1. Antibiotics are powerful medicines that kill
I. Viruses
Ii. Bacteria
Iii. All microbes
2. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria can spread to humans through
I. Contact with a person who has an antibiotic-resistant infection
Ii. Contact with something that has touched a person who has an antibiotic-resistant infection (e.g. A health-workers' hands or instruments in a health facility with poor hygiene)
Iii. Contact with a live animal, food or water carrying antibiotic-resistant bacteria
Iv. All of the above
3. Stop using antibiotics as soon as you feel better
4. What can happen if I get an antibiotic-resistant infection?
I. I may be sick for longer
Ii. I may have to visit my doctor more or be treated in hospital
Iii. I may need more expensive medicine that may cause side effects
Iv. All of the above
Antibiotic resistance is already out of control and it is only getting worse. There is nothing I can do
I. Agree
I. Not Agree
I can help tackle antibiotic resistance if I
I. Stop taking antibiotics when I feel better
Ii. Get antibiotics as soon as I feel sick - either directly from the pharmacy or through a friend
Iii. Keep my vaccinations up to date
{"name":"1. Antibiotics are powerful medicines that kill", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"1. Antibiotics are powerful medicines that kill, 2. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria can spread to humans through, 3. Stop using antibiotics as soon as you feel better","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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