RP time! You see a cat from another clan laying on your side of the border. It looks very sick. you...
Threaten to claw its fur off if it does not get off your territory
Ask it what wrong
Take it too your medicine cat immediately
Go look for herbs to help it because you are the medicine cat
Second RP Q! You have just gotten your first apprentice and your really excited but realize your apprentice is really stubborn and won't do what you tell them too. you...
Scream at them until they listen
Get help form a senior warrior
Give up, their not gonna listen
Tell them sternly they must listen or they will not become a warrior/medicine cat
Would you want Mate?
I can't, I am a med. cat
Why not?
No way!
Do you like Drama?
Nah I 'm a calm person
I love drama!
Final Question. She-cat or Tom?
{"name":"What is your warriors story?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What color do you like?, What animal do you like?, What plant do you like?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}