Medex Pathology Mock Exam September 2023
1. The following disease(s) is/are examples of granulomatous inflammation:
Crohn’s disease
2. Compensatory mechanism in shock include
Decrease in sympathetic activity
Depression of respiratory centre
Stimulation of Renin-Angiotensin
Decrease in antidiuretic hormone production
Increase catecholamine secretion
3. The following statement(s) is/are true regarding atherosclerosis:
An unstable plaque has high lipid core content
Histologically, it is characterized by fibrin cap
It involves the arterial tunica adventitia
It rarely occurs in coronary arteries
It rarely occur in menopausal women
4. The complication(s) of atherosclerosis of internal carotid artery include(s):
Fat embolism
Superior vena cava obstruction
Thrombus formation
Carotid artery disease
5. The following statement(s) is/are true regarding ischemic heart disease.
In myocardial infarction, the severity of ischemia is insufficient to cause death of heart muscle.
In unstable angina, the chest pain can be relieved by rest.
Prinzmetal angina is caused by muscle spasm of coronary artery.
Sudden cardiac death is usually caused by a lethal arrhythmia.
Stable angina is typically seen in <75% coronary artery occlusion.
6. The cause(s) of right heart failure is/are:
Left heart failure
Pulmonary hypertension
Malignant hypetension
Pulmonary embolism
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
7. The following is/are true for congenital heart disease:
Atrial septum defect commonly causes cyanosis at birth
Risk for developing infective endocarditis is high
Intrauterine Rubella infection is one of the etiology for congenital heart disease
Paradoxical embolism is a complication of reverse shunt
50% of large ventricular septum defect can close spontaneously
8. The following is/are required for effective erythropoiesis:
Folic acid
9. Which of the following condition(s) is/are associated with hypochromic red cells?
Iron deficiency anaemia
Sideroblastic anaemia
Thalassaemia major
Hereditary spherocytosis
Folate deficiency
10. The following statement(s) is/are true regarding megaloblastic anaemia:
Presence of hypersegmented neutrophils
Normochromic macrocytis red cells
Megaloblastic changes seen in bone marrow
Anisopoikilocytosis of red cells
Presence of fragmented red cells
11. In intravascular haemolysis
There is increase polychromatic red cells
The serum haptoglobulin is raised in intravascular haemolysis
The unconjugated bilirubin is raised
There is erythroid hypoplasia of the bone marrow
There is hemosiderinuria
12. In aplastic anaemia
There is leukocytosis
There is thrombocytopenia
Cyclophosphamide therapy is indicated
The bone marrow is replaced by fibrous tissue
Infections are common and can be life threatening
13. The following concern abnormal bleeding due to thrombocytopenia.
Superficial bleeding into the skin cut is typical.
Bleeding from a superficial skin cut is often excessive.
Gastrointestinal haemorrhage can occur.
Bleeding following tooth extraction is difficult to control.
A history of drug ingestion is important.
14. The following characterize the bleeding due to coagulation factor deficiencies.
Epistaxis is a frequent feature.
Bleeding into the knee joint ins one of the commonest presenting features.
Deep spreading haematomas are common.
Acute bleeding after trauma is typical.
A family history is important.
15. The following concern haemophilia (factor VIII deficiency):
If a haemophiliac male marries a normal female, all their daughters will be carriers.
The severity of bleeding is related to the factor VIII concentration.
Chronic arthritis is uncommon.
Haematomas can compress peripheral nerves.
It occurs more commonly than Christmas disease.
16. All of the following statement(s) correctly describe disseminated intravascular coagulation:
Widespread thromboses are characteristic
Widespread haemorrhages are characteristic
It most often presents as a primary (idiopathic condition).
The brain is the organ most often involved.
It is associated with mucin-secreting adenocarcinoma
17. The following statement(s) is/are true of acute leukaemia.
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is common in children
Myeloperoxidase stain is positive in some acute myeloid leukaemia.
Disseminated coagulopathy is a common complication.
Neutropenia is common
Hepatitis A is associated with T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma.
18. In chronic myeloid leukaemia (chronic phase)
Marrow aspirate shows increase in blasts.
Myelocytes can be seen in the peripheral blood.
Splenomegaly commonly occurs.
Basophilia is present.
There is dysplastic changes
19. In polycythaemia rubra vera
Packed cell volume is increased.
Haemoglobin is increased.
Plasma volume is decreased.
There is thrombocytosis.
Marrow fibrosis is predominant.
20. Plasma cell myeloma
Is a malignant plasma cell disease
Is commonly occur in children
Shows presence of paraprotein in the serum
Shows presence of paraprotein in the urine
Causing osteolytic bone lesions.
21. The following statement(s) is/are true of paraproteinaemia:
Bence Jones protein is heavy chain type immunoglobulin
It commonly occurs in benign conditions
Amyloid deposits in glomeruli and cause kidney disease
Paraprotein can be light chain type immunoglobulin.
Paraprotein of IgM class is the commonest type in plasma cell myeloma.
22. The following statement(s) is/are true of Hodgkin of lymphoma:
Bone marrow involvements indicate of stage 4 disease
Extranodal involvement more common compare to non-Hodgkin lymphoma
They have a better prognosis than Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Lymph node section showed lymphoma cells surrounded by inflammatory cells
It spreads characteristically to the anatomically contiguous nodes
23. Regarding pulmonary embolism:
It is associated with patients with hypocoagulable states
Blood clots in large pulmonary artery is always embolic in origin
Indwelling central venous line is not a predisposing factor to pulmonary embolism
Saddle embolus is a large emboli lodged at the bifurcation of pulmonary artery.
Small pulmonary embolus usually would be lysed by the fibrinolytic system
24. The following are true of pulmonary tuberculosis:
The Ghon focus is a lesion of secondary TB
Fibro-cavitating lesions are seen in severe primary TB
Miliary TB shows massive haematogenous dissemination of TB to involve the liver, spleen and kidneys.
Primary TB usually heals by fibrosis
Secondary TB is usually a reinfection
25. The following are true of pulmonary edema:
Chronic pulmonary congestion is a cause
Patients present with dyspnoea
The alveolar spaces contain a granular pink precipitate
The lungs are wet and heavy
There is presence of interstitial fibrosis
26. The following statements(s) is/are true concerning fluid and electrolytes:
Haemolysed sample is a cause of hyperkalemia
Hyperkalemia is seen in chronic kidney disease
Patient’s total body sodium can be normal in hypernatremia
Hyponatremia is seen in hypothyroidism
Hyperkalaemia occurs in renal tubular acidosis
27. Metabolic acidosis
Is a common feature in ketosis
Commonly accompanies hypokalaemia
May be caused by starvation
Is a common cause of a normal anion gap
Is accompanied by a compensatory fall in PCO2
28. The following statements(s) is/are true regarding familial hypercholestrolaemia:
Hepatomegaly is a feature
It is due to genetic defect of low density lipoprotein receptor gene
Premature coronary artery disease is a complication
Serum total cholesterol level is elevated
Tendon xanthomata is a feature
29. Which of the following are recognised features or complications of acute renal failure in a previously healthy individual?
A low plasma urea
Pulmonary oedema
Small kidney size on ultrasound examination
30. Which of the following statements about chronic kidney disease (CKD) are true?
The prevalence of CKD falls with age
Glomerular filtration rate is always normal
Diabetes mellitus is a major cause of CKD
CKD is associated with an increased risk of vascular disease
Most patients are symptomatic
31. Regarding type 1 diabetes mellitus:
Causes growth retardation in children
Usually presents at an older age
Is an autoimmune disease
Uncontrolled, almost all patients eventually develop retinopathy
Is associated with obesity
32. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease
Causes peptic ulcer of the lower esophagus
Causes reflux esophagitis
Is a complication of hiatus hernia
Is complicated by development of a squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus
Results in goblet cell metaplasia of the lower esophagus
33. Carcinoma of the esophagus
Is a complication of achalasia
Most commonly affects the middle third of the esophagus
Of the lower third form glandular structures
Presents early with dysphagia
Spreads to the mediastinal lymph nodes
34. Complications of Helicobacter pylori infection include
Atrophic gastritis
Acute gastritis
Duodenal ulcer
Gastric lymphoma
Intestinal metaplasia of the stomach
35. Endometrial carcinoma:
The 5-year survival rate is 70% in stage 2 tumours.
Has an increased incidence in women with oestrogenic ovarian tumors
Has a peak incidence in the sixth decade
Rarely invades the myometrium
Has a higher incidence in multiparous women
36. Uterine leiomyomas:
Are the commonest tumours of the female genital tract
Are associated with high parity
May cause subfertility
May cause abnormal uterine bleeding
May measure up to 200 mm in diameter
37. Mucinous neoplasms of the ovary:
May be lined by intestinal-type epithelium
Are usually unilocular
Occur more frequently than serous neoplasms of the ovary
May give rise to pseudomyxoma peritonei
Are bilateral in 50% of cases
38. Following is/are cause(s) of localised collection of pus in the brain:
Brain abscess
Cerebral infarction
Intracerebral haemorrhage
Metastatic abscess
{"name":"Medex Pathology Mock Exam September 2023", "url":"","txt":"1. The following disease(s) is\/are examples of granulomatous inflammation:, 2. Compensatory mechanism in shock include, 3. The following statement(s) is\/are true regarding atherosclerosis:","img":""}
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