Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 19 Jun 20
[2006.10054] Bastien Lapierre, Kenny Choo, Apoorv Tiwari et al.: The fine structure of heating in a quasiperiodically driven critical quantum system
[2006.10071] Weslei B. Fontana, Pedro R. S. Gomes, Claudio Chamon: Lattice Clifford fractons and their Chern-Simons-like theory
[2006.10072] Xueda Wen, Ruihua Fan, Ashvin Vishwanath et al.: Periodically, Quasi-periodically, and Randomly Driven Conformal Field Theories: Part I
[2006.10073] Eyal Cornfeld, Mark S. Rudner, Erez Berg: Spin-polarized superconductivity: order parameter topology, current dissipation, and double-period Josephson effect
[2006.10081] Animesh Nanda, Kusum Dhochak, Subhro Bhattacharjee: Phases and Quantum Phase Transitions in an Anisotropic Ferromagnetic Kitaev-Heisenberg-$\ Γ$ Magnet
[2006.10090] Mikael Twengström, Laura Bovo, Oleg A. Petrenko et al.: LiHoF$_4$: Cuboidal Demagnetizing Factor in an Ising Ferromagnet
[2006.10098] Ritesh Kumar, Shekhar Das, Aastha Vasdev et al.: The pressure-enhanced superconducting phase of Sr$_x$-Bi$_2$Se$_3$ probed by hard point contact spectroscopy
[2006.10099] Zhi Wang, Oleksandr I. Malyi, Xingang Zhao et al.: Mass enhancement in 3$\textit{d}$ and $\textit{s}$-$\textit{p}$ perovskites from symmetry breaking
[2006.10100] Dongxue Du, Sebastian Manzo, Chenyu Zhang et al.: Epitaxy and exfoliation of free-standing Heusler membranes using a graphene interlayer
[2006.10101] Taofang Zeng, Yi He: Ab Initio Modeling of Phonon-Assisted Relaxation of Electrons and Excitons in Semiconductor Nanocrystals for Multiexciton Generation
[2006.10111] Felix Kratz, Jan Kierfeld: Pendant Drop Tensiometry: A Machine Learning Approach
[2006.10116] Andrew F. May, Mao-Hua Du, Valentino R. Cooper et al.: Tuning Magnetic Order in the van der Waals Metal Fe5GeTe2 by Cobalt Substitution
[2006.10130] Kazumi Suematsu, Haruo Ogura, Seiichi Inayama et al.: Segment Distribution around the Center of Gravity of Branched Polymers
[2006.10134] Tianheng H. Zhao, Gianni Jacucci, Xi Chen et al.: Angular Independent Photonic Pigments via the Controlled Micellization of Amphiphilic Bottlebrush Block Copolymers
[2006.10143] Ron Ziv, Gal Shmuel: Oscillating vector solitary waves in soft laminates
[2006.10144] Carolin Gold, Annika Kurzmann, Kenji Watanabe et al.: Scanning Gate Microscopy of Localized States in a gate-defined Bilayer Graphene Channel
[2006.10151] M. Braun, A.-S. Milaković, F. Renken et al.: Application of Local Approaches to the Assessment of Fatigue Test results obtained for Welded Joints at Sub-Zero Temperatures
[2006.10153] Andrzej Więckowski, Andrzej Ptok, Marcin Mierzejewski et al.: Efficient identification of Majorana modes in large tight-binding systems
[2006.10167] S. I. Matveenko, V. I. Yudson, B. L. Altshuler et al.: Superfluid transition in disordered dipolar Fermi gases
[2006.10176] Rodrigo Veiga, Renato Vicente: Restricted Boltzmann Machine Flows and The Critical Temperature of Ising models
[2006.10182] Pablo Villar Arribi, Jian-Xin Zhu, Timo Schumann et al.: Topological surface states in strained Dirac semimetal thin films
[2006.10210] A. Anikin, R. D. Schaller, G. P. Wiederrecht et al.: Ultrafast dynamics in normal and Charge Density Wave phase of 2H-NbSe2
[2006.10224] Zhenwei Yao: Stress driven fractionalization of vacancies in regular packings of elastic particles
[2006.10251] Jonathan Kernes, Alex J. Levine: Dynamics of undulatory fluctuations of semiflexible filaments in a network
[2006.10267] Sergei V. Kalinin, Ondrej Dyck, Stephen Jesse et al.: Machine learning of chemical transformations in the Si-graphene system from atomically resolved images via variational autoencoder
[2006.10278] Meng-Lei Yang, Heng Wang, Cui-Xian Guo et al.: Anomalous Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in non-Hermitian Systems with Biorthogonal Z2-symmetry
[2006.10283] Tang Su, Mark Lohmann, Junxue Li et al.: Current-induced CrI3 surface spin-flop transition probed by proximity magnetoresistance in Pt
[2006.10313] Yongjian Zhou, Chenyang Guo, Caihua Wan et al.: Current-induced in-plane magnetization switching in biaxial ferrimagnetic insulator
[2006.10314] M.P. Kozlovskii, O.A. Dobush: Behavior of a binary asymmetric mixture of interacting particles in the supercritical region
[2006.10315] Tanjin He, Wenhao Sun, Haoyan Huo et al.: Similarity of Precursors in Solid-state Synthesis as Text-Mined from Scientific Literature
[2006.10319] R. Q. Zhang, L. Y. Liao, X. Z. Chen et al.: Current-induced magnetization switching in CoTb amorphous single layer
[2006.10329] Dominik Schreyer, Howon Kim, Roland Wiesendanger: Spectroscopic signature of the Stark-shifted Tamm-type surface state of La(0001)
[2006.10377] Anshul D. S. Parmar, Benjamin Guiselin, Ludovic Berthier: Stable glassy configurations of the Kob-Andersen model using swap Monte Carlo
[2006.10391] Hiroki Kondo, Yutaka Akagi, Hosho Katsura: Non-Hermiticity and topological invariants of magnon Bogoliubov-de Gennes systems
[2006.10393] S. Theil, M. Fleischmann, R. Gupta et al.: A general relation between stacking order and Chern index: a topological map of minimally twisted bilayer graphene
[2006.10394] N. Klier, F. Rost, R. Gupta et al.: Bulk-to-surface misorientation and the spin texture of topological insulators
[2006.10395] F. Rost, R. Gupta, S. Sharma et al.: Spin texture in weak topological insulators: the role of bulk states and band bending
[2006.10421] Ana P. Millán, Giacomo Gori, Federico Battiston et al.: Complex networks with tuneable dimensions as a universality playground
[2006.10431] Alessandra Iacobucci, Stefano Olla, Gabriel Stoltz: Thermo-mechanical transport in rotor chains
[2006.10435] Mike A. Lund, Karin Everschor-Sitte, Kjetil M. D. Hals: Large Surface Magnetization in Noncentrosymmetric Antiferromagnets
[2006.10440] N. Fang, S. Toyoda, T. Taniguchi et al.: Full energy spectra of interface state densities for n- and p-type MoS2 field-effect transistors
[2006.10441] N. Higashitarumizu, H. Kawamoto, C.-J. Lee et al.: Purely in-plane ferroelectricity in monolayer SnS at room temperature
[2006.10445] Yuxia Gao, Zhaoming Tian, Longmeng Xu et al.: A comparative study on magnetic order and field induced magnetic transition on two series of double perovskite iridates RE2BIrO6 (RE=Pr,Nd,Sm,Eu,Gd...
[2006.10454] Hiroshi Frusawa: Free-energy functional of instantaneous correlation field in liquids: field-theoretic derivation of the closures
[2006.10458] David Müller, Tobias A. Kampmann, Jan Kierfeld: Chaining of hard disks in nematic needles: particle-based simulation of colloidal interactions in liquid crystals
[2006.10464] M. T. Birch, S. H. Moody, M. N. Wilson et al.: Pinning of Helimagnetic Phase Transitions in Zn-Substituted Skyrmion Host Cu$_2$OSeO$_3$
[2006.10469] Guangle Du, Fangfu Ye, Masao Doi et al.: Drying Pathways of an Evaporating Soft Matter Droplet
[2006.10472] Howon Kim, Levente Rózsa, Dominik Schreyer et al.: Long-range focusing of magnetic bound states in superconducting lanthanum
[2006.10482] Henning Maximilian Sturmeit, Iulia Cojocariu, Matteo Jugovac et al.: Molecular anchoring stabilizes low valence Ni(I)TPP on copper against thermally induced chemical changes
[2006.10492] Alexander Johnston, Kirill P. Kalinin, Natalia G. Berloff: Artificial polariton molecules
[2006.10577] Roya Radgohar, Mehdi Kargarian: Effects of dynamical noises on Majorana bound states
[2006.10594] Jincheng Lu, Rongqian Wang, Chen Wang et al.: Universal thermal transport and Brownian thermal transistors in mesoscopic systems
[2006.10602] Rajyavardhan Ray, Banasree Sadhukhan, Manuel Richter et al.: Tunable chirality of noncentrosymmetric magnetic Weyl semimetals
[2006.10613] Golan Bel, Anton Zilman, Anatoly B. Kolomeisky: Different time scales in dynamic systems with multiple exits
[2006.10622] Leonardo Viti, Alisson R. Cadore, Xinxin Yang et al.: Thermoelectric graphene photodetectors with sub-nanosecond response times at Terahertz frequencies
[2006.10631] G. Marchegiani, A. Braggio, F. Giazotto: Phase-tunable thermoelectricity in a Josephson junction
[2006.10647] Jaco J. Geuchies, Baldur Brynjarsson, Gianluca Grimaldi et al.: Quantitative electrochemical control over optical gain in quantum-dot solids
[2006.10655] Stephen Filippone, Boyang Zhao, Shanyuan Niu et al.: Discovery of highly-polarizable semiconductors BaZrS3 and Ba3Zr2S7
[2006.10669] Chol-Jun Yu, Suk-Gyong Hwang, Yong-Chol Pak et al.: Influence of Ti/V Cation-Exchange in Na$_2$Ti$_3$O$_7$ on Na-Ion Negative Electrode Performance: an Insight from First-Principles Study
[2006.10676] Amanuel Wolde-Kidan, Anna Herrmann, Albert Prause et al.: Particle Diffusivity and Free-Energy Profiles in Inhomogeneous Hydrogel Systems from Time-Resolved Penetration Profiles
[2006.10684] E. J. König, Piers Coleman, A. M. Tsvelik: Spin magnetometry as a probe of stripe superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene
[2006.10687] Giuseppe Muscas, Petra E. Jönsson, I. G. Serrano et al.: Flexible ferromagnetic nanowires with ultralow magnetostriction
[2006.10688] Utso Bhattacharya, Swati Chaudhary, Tobias Grass et al.: Fermionic Chern insulator from twisted light with linear polarization
[2006.10690] Ruixiang Fei, Xiaobo Lu, Li Yang: Intrinsic Spin Photogalvanic Effect in Nonmagnetic Insulator
[2006.10729] Suresh C Sharma, Vivek Khichar, Hussein Akafzade et al.: Controlling electrical conduction through noble metal thin films by surface plasmon resonance
[2006.10730] Sungmin Kim, Johannes Schwenk, Daniel Walkup et al.: Edge Channels of Broken-Symmetry Quantum Hall States in Graphene probed by Atomic Force Microscopy
[2006.10736] Christopher I. Timms, Michael H. Kolodrubetz: Quantized Floquet topology with temporal noise
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 19 Jun 20","img":""}