
Do you consider yourself to be romantic?
How do you feel about showing affection to your partner in public?
No holds barred
Nothing more than holding hands and simple kisses
Depends where we are at
No way!
Do you kiss on the first date?
Most definitely
No way
Depends if I like them
What do you look for in a partner?
Honesty, faithfulness
Passion, sex, romance
Someone that keeps their distance and isn't possessive
Someone that wants to be with me all day every day. I like clingy.
How would you rate cuddling?
I'm constantly touching my partner in one form or another
I like it only watching movies or in bed
I really don't like being touched much
How would you describe your intimacy?
Take charge lover
Slow passionate romance
Fast and animalistic
Kinky to a fault
How long does it take before you know you've met "the one"?
They had me at hello
At least a couple dates
Maybe a few months
It could take years if at all, I like just dating.
Do you prefer living separate from your partner?
I need my space
Once we are exclusive, I want them with me 24/7
How important is love to you?
I eat, drink and breathe love
I crave it daily and hope to find it
I crave it but can live without it
Love is for suckers
After knowing them a month, they tell you they love you. What's your response?
Run Forrest, RUN
Tell them they're crazy and it's not possible
Start questioning your own feelings
How do you feel about marriage?
No way!
I'd consider it but we will have to date a LONG time first
I've been dreaming of the day
Scares the hell out of me!
Do you prefer a stay at home partner?
Hell no. 50/50 or get out
If that makes them happy, I'm all for it.
As long as they do their part around the house
I love providing for and taking care of my lover
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