Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 22 Mar 22
[2203.10119] Gilberto M. Kremer, Andrés Santos: Granular gas of inelastic and rough Maxwell particles
[2203.10129] Michael L. Whittaker, Laura N. Lammers, Christophe Tournassat et al.: Smectite phase separation is driven by emergent interfacial dynamics
[2203.10149] John Koptur-Palenchar, Miguel Gakiya-Teruya, Duy Le et al.: Thickness-dependent spin bistable transitions in single-crystalline molecular 2D material
[2203.10151] D.I.Khomskii: Orbital physics: glorious past, bright future
[2203.10162] Douglas Daniel de Carvalho, Nicolao Cerqueira Lima, Erick de Moraes Franklin: Contacts, motion and chain-breaking in a two-dimensional granular system displaced by an intruder
[2203.10175] Oleg Rubel, Thuy Nguyen Thanh Tran, Storm Gourley et al.: Electrochemical stability of ZnMn2O4: Understanding Zn-ion rechargeable battery capacity and degradation
[2203.10177] James Chapman, Tim Hsu, Xiao Chen et al.: Characterizing Disorder Within Atomic Environments Through Physics-preserving Graph Neural Networks
[2203.10204] Marcin Abram, Keith Burghardt, Greg Ver Steeg et al.: Inferring topological transitions in pattern-forming processes with self-supervised learning
[2203.10216] Yi-Fan Jiang, Hong-Chen Jiang: Nature of quantum spin liquids of the S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice: A parallel DMRG study
[2203.10255] Luo Yan, Kui xue, Jing Zhang et al.: Halogenation induced transition of superconductor-to-semiconductor in MXene-like MOene with direct band gap and long carrier lifetime
[2203.10273] Shinji Watanabe, Mina Kawamoto: Crystalline Electronic Field in Rare-Earth Based Quasicrystal and Approximant: Analysis of Quantum Critical Au-Al-Yb Quasicrystal and Approximant
[2203.10275] Andrea Nava, Domenico Giuliano, Luca Lepori et al.: Out of equilibrium charge transport in molecular electronic devices
[2203.10295] S.V. Goupalov, E.L. Ivchenko, M.O. Nestoklon: Optical transitions, exciton radiative decay, and valley coherence in lead chalcogenide quantum dots
[2203.10308] S.G. Babajanyan, E.V. Koonin, A.E. Allahverdyan: Thermodynamic selection: mechanisms and scenarios
[2203.10311] Florian Allein, Rajesh Chaunsali, Adamantios Anastasiadis et al.: Duality of Topological Edge States in a Mechanical Kitaev Chain
[2203.10345] Nimisha Arora, Pintu Das: Spin wave excitation and directional propagation in presence of magnetic charges in square artificial spin ice
[2203.10349] Maciej P. Polak, Ryan Jacobs, Arun Mannodi-Kanakkithodi et al.: Machine learning for impurity charge-state transition levels in semiconductors from elemental properties using multi-fidelity d...
[2203.10361] Maciej P Polak, Paweł Scharoch, Robert Kudrawiec: The effect of isovalent doping on the electronic band structure of group IV semiconductors
[2203.10370] S.M. Elahi, R. Tavakoli, A.K. Boukellal et al.: Multiscale simulation of powder-bed fusion processing of metallic alloys
[2203.10441] Naoya Yamaguchi, Fumiyuki Ishii: First-principles LCPAO Approach to Insulators Under Finite Electric Fields
[2203.10485] Shangzhi Gu, Wenyu Liu, Guoyu Xian et al.: Twisted Angle-Dependent Work Functions in CVD-Grown Twisted Bilayer Graphene by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
[2203.10499] H. Y. Zhang, Y. M. Xiao, Q. N. Li et al.: Anisotropic and tunable optical conductivity of a two-dimensional semi-Dirac system in the presence of elliptically polarized radiation
[2203.10512] Pierre Le Doussal: Equivalence of mean-field avalanches and branching diffusions: From the Brownian force model to the super-Brownian motion
[2203.10514] Yuan Yu, Chongjian Zhou, Xiangzhao Zhang et al.: Dynamic doping and Cottrell atmosphere optimize the thermoelectric performance of n-type PbTe
[2203.10524] Ivan Palaia, Abhay Goyal, Emanuela del Gado et al.: Like-charge attraction at the nanoscale: ground-state correlations and water destructuring
[2203.10542] X. Gu, C. Chen, W. S. Wei et al.: Robust Kagome Electronic Structure in Topological Quantum Magnets XMn6Sn6 (X = Dy, Tb, Gd, Y)
[2203.10544] Pierre Le Doussal: More on the Brownian force model: avalanche shapes, tip driven, higher $d$
[2203.10547] Sabin Regmi, Tharindu Warnakulasooriya Fernando, Yuzhou Zhao et al.: Spectroscopic evidence of flat bands in breathing kagome semiconductor Nb3I8
[2203.10548] Debarshee Bagchi: Macroscopic charge segregation in driven polyelectrolyte solutions
[2203.10566] Hayato Mizuno, Rajkumar Modak, Takamasa Hirai et al.: Annealing temperature dependence of thermo-spin and magneto-thermoelectric conversion in Co$_2$MnGa films on Y$_3$Fe$_5$O$_{12}$ and Gd$_...
[2203.10604] Anil Kumar, Divya Rani, Anjali Sain et al.: Lithography free method to synthesize the ultra-low reflection inverted-pyramid arrays for ultra-thin silicon solar cell
[2203.10606] Po-Hsin Shih, Godfrey Gumbs, Danhong Huang et al.: Rashba spin-orbit coupling and quantum-interference effect for a pair of spin-correlated electrons in their tunneling and reflection under a...
[2203.10646] Sheng Xu, Yanni Gu, Chuanbo Zheng et al.: Realization of A Strong Ferroelectric Metal by Nb-doping in Strained EuTiO$_{3}$
[2203.10648] Zi-Jia Cheng, Ilya Belopolski, Tyler A. Cochran et al.: Magnetization-direction-tunable kagome Weyl line
[2203.10657] Inès Safi: Driven strongly correlated quantum circuits and Hall states: Unified photo-assisted noise and minimal excitations
[2203.10658] Dino Novko, Zahra Torbatian, Ivor Lončarić: Electron correlations rule phonon-driven instability in single layer TiSe$_2$
[2203.10665] Tiago Martinelli, Diogo O. Soares-Pinto, Francisco A. Rodrigues: Shaking the causal tree: On the faithfulness and minimality assumptions beyond pairwise interactions
[2203.10686] Sultan Albarakati, Wen-Qiang Xie, Cheng Tan et al.: Gate-tunable exchange bias effect in FePS3-Fe5GeTe2 van der Waals heterostructures
[2203.10713] Yoon Jang Chung, C. Wang, S. K. Singh et al.: Record-quality GaAs two-dimensional hole systems
[2203.10715] Yoon Jang Chung, D. Graf, L. W. Engel et al.: Correlated states of 2D electrons near the Landau level filling $ν=1/7$
[2203.10722] Qiaolu Chen, Fujia Chen, Qinghui Yan et al.: Discovery of a maximally charged Weyl point
[2203.10727] César Castillo-Quevedo, Edgar Paredes-Sotelo, Carlos Emiliano Buelna-García et al.: Structures and stability of the Cu$_{38}$ cluster at finite temperature
[2203.10737] Rajkumar Modak, Yuya Sakuraba, Takamasa Hirai et al.: Sm-Co-based amorphous alloy films for zero-field operation of transverse thermoelectric generation
[2203.10738] M.O. Nestoklon, S.V. Goupalov: Exciton interaction with acoustic phonons in PbS nanocrystals
[2203.10781] Solomon S. Melides, Dominic Vella, Marco Ramaioli: Effect of Macroscopic Surface Heterogeneities on an Advancing Contact Line
[2203.10805] I. V. Bilych, K. R. Zhekov, T. N. Haidamak et al.: Study of magnetoelastic interaction in MnF$_2$ by the acoustoelectric transformation method
[2203.10834] Yiwen Han, Shi-Guo Peng, Ke-Ji Chen et al.: Molecular state in a spin-orbital-angular-momentum coupled Fermi gas
[2203.10898] Adrien Chaigneau, Denis S. Grebenkov: First-passage times to anisotropic partially reactive targets
[2203.10919] Adrian Pacheco-Pozo, Igor M. Sokolov: Universal fluctuations and ergodicity of generalized diffusivity on critical percolation clusters
[2203.10924] I. Boventer, H. T. Simensen, B. Brekke et al.: Antiferromagnetic cavity magnon polaritons in collinear and canted phases of hematite
[2203.10937] Debjani Das Gupta, Santanu K. Maiti: Antiferromagnetic helix as an efficient spin polarizer: Interplay between electric field and higher ordered hopping
[2203.10943] G.E. Volovik: Quantum turbulence and Planckian dissipation
[2203.10951] Xin Li, Guang-cun Shan, Hong-bin Zhao et al.: Domain-knowledge-aided machine learning method for properties prediction of soft magnetic metallic glasses
[2203.10952] Dong Gun Oh, Jong Hyuk Kim, Mi Kyung Kim et al.: Large anomalous Hall effect and anisotropic magnetoresistance in intrinsic nanoscale spin-valve-type structure of an antiferromagnet
[2203.10963] Samuel Haskell, Alessandro Principi: Mean-Field Continuum Model of the Twisted Kitaev Bilayer
[2203.10964] Jong Hyuk Kim, Hyun Jun Shin, Mi Kyung Kim et al.: Sign-tunable anisotropic magnetoresistance and electrically detectable dual magnetic phases in a helical antiferromagnet
[2203.10969] Haoyi Tan, Guangcun Shan, Jiliang Zhang: Prediction of novel two-dimensional rare-earth material with room-temperature ferromagnetism and large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
[2203.10989] Piotr Białas, Piotr Korcyl, Tomasz Stebel: Hierarchical autoregressive neural networks for statistical systems
[2203.10993] Peter Skjøtt Thorup, Christian Moeslund Zeuthen, Kasper Borup et al.: Improving the operational stability of thermoelectric Zn$_4$Sb$_3$ by segmentation
[2203.10994] Pauline Rovillain, Jean-Yves Duquesne, Louis Christienne et al.: Impact of Spin Wave Dispersion on Surface Acoustic Wave Velocity
[2203.11010] Yunfei Huang, Youssef Mabrouk, Gerhard Gompper et al.: Sparse inference and active learning of stochastic differential equations from data
[2203.11013] Lauren N. Walters, Emily L. Wang, James M. Rondinelli: Thermodynamic descriptors to predict oxide formation in aqueous solutions
[2203.11019] Jakub Janarek, Benoît Grémaud, Jakub Zakrzewski et al.: Quantum boomerang effect in systems without time reversal symmetry
[2203.11029] Vidar Gudmundsson, Vram Mughnetsyan, Nzar Rauf Abdullah et al.: The effects of a far-infrared photon cavity field on the magnetization of a square quantum dot array
[2203.11032] Jie Ren, Zhao Wang, Weixia Chen et al.: Long-Range Order and Quantum Criticality in Antiferromagnetic Chains with Long-Range Staggered Interactions
[2203.11033] Divya Rani, Anil Kumar, Anjali Sain et al.: Lithography Free Process for the Fabrication of Periodic Silicon Micro/Nano-Wire Arrays and Its Light-trapping Properties
[2203.11044] Thomas Thersleff, Cheuk-Wai Tai: Feature-specific correlation of structural, optical, and chemical properties in the transmission electron microscope with hypermodal data fusion
[2203.11051] Matan Yah Ben Zion, Alvin Modin, Paul M. Chaikin: Hydrodynamic spin-orbit coupling in asynchronous optically driven micro-rotors
[2203.11077] Projesh Kumar Roy: Derivation of a statistical model for classical systems obeying fractional exclusion principle
[2203.11097] Subhadip Chakraborti, Abhishek Dhar, P. L. Krapivsky: A splash in a one-dimensional cold gas
[2203.11104] Aaron Wirthwein, Stephan Haas, Sheng-wey Chiow: Collision Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates
[2203.11119] Thomas Bland, Elena Poli, Luis A. Peña Ardila et al.: Domain supersolids in binary dipolar condensates
[2203.11121] Michael Heber, Nils Wind, Dmytro Kutnyakhov et al.: Multispectral time-resolved energy-momentum microscopy using high-harmonic extreme ultraviolet radiation
[2203.11133] Kukka-Emilia Huhtinen, Jonah Herzog-Arbeitman, Aaron Chew et al.: Revisiting flat band superconductivity: dependence on minimal quantum metric and band touchings
[2203.11140] Victor Laliena, Athanasios Athanasopoulos, Javier Campo: Scattering of spin waves by a Bloch domain wall: effect of the dipolar interaction
[2203.11153] Kutay Akin, A. Nihat Berker: Lower-Critical Dimension of the Random-Field XY Model and the Zero-Temperature Critical Line
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 22 Mar 22","img":""}
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