Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 4 Aug 21
[2108.01086] Hannes Riechert, Jad C. Halimeh, Valentin Kasper et al.: Engineering a U(1) lattice gauge theory in classical electric circuits
[2108.01087] Zachary G. Nicolaou, Daniel J. Case, Ernest B. Van der Wee et al.: Heterogeneity-stabilized homogeneous states in driven media
[2108.01096] Anish Bhardwaj, Shu Zhang, Han Yan et al.: Sleuthing out exotic quantum spin liquidity in the pyrochlore magnet Ce$_2$Zr$_2$O$_7$
[2108.01097] Quan Lin, Tianyu Li, Lei Xiao et al.: Observation of non-Hermitian topological Anderson insulator in quantum dynamics
[2108.01106] Susmita Bhattacharya, Subhdip Das: Trapping the carrier in the spin-locked MoS2 atomic valley by absorption of chiral L-cysteine
[2108.01107] Evyatar Tulipman, Erez Berg: Strongly coupled phonon fluid and Goldstone modes in a nonlinear quantum solid: transport and chaos
[2108.01112] Sudipta Kundu, Indrajit Maity, Robin Bajaj et al.: Atomic reconstruction and flat bands in strain engineered transition metal dichalcogenide bilayer moiré systems
[2108.01118] C. E. Fernández Noa, Angel L. L. Stable, William G. C. Oropesa et al.: Efficient asymmetric collisional Brownian particle engines
[2108.01121] Niklas Witt, José M. Pizarro, Takuya Nomoto et al.: Doping fingerprints of spin and lattice fluctuations in moiré superlattice systems
[2108.01131] Manuel Weber: Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of spin-boson models using wormhole updates
[2108.01142] Zheng-Yang Li, Tian-Xue Ma, Yan-Zheng Wang et al.: Active self-adaptive metamaterial plates for flexural wave control
[2108.01144] Subhanka Mal, Bimalendu Deb: A model study on superfluidity of a unitarity Fermi gas of atoms interacting with a finite-ranged potential
[2108.01153] Pengfei Zhang: Quantum Atomic Arrays: Fractional Filling and Trapping
[2108.01159] A. Babe Cheikh, A. Bouhlal, A. Jellal et al.: Tunneling Effect in Gapped Graphene Disk in Magnetic Flux and Electrostatic Potential
[2108.01171] Mohammad Reza Shabanniya, Ali Naji: Active dipolar spheroids in shear flow and transverse field: Population splitting, cross-stream migration and orientational pinning
[2108.01191] Steven Dang, John Brady, Ryle Rel et al.: Core-shell droplets and microcapsules formed through liquid-liquid phase separation of a colloid-polymer mixture
[2108.01206] Patrick Harvey-Collard, Jurgen Dijkema, Guoji Zheng et al.: Circuit quantum electrodynamics with two remote electron spins
[2108.01214] Changyu Meng, Yongming Liu: Nonlocal Damage-enhanced Plasticity Model for Ductile Fracture Analysis Using a Lattice Particle Method
[2108.01217] E. M. Smith, O. Benton, D. R. Yahne et al.: The case for a U(1)$_π$ Quantum Spin Liquid Ground State in the Dipole-Octupole Pyrochlore Ce$_2$Zr$_2$O$_7$
[2108.01226] Keisuke Masuda, Terumasa Tadano, Yoshio Miura: Crucial Role of Interfacial $sd$ Exchange Interaction on the Temperature Dependence of Tunnel Magnetoresistance
[2108.01238] Masaya Kunimi, Ippei Danshita: Nonergodic dynamics of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model with a trapping potential
[2108.01251] Hakan Kaygusuz, F. Bedia Erim, A. Nihat Berker: Electric-Field Induced Phase Transitions in Capillary Electrophoretic Systems
[2108.01252] Ning Ding, Jun Chen, Churen Gui et al.: Phase competition and negative piezoelectricity in interlayer-sliding ferroelectric ZrI$_2$
[2108.01258] M. Schmidt, G. L. Kohlrausch, F. M. Zimmer: The frustrated Ising model on the body-centered cubic lattice
[2108.01261] Xichao Zhang, Jing Xia, Keiichiro Shirai et al.: Configurable pixelated skyrmions on nanoscale magnetic grids
[2108.01272] Yan-Ting Liu, Chao-Chung Huang, Kuan-Hao Chen et al.: Anatomy of Type-X Spin-Orbit Torque Switching
[2108.01288] Seung-Ho Baek, Hyeon Woo Yeo, Jena Park et al.: Unusual spin pseudogap behavior in the spin web lattice Cu$_3$TeO$_6$ probed by $^{125}$Te nuclear magnetic resonance
[2108.01315] Naoya Chikano, Shintaro Hoshino, Hiroshi Shinaoka: Multipolar ordering in the three-orbital Hubbard model
[2108.01352] Atsushi Hariki, Kyo-Hoon Ahn, Jan Kuneš: Valence skipping, internal doping and site-selective Mott transition in PbCoO$_3$ under pressure
[2108.01359] Nanning Petersen, Sebastian Meyer, Stefan Heinze: Tuning exchange interactions in antiferromagnetic Fe/W(001) by 4d transition-metal overlayers
[2108.01365] Xichao Zhang, Jing Xia, Oleg A. Tretiakov et al.: Dynamic Transformation Between a Skyrmion String and a Bimeron String in a Layered Frustrated System
[2108.01366] S M Rafi-Ul-Islam, Zhuo Bin Siu, Haydar Sahin et al.: Unconventional node voltage accumulation in generalized topolectrical circuits with multiple asymmetric couplings
[2108.01401] Mithilesh Nayak, Frédéric Mila: On the possibility to detect the bound state of the Heisenberg ferromagnetic chain at intermediate temperature
[2108.01402] Asweel Ahmed A. Jaleel, Jetin E. Thomas, Dipanjan Mandal et al.: Rejection free cluster Wang Landau algorithm for hard core lattice gases
[2108.01445] Haoyuan Zhong, Changhua Bao, Huan Wang et al.: Light-Tunable Surface State and Hybridization Gap in Magnetic Topological Insulator MnBi$_8$Te$_{13}$
[2108.01451] Frederic Folz, Kurt Mehlhorn, Giovanna Morigi: Interplay of periodic dynamics and noise: insights from a simple adaptive system
[2108.01452] Tobias M. R. Wolf, Maximilian F. Holst, Manfred Sigrist et al.: Non-unitary multiorbital superconductivity from competing interactions in Dirac materials
[2108.01458] G. Giavaras: Energy spectra of graphene quantum dots induced between Landau levels
[2108.01460] Anantha Hegde, Adarsh Kumar, Adhip Agarwala et al.: Exploring ideas in topological quantum phenomena: A journey through the SSH model
[2108.01474] Yadhu Krishnan Edathumkandy, Dariusz Sztenkiel: Comparative study of magnetic properties of Mn$^{3+}$ magnetic clusters in GaN using classical and quantum mechanical approach
[2108.01535] Kai Gong, Claire E. White: Time-dependent phase quantification and local structure analysis of hydroxide-activated slag via X-ray total scattering and molecular modeling
[2108.01545] Masoud Bahari, Song-Bo Zhang, Björn Trauzettel: Intrinsic finite-energy Cooper pairing in $j=3/2$ superconductors
[2108.01556] Sergey N. Danilov, Leonid E. Golub, Thomas Mayer et al.: Highly superlinear photogalvanic effects in (Bi$_{0.3}$Sb$_{0.7}$)$_2$(Te$_{0.1}$Se$_{0.9}$)$_3$: Probing 3D topological insulator sur...
[2108.01560] Jiahao Fan, Huaqing Huang: Topological states in quasicrystals
[2108.01570] Gess Kelly, Thomas G. Fai: Multiscale Model of Clogging in Microfluidic Devices with Grid-Like Geometries
[2108.01574] Ritu Gupta, Debarchan Das, Charles Hillis Mielke III et al.: Microscopic evidence for anisotropic multigap superconductivity in the CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ kagome superconductor
[2108.01586] Heqiu Li: Classification of phase transitions and intertwined orders in crystallographic point groups
[2108.01590] Manuel Dibak, Leon Klein, Frank Noé: Temperature Steerable Flows and Boltzmann Generators
[2108.01594] Ahmad Yousefi, Ariel Caticha: An Entropic Approach To Classical Density Functional Theory
[2108.01618] Eric R. Bittner, Carlos Silva-Acuna: Hybrid biexcitons in organic polymer aggregates: A case of Dr. Jekyl meeting Mr. Hyde
[2108.01636] Prashant Singh, Sezer Picak, Aayush Sharma et al.: On the martensitic transformation in Fe$_{x}$Mn$_{80-x}$Co$_{10}$Cr$_{10}$ high-entropy alloy
[2108.01664] Yuanyuan Xu, Huiyuan Man, Takumi Ohtsuki et al.: Phonon spectrum of Pr$_2$Zr$_2$O$_7$ and Pr$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$ as an evidence of coupling of the lattice with electronic and magnetic degrees of fre...
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 4 Aug 21","img":""}
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