� Semi-adjustable
σ� Fully-adjustable
113. For average value articulator, the incisal guidance is set to: ?
σ� 10 degrees
σ� 15 degrees
σ� 20 degrees
σ� 30 degrees
114. Semi-adjustable articulator can be used as following, except:?
σ� Changes in vertical dimension
σ� Change in condylar guidance
σ� Set incisal guidance angle
σ� Record Benett movement
115. The difference between Arcon and Non-arcon semi-adjustable articulators is:?
σ� In arcon: condyle is in lower member
σ� In arcon: condyle is in upper member
σ� In non-arcon: condyle is in lower member
σ� They are the same
116. What is tripod of vertical support in interocclusal record?
σ� 3-point contact between upper and lower casts: 1 at the front and 2 at the back providing vertical stability.
σ� 4-point contact between upper and lower casts: 1 at the front and 2 at the back providing vertical stability.
σ� 3-point contact between upper and lower casts: 2 at the front and 1 at the back providing vertical stability.
σ� 4-point contact between upper and lower casts: 2 at the front and 2 at the back providing vertical stability.
117. For complete denture, the appropriate occlusal scheme is:?
σ� Group function
σ� Canine guidance
σ� Bilateral balance occlusion
σ� Mutually protected occlusion
118. The minimum crown-to-root ratio of a tooth acceptable as an abutment for bridge:?
σ� 1:1
σ� 1:2
σ� 1:1.5
σ� 2:1
119. Suppose that a patient missing tooth 16 and 17. According to Ante’s law, can we use 15 and 18 as abutments for the fixed partial denture?
σ� Yes
σ� No
σ� Maybe
σ� Not relevant
120. What is Ante’s law?
σ� The combined pericemental area of the abutment teeth should be equal to or greater to the pericemental area than the teeth to be replaced.
σ� The combined peridontium area of the abutment teeth should be equal to or greater to the periodontium area than the teeth to be replaced.
σ� The combined alveolar bone area of the abutment teeth should be equal to or greater to the alveolar bone area than the teeth to be replaced.
σ� The combined soft tissue area of the abutment teeth should be equal to or greater to the soft tissue area than the teeth to be replaced.
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