Ancient Answers Health Coaching

Do you feel your health is at an optimal level?
Fantastic! Keep up the good work!
Epigenetics is the study of gene expression?
You’re not alone… most people are in the same boat. No worries! That’s what we’re here for!
Epigenetics is the study of gene expression?
Yes! As a matter of fact, many genes can be “reprogrammed” or turned on/off!
What can reprogram your genes for optimal health expression?
Stress Management
Toxin Removal
All of the above
Sorry! Actually, the new and exciting field of epigenetics shows us that many genes are influenced by the environment in which we provide for them.
What can reprogram your genes for optimal health expression?
Stress Management
Toxin Removal
All of the above
Yep! You guessed it! All of these factors may contribute to either keeping you healthy or preventing you from becoming healthy.
How many hours of sleep do you get per night on average?
4 or less
7 or more
Actually, all of these factors may contribute to either keeping you healthy or preventing you from becoming healthy.
How many hours of sleep do you get per night on average?
4 or less
7 or more
Wonderful! Sleep is an important but often overlooked component to healthy living.
On average, how many times per day do you eat (including snacks)?
3 or less
6 or more
Oh boy! This is an area that we need to work on a bit! Sleep is an important but often overlooked component to healthy living.
On average, how many times per day do you eat (including snacks)?
3 or less
6 or more
Believe it or not, this is actually a good thing! It turns out that we aren’t meant to graze all day long or eat multiple meals/snacks per day. This is counter to what many of us were “taught”.
Do you watch TV, use the computer and/or mobile phone shortly before bedtime?
Actually, it turns out that we aren’t meant to graze all day long or eat multiple meals/snacks per day. This is counter to what many of us were “taught”. Fewer meals in a shorter eating window has proven to be highly effective in managing insulin, our master hormone.
Do you watch TV, use the computer and/or mobile phone shortly before bedtime?
Uh oh! Did you know that blue light from these devices interrupt your natural circadian rhythm? This means that hormones such as cortisol and melatonin are out of balance and timing, which can wreak havoc on your health!
Do you have job that requires you to sit at a desk or in your car for extended periods of time?
That’s awesome! In modern-day life, it can be difficult to stay away from these devices. It’s especially important to steer clear of these blue light emitting devices after the sun goes down.
Do you have job that requires you to sit at a desk or in your car for extended periods of time?
Oh dear! Did you know that one of the main contributors to poor health is the sedentary lifestyle that is very common today? Try to make an effort to incorporate movement breaks into your work schedule.
In order to lose weight, it's as simple as eating less and moving more.
Wonderful! Did you know that one of the main contributors to poor health is the sedentary lifestyle that is very common today? It certainly helps that your job (if you work) doesn’t force long periods of sitting and/or inactivity on you.
In order to lose weight, it's as simple as eating less and moving more.
Actually, the calories in/calories out theory has been debunked! Maybe that’s why so many people fail miserably when they go on the “eat-like-a-bird and exercise-like-a-beast” diet!
Genetically speaking, we are basically the same as our primal ancestors. Our genes haven’t changed, our environment has.
Correct! Believe it or not, losing weight has more to do with hormone balance, stress reduction, and sleep quality than restricting calories and exercising. No wonder people usually gain most or all the weight back from that fad diet!
Genetically speaking, we are basically the same as our primal ancestors. Our genes haven’t changed, our environment has.
That’s exactly right, and the premise of Ancestral Health Coaching!
Disease is a natural progression of the aging process.
Actually, not much has changed with our “hard drive” genetics. Deep down, you are still wired pretty much the same as your hunter-gatherer ancestors!
Disease is a natural progression of the aging process.
It is commonly expected that we will degenerate as we age. The truth is that there are many ways to tip the scales in your favor that can result in a vibrant healthspan and lifespan.
What is your idea of “being healthy”?
Looking Good
Feeling Good
Having Energy
Being Free of Disease
All of the Above
That’s correct! The truth is that there are many ways to tip the scales in your favor that can result in a vibrant healthspan and lifespan.
What is your idea of “being healthy”?
Looking Good!
Feeling Good!
Having Energy!
Being Free of Disease!
All of the Above
Everyone has a different version of what health means to them. It’s important to know, however, that whatever version of health you’re looking to achieve, it is possible to get there. Every single one of us has the genetic blueprint for health, happiness, and longevity. You just need to learn how to activate it!
So, how did you do?
Everyone has a different version of what health means to them. It’s important to know, however, that whatever version of health you’re looking to achieve, it is possible to get there. Every single one of us has the genetic blueprint for health, happiness, and longevity. You just need to learn how to activate it!
So, how did you do?
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