Are you strong enough to face your struggles in life?

Do you feel lonely and demotivated when people don't understand you?
Imagine you have a totally different mindset and goal in life than your peers which results in arguments and fights. What would you do in such a situation?
I will try to stay away from such people as much as possible
I will ignore whatever they say or do and focus on my work.
I will try to stop them whenever they start arguing with me.
I will tell them to mind their own business and leave me alone.
Imagine you want to talk about your problems with your friends/family but they don't want to listen or they are just too busy with their life. How would the idea of having a virtual friend to listen to your problems sound to you?
Great idea
Somewhat okay
Not a great idea
Have you recently ever felt demotivated or bored with everything around you?
How do you handle a situation where all possible options are closed and there seems no way out of that situation.
I cry for a few days then blame it on situations or god
I get angry on people around me and start arguing with them for no reason.
I try to get advice from people around me even if they laugh at my situation.
I lock myself in my room and give silent treatment to everybody.
How likely are you to get help for your problems by discussing them instead of keeping them to yourself and suffering in silence.
Neither likely nor unlikely
What would you be willing to sacrifice to achieve your goals in life?
Peace of mind
How do you feel you are doing in your life right now? Are you satisfied with whatever you have or still need more?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Do you feel you are where you need to be in life?
Yes, I am right where I need to be
No, I need more.
I'm not sure
How do you normally handle stressful situations in life?
Cry, analyze, learn, adapt
Think, evaluate, innovate, implement
Negative thinking and blaming yourself
Other ways.
{"name":"Are you strong enough to face your struggles in life?", "url":"","txt":"Do you feel lonely and demotivated when people don't understand you?, Imagine you have a totally different mindset and goal in life than your peers which results in arguments and fights. What would you do in such a situation?, Imagine you want to talk about your problems with your friends\/family but they don't want to listen or they are just too busy with their life. How would the idea of having a virtual friend to listen to your problems sound to you?","img":""}
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