
A healthcare professional administering care to an elderly patient in a hospital setting, with medical equipment in the background, bright and inviting

Clinical Assessment Quiz: Foundations of Patient Care

Test your knowledge and understanding of essential clinical assessment skills with this engaging quiz designed for healthcare professionals. This quiz covers a variety of scenarios from vital signs assessment to understanding patient safety and infection control protocols.

  • Multiple choice questions
  • Focus on clinical judgment and patient management
  • Great for reinforcing knowledge in a healthcare setting
42 Questions10 MinutesCreated by CaringNurse274
When taking the patient’s blood pressure below, what is the most important thing to remember? Your 95-year-old patient is 6 feet tall and weighs 390 pounds. He presented to the emergency department from a nursing home with SOB, chest tightness and pain and a pulse ox of 85%. He was placed on 6 liters oxygen via nasal cannula that brought his pulse ox up to 100%. The patient’s past medical history includes a pack a day smoker for at least 60+years. He quit smoking 20 years ago. He has a history of renal failure. He has an AV fistula in his right upper arm. He tells you he also has hypertension and diabetes. Chest x-ray reveals a small patchy right basilar consolidation that may be due to aspiration.
Blood pressure cannot be taken in left arm
Blood pressure must be taken in the thigh only
Blood pressures can be taken in either arm using the appropriately sized cuff
Blood pressure cannot be taken in right arm
Your 85 y/o patent's heart rate is 188. The implications for your patient are as follows
Decreased cardiac output, increased coronary artery perfusion, and increased myocardial oxygen demand
Decreased cardiac output, decreased coronary artery perfusion, and increased myocardial oxygen demand
Decreased cardiac output, decreased coronary artery perfusion, and decreased myocardial oxygen demand
Increased cardiac output, increased coronary artery perfusion, and increased myocardial oxygen demand
Ms. Jackson is admitted to the ED via ambulance with chest pain. On your initial assessment of the patient the VS are: Temp 99.2 F, Pulse 114, RR 24, BP 78/62. Sats 90% . You note significant jugular venous distention at 60 degrees. You would expect that: (select all that apply)
Your patient has crackles
Your patient has an S3
Your patient has wheezes
Your patient has heart failure
When assessing pedal pulses in a patient with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) and an albumin level of 2.0 you would expect to find:
Weak pedal pulses with edema present in lower extremities
Weak pedal pulses with no edema present in lower extremities , Not Selected
Bounding pedal pulses with no edema present in lower extremities
Bounding pedal pulses with edema present in lower extremities
Your pt’s absolute neutrophil count (ANC) is less than 0.5. You would place your pt in:
Contact precautions
Airborne precautions
Droplet precautions
Protective (reverse) precautions
Jack Sparrow's VS are: 101.6 120 18 80/60 98 % RA 8/10. Without more information, there are three probable causes for the heart rate. What are they?
Respiratory distress, hypervolemia, pain
Dyspnea, hypothermia, pain
Hypovolemia, pain, fever
Hypothermia, pain, orthopnea
Your patient has been diagnosed with TB and also MRSA in his wound. The personal protective equipment that the nurse should have to care for this patient is:
Gown and gloves and face shield
N95 Mask
Gown, gloves and N95 Mask
Gown and gloves and simple mask
Your pt says he used to sleep flat, but now uses 3 pillows to help him sleep through the night. You focus your assessment on his:
Peripheral vascular system
Neuromuscular system
cardio pulmonary system
Skin integrity
You check your pt’s VS and lab values on admission and find his H and H is 6 and 18. His K is 3. 7. His albumin is 3.5. His VS are 97.8 88 14 130/52 sats 97% on 3l NC and pain is 1/10. You should:
Call the physician immediately about the H and H albumin and K
Call the physician immediately about the H and H
Call the physician immediately about the H and H and temperature.
Call the physician immediately about the H and H and albumin
A nurse is beginning to conduct a health history for a patient with respiratory problems. He notes that the patient is having respiratory distress. What would the nurse do next?
Ask questions of the family
Continue with the health history, but more slowly
Initiate interventions
Conduct the interview later and let the patient rest
Your pt is a 65 y/o male who walked into the ER a few minutes ago. He is speaking a language other than English and does not seem to speak nor understand English. VS are 98.6 100 28 100/70 88 %. His eyes are open wide and he is sitting upright at 90 degree angle in bed. You listen quickly to the chest and hear wheezing across all lung fields. His AP to lateral is 1:2, no clubbing noted. You hear a slight diastolic murmur. You will continue to focus your immediate assessment and interventions on the pt's:
Respiratory status
Cardiovascular status
Need to communicate
Our pt has been stable through the night. This morning the aide, whom you trust, stops you to say the pt. Has the following VS: 98.6 - 98 - 18 - 82/60 96 % on room air - Pain 2/10. The aide also says the lab called to tell you his potassium is 3.8, and glucose is 100. You go back to see the pt. You would: (Select all that apply)
Lower head of bed
Check LOC ABC VS except temperature
Check the BP and K and LOC
Check LOC ABC and TPR
Mrs. Stewart, 77 years old, was admitted after fainting in her home. The physician ordered orthostatic blood pressures. You would:
Take Mrs. Stewart’s BP and check to see if orthopneic
Take Mrs. Stewart’s BP lying in bed and sitting in her chair and standing
Take Mrs. Stewart’s BP on both her right and left arms.
Take Mrs. Stewart’s BP and pulse lying in bed, sitting in her chair and standing.
Select all that apply (1 to 4 answers ): Patent safety before leaving a room includes:
Phone, water if allowed, Kleenex within reach
2 side rails up
Bed in low position
Call bell in reach
Your pt is on narcotic for pain. You take your pt's respiratory rate and count 9 per minute. This is reason to call for assistance stat.
S1 is closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves and indicates
The end of systole
A systolic murmur
The beginning of diastole
The beginning of systole
Your pt. has C Diff. You know the bacteria:
Forms spirochetes and therefore you must use soap and water to clean your hands.
Forms spores and therefore you must use alcohol-based products to clean your hands
Forms spirochetes and therefore you must not use soap and water to clean your hands.
Forms spores and therefore you must use soap and water to clean your hands.
Select all that apply: Crackles are:
Adventitious sounds
Indicative of secretions
Indicative of obstruction
Indicate CTA
Your nursing assistant has taken VS on Mr. Acid, Mr. Black, Mr. Cage, and Mrs. Dingbald. She hands you the list of VS as soon as you get out of report. Which pt. Would you go in to see first?
Mr. Cage: 100.2 - 78 - 24 - 160/76 92% on RA - 2/10
Mr. Black: 99.9 - 89 - 20 - 82/44 -92% on 2 l NC - 3/10
Mr. Acid: 98.8 - 77 - 16 - 120/80 - 98% on RA - 1/10
Mrs. Dingbald: 101-100 -16 - 144/90 98% on RA - 9/10
Your patient has a hemoglobin value of 5g/dl. His pulse ox is 96%. You know your patient:
Is stable, but needs continued monitoring.
Has tissue hypoxia.
Needs a potassium level drawn.
Has an adequate pulse oxygenation.
Our pt has returned from the operating room 8 hours ago. You have activity orders to get her oob tonight. Her husband tells you she has back pain and asks you to raise the head of the bed. (hob) She also asks you to raise the hob because it will make her back feel better. You raise the head of the bed to relieve her pain and get her ready to get oob. She complains of feeling dizzy. Your very next intervention would be to:
Take her pulse
Put the head of the bed down
Call the physician but place her on oxygen - 2L NC .
Retake her BP
Your patient is confused. Her VS are 98.6 100 20 120/80 92% on room air. Her labs are: Glucose-58 Na 132 K 3.4 creatinne 0.8 albumin 2.0 Which one of these values needs immediate attention?
A simple face mask must at minimum be set with a liter flow per minute of:
Your pt. Has a temperature of 104 F. His H and H is 14 and 40. He starts to complain of chest pain. This could be a result of:
Increased hemoglobin
Decreased hematocrit
Increased metabolism
Decreased metabolism
A stenotic valve would produce:
A thrill
A regurgitant sound
An extra heart sound
A murmur
Mr. Copper’s potassium is 6.5 mEq/l.
You check for trends and monitor his H and H as well as K.
You continue to monitor closely.
You check for an irregular pulse and monitor K.
You assess the pt and call the doctor immediately.
Mr. Hemmings has just returned to your floor after having some tests done in the x-ray department. He was in a motor vehicle accident and is just being admitted to your floor from the emergency room. It is 4:30 am. You are the nurse working nights. The 4 am labs return. They are the first set drawn on your pt. Mr. Hemmings’ H and H are 5 and 15 respectively. You:
Plan to call the doctor at 6 am and continue to monitor.
Place the pt. On a pulse ox, obtain a value of 95% and continue to monitor.
check the labs and see that his potassium level is 4.0, so you continue to monitor.
Call the doctor immediately and continue to monitor.
The pt. Is complaining of dyspnea after returning to your unit following a laparoscopic appendectomy. What should the nurse do first?
Call the physician
Remove pillows from under the head of the bed
Lower the bed
Elevate the head of the bed
You are surprised to detect an elevated temperature (1020 F) in a patient scheduled for surgery. The patient has been afebrile and shows no other signs of being febrile. The first thing you do is:
Inform the charge nurse
Inform the surgeon
Document your finding
Recheck your finding
A nurse is providing postural drainage for a patient with cystic fibrosis. In which position should the nurse place the patient to drain the right lung?
Lying position/half on abdomen and half on right side
Trendelenberg position
High Fowler’s position
Left side with pillow under chest wall
Mr. Jake is admitted to your unit on your shift. His heart rate on admission was 70. Four hours later his HR is 63. You:
Monitor him.
Call a code.
check his cardiac enzymes.
Call the doctor.
You are walking down the street in January. The temperature is minus 7. You see a child in his pajamas, huddled near a house with an open front door, but a closed storm door. An ambulance is going by. You flag them down as you run to the child. He is unconscious, not breathing and pulseless. The ambulance driver says he has 20 years experience and tells you not to do CPR because the child is dead. You:
Begin CPR
instruct the attendant to vigorously rub the child extremities as you give him something warm to drink.
Warm the child and then assess LOC
Comfort the mother
Your pt's sats are 92 on 4 L nasal cannula. He needs to go to the bathroom (BR). The extension tubing does not reach. You:
Walk him to the BR without oxygen, but with a pulse ox on so you can assess him
Walk him with an oxygen tank and put the pt on 4 or 5 L NC
Walk him to the BR with a non rebreather on
Walk him to the BR slowly asking him to take deep breaths
You assess an apical-radial pulse on a patient. The pulse deficit is 16 beats/min. What does this indicate?
This is a normal finding
The patient's arteries are compliant
Not all the heartbeats are adequate for blood to reach the periphery
The radial pulse is more rapid than the apical pulse
A pt. Has a HDL reading of 95 and an LDL value of 65. You:
Call the doctor immediately
Encourage your pt. To continue with his good life style habits relative to diet
Teach your pt. The value of blood pressure monitoring
Encourage your pt. To reevaluate his life style habits related to diet
The Center for Disease Control’s recommended sequence for removing soiled personal protective equipment is evidenced based and should never be changed based on the situation and the nurse’s judgment.
Your little brother is trying out for football in early August. It is now 3 pm. The temperature is 96 degrees outside. There is no shade on the field. You stop to pick him up on your way home and find him irritable, confused, and walking away. He tells you he was cut from the soccer team. He is flushed, but not sweating. You suspect:
He is suffering from heat loss
He is suffering from an overdose.
He is suffering from heat stroke.
He is suffering from not making the team.
Mrs. Davis was recently diagnosed with a cold, C Diff and the flu. (Not the swine H1N1 flu.) She is placed in droplet isolation and contact isolation. You teach your patient that from now on she can expect that hospital personnel will now be using PPE that consists of:
Hand washing, gloves, gowns and masks
Hand washing and gloves
Hand washing, gloves and gowns
Hand washing
nurse caring for patients in a critical care unit knows that providing good oral hygiene is an essential part of nursing care. What are some of the benefits of providing this care? Select all that apply.
It promotes the patients sense of well-being
It helps prevent heart disease
It eliminates the need for flossing
It contributes to decreased incidence of aspiration pneumonia
TIME 11:00 AM Mrs. Smith is admitted to the ED . The pt is a 88 year old female presenting to the ED with complaints of chest pain. The chest pain team is in the room with her.The following labs come up on the desk printer; the computer is down. Na 140 K 2.9 Cl 100 Bicarb 24 BUN 15 Creat 1.2 Glucose 120 You are in the middle of giving another stable pt. A bath when the aide comes and gives you the lab slip with the Mrs. Smith’s values recorded. You know the chest pain team does not have access to these results. Select your one best response. A B C or D
Time 11:10 You pull the 2 side rails up on your pt.’s bed, give them the call light and explain you will be right back. You report to the chest pain team that the pt’s K is 2.9
Time 11:10 You tell the aide to report the lab values.
Time 11:22 You rapidly finish the bath; you pull the 2 side rails up on your pt’s bed, give them the call light and explain you will be right back. You report the glucose to the chest pain team.
Time 11:22 You rapidly finished the bath; you pull the 2 side rails up on your pt’s bed, give them the call light and explain you will be right back. You report the lab values to the chest pain team.
Your pt is a 74 y/o man with a hx of an MI 7 years ago, and asthma. He is in the ED. He was in relative good health until he slipped on ice and fractured his humorous. He smokes one pack per day. He says he has had a bad cold for 3 weeks. You hear Broncho Vesicular breath sounds in LLL . At 4 pm the pts VS are: 98.6 84 18 156/84 92 on RA Pain 0/10 At 6 pm his VS are: 98.9 88 26 160/88 88% on RA Pain 5/10 You hear BV breath sounds in LLL and a few wheezing anteriorly on left.
6 PM: Your primary concern at 6pm is the change in temp
6 PM: Your primary concern at 6pm is the change in LOC
6 PM Your primary concern at 6pm is the increase in heart rate , Not Selected
6 PM: Your primary concern at 6pm are the changes in respiratory status
At 6:01 you should: (Select all that apply, possibly 1 answer through all)
Call a code
Lower the head of the bed
Place on NC at 2 liters and notify the provider.
Incorrect answer: Place on a non-rebreather
{"name":"Foundations", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge and understanding of essential clinical assessment skills with this engaging quiz designed for healthcare professionals. This quiz covers a variety of scenarios from vital signs assessment to understanding patient safety and infection control protocols.Multiple choice questionsFocus on clinical judgment and patient managementGreat for reinforcing knowledge in a healthcare setting","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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