Which Underland Chronicles Character Are You

Youre surrounded by spinners! What do you do?
Fight me!
The princess!
Help my friends
My bond!!!
Find a weapon, quick!
Come buddy, we got this
You and your friends are on trial for treason but they didn't do anything! What do you do?
Tell the judges it was me, not them
Tell the judges the truth, your friends don't deserve this
Make sure the princess gets out of here safely
Sarcasm, bro!!!
Use authority and logic
Who would you bond with?
A human
A gnawer
A flier
A crawler
Someone close to you was lost, how do you react?
I want to die, how will I live without them?
They were the best part of me, I'm nothing without them
Something in me died when they did
Whatever it takes I will never feel this pain again
Was it the princess?
What do you consider your best weapon?
My brain and my wit
My sword
My determination
My loyalty
My speed and strength
What is your fatal flaw?
I get to attached to others
I ignore my feelings
I forget I matter too
I don't acknowledge my self worth
I am to harsh on others
Someone tells you to kill a baby that will grow to be a monster what do you do?
Kill it
If I have to...
If the princess wants me to
Depends on the reason
{"name":"Which Underland Chronicles Character Are You", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Youre surrounded by spinners! What do you do?, You and your friends are on trial for treason but they didn't do anything! What do you do?, Who would you bond with?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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