HSC Lamb Nutrition

How often should market lambs be dewormed? ________________________
Every 20 days
Every 30 days
Once a week
The purpose of adding Puriferm™ to our Showlamb diets is to __________________.
Increase Consumption
Decrease Scours
Improve Fiber Digestability
What High Octane supplement can be used for rib shape and width in market lambs? ________________
Depth Charge
Champion Drive
Ultra Full
When feeding our HSC products to market lambs, it is not necessary to add a mineral program
Good nutrition is the only thing that market lambs need in order to be successful in the showring.
When starting to creep feeding lambs, you can offer __________________ to get them started.
Cracked Corn
Wheat Middings
Soybean Mill
If a customer wanted to grind and mix their own Showlamb feed they should consider using what product?
HSC Grand Lamb Mixer DX
Cracked Corn
High Octane Ultra Full
The purpose of adding Lambitine™ to our Showlamb diets is to_______________________.
Increase wool growth
Temperature control
Improve Digestive Tract Health
When feeding market lambs, you should limit their water intake.
All of our Honor® Show Chow® Showlamb feeds are medicated in order to help prevent and control coccidiosis.
{"name":"HSC Lamb Nutrition", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"How often should market lambs be dewormed? ________________________, The purpose of adding Puriferm™ to our Showlamb diets is to __________________., What High Octane supplement can be used for rib shape and width in market lambs? ________________","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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