Part 2 quiz 5

Enlightenment thinking, Benjamin Franklin pursued his curosity until it yield to ?
Just scientific ideas
Just ingenious material inventions
Useful scientific ideas and ingenious material inventions.
What was Benjamin franklin's main goal in drafting the Albany Plan?
To organize a council if delegates to coordinate common defense and western expansion
To organize a council if delegates to not coordination common defense and western expansion
What was the Albany Plan of Union of 1754
Proposal made at the Albany Congess back in 1754 formation of a string union of formation of a strong union of the colonies under one single goverment
Proposal made at the Albany Congess back in 1754 formation of a string union of formation of a weak union of the colonies under one single goverment
Who was the leading at the Albany Congress, and designer of the Alban Plan?
Thomas Lee
Pennsylvania Gazette
Benjamin Franklin
The seven year was was also known as?
The British and Indian War
The Southern and Indian War
The French and Indian War
The seven years war that ravaged Europe from 1756 to 1763 was the _____ war in __ century
Bloodiest & 18 century
Bloodiest & 20 century
Bloodiest & 19 century
Bloodiest & 17 century
The seven years war between England and France had the greatest ____ impact on the colonial ____?
Economic / America
Political and economic / British
Political and economic / America
The major source of Anglo - French Conflict in the Colonies was control of ?
The Mississippi River
Mississippi and Ohio Valleys
Just the Ohio Valleys
The French in North America were greatly outnumbered by the _____ on the continent?
Who was successful on defeating the French in the Seven Year War
The man who led Great Britain to victory was ?
Thomas Pit
Louis Pit
William Pit
What ended the Seven Years War
The victory of paris
The treaty of Britain
The Treaty of Paris
Who was a more pressing concern for for the American colonists than for the people in England
____ with drew its forces from the western frontier in American and issued the _______ ?
Britain / Proclamation of 1763 and blocked colonial expansion beyond the Appalachian Mountains
Spaniard / Proclamation of 1763
Who was John Peter Zenger trail:
Freedom of expansion was becoming ingrained in Society
Freedom of expansion was becoming ingrained in Society
What was the sugar act of 1764?
The act raised tax revenue in non colonies
The act that raised revenue in the colonies for no crown
The act that raised tax revenue in the colonies for the crown
Group of the colonist who protested the Stamp Act?
Saying that Parliament could tax with colonist content
Saying that Parliament couldn't tax with colonist content
Saying that Parliament couldn't tax without colonist content
Son of Liberty
A radical political organization for colonial independence which formed in 1765 the passage of the colonial act
A radical political organized for colonial independence which formed in 1765 after the passage of the Stamp Act.
{"name":"Part 2 quiz 5", "url":"","txt":"Enlightenment thinking, Benjamin Franklin pursued his curosity until it yield to ?, What was Benjamin franklin's main goal in drafting the Albany Plan?, what was the Albany Plan of Union of 1754","img":""}
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