UAS pt. 2

For the purpose of collision avoidance, a detect and avoid system is needed
In controlled airspace
In uncontrolled airspace
In both controlled and uncontrolled airspace
At day and at night in uncontrolled airspcae
RLOS means
Restricted Line of Sight
Radar Line of Sight
Radio Line of Sight
Real Line of Sight
When two aircraft are approaching head-on or approximately so and there is danger of collision, each shall alter its heading to the left
When two aircraft are converging at approximately the same level, the aircraft that has the other on its right shall give way (with exeptions)
An aircraft is being overtaken has the right-of-way and the overtaking aircraft shall keep out of the way of the other aircraft by altering its heading to the right, and no subsequent change in the relative positions of the two aircraft shall absolve the overtaking aircraft from this obligation until it is entirely past and clear
Power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft shall give way to airships, gliders and balloons
Gliders shall give way to airships and balloons
What is a Dual use RPAS
Used for Terrestical and Marine applications
Used for Civil and Military applications
Used by direct and automatic control
Used for Command and Control
What is the maximum permitted flight mass for operations in the OPEN category?
BVLOS operations are permitted for drones in the OPEN category
A drone when operated in the SPECIFIC category shall obtain an operational approval from the competent authoirty if not operated under a standard scenario
What is the acronym SORA?
Specific Operations Risk Authority
Specific Operations Risk Assessment
Single Operations Risk Assessment
Single Operations Rule Approval
What is GRC?
Ground Risk Class
Ground Range Coverage
General Risk Class
General Risk Coverage
What is TMPR?
Tactical Mitigation Performance Requirement
Temporary Mitigation Performance Requirement
Temporary Technical Performance Requirement
Tactical Mutual Performance Requirement
What is SAIL?
Specific Assurance and Information Level
Specific Alternative Integrity Level
Specific Assurance and Integrity Level
Special Assurance and Information Requirement
What is OSO?
Overall Safety Organisation
Overall Safety Objectives
Operational Safety Objectives
Operational Security Organisation
Flights following Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) will be separated from VFR flights
In uncontrolled airspace
In all airspace classes
In airspace classes A to C
In airspace classes A to D
In airspace classes B to G
What is the acronym WRC?
Worldwide Radio Cooperations
Weak Radio Compensation
Wide Range Communication
World Radiocommunication Conference
DAA capabilities or other mitigations (e.g. Operational procedures) are required for RPA to limit the risk from the following hazards:
Conflicting traffic
Terrain and obstacles
Hazardous meteorological conditions
Ground operations
Other airborne hazards
All of the above
The conflict management approach includes:
Strategic conflict managing phase
Separation provision phase
Collision avoidance phase
All of the above
None of the above
Which answer is correct? Prior to conducting a controlled BVLOS operation, coordination should be effected with the ATC unit(s), involved regarding:
Any operational performances limitations or restrictions unique to the RPA
Any preprogrammed lost C2 link flight profile and/or flight termination procedures
Direct telephone communication between the RPS and the ATC unit(s) for contingency use, unless otherwise approved by the ATC unit(s) involved
All of the above
None of the above
Which answer is correct? Responsible for avoiding a collision between two aircraft, manned or unmannend is:
Air traffic control and the Detect and Avoid system
Each of the Pilots in Command
The Detect and Avoid System
The Pilots and Air Trafic Control
All of the above
Which answer is correct? Regarding the safety of a RPAS the civil aviation authorities agreed on:
It can be less safe than the manned aircraft, because there is no person on board
It must be as safe as the manned aircraft if equity
It must be safer than the manned aircraft because it is more comples
None of the answers is correct
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