Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 17 Jul 20
[2007.07894] Dominic J. Williamson, Trithep Devakul: Type-II fractons from coupled spin chains and layers
[2007.07896] Dominic V. Else, Ryan Thorngren, T. Senthil: Non-Fermi liquids as ersatz Fermi liquids: general constraints on compressible metals
[2007.07898] GeorgeDriskell, Samuel Lederer, Carsten Bauer et al.: Observation of non-Fermi liquid physics in a quantum critical metal via quantum loop topography
[2007.07903] Yves H. Kwan, Glenn Wagner, Nilotpal Chakraborty et al.: Orbital Chern insulator domain walls and chiral modes in twisted bilayer graphene
[2007.07909] Iliya Esin, Gaurav Kumar Gupta, Erez Berg et al.: Electronic Floquet Liquid Crystals
[2007.07912] Johannes Feldmeier, Willian Natori, Michael Knap et al.: Local Probes for Charge-Neutral Edge States in Two-Dimensional Quantum Magnets
[2007.07954] Kirsten Harth, Jing Wang, Tamás Börzsönyi et al.: Intermittent flow and transient congestions of soft spheres passing narrow orifices
[2007.07961] María Victoria Ferreyra, Mauro Baldini, Luis A. Pugnaloni et al.: Effect of lateral confinement on the apparent mass of particle dampers
[2007.07982] Chunhao Guo, Junqing Xu, Dario Rocca et al.: Substrate Screening Approach for Quasi-particle Energies of Lattice-mismatched Two-dimensional Interfaces
[2007.08036] Stéphane Berciaud, Marek Potemski, Clément Faugeras: Many-body effects in suspended graphene probed through magneto-phonon resonances
[2007.08039] Hiroaki Kusunose, Rikuto Oiwa, Satoru Hayami: Complete Multipole Basis Set for Single-Centered Electron Systems
[2007.08050] Marco A. Maria, Alexandre F. Fonseca: Sarin and Air Permeation Through a Nanoporous Graphene
[2007.08055] Wei Chen: Spin torque and persistent currents caused by percolation of topological surface states
[2007.08065] Andrey O. Leonov, Ivan M. Tambovtcev, Igor S. Lobanov et al.: Stability of in-plane and out-of-plane chiral skyrmions in epitaxial MnSi(111)/Si(111) thin films: surface twists versus easy-pla...
[2007.08072] Yasuhiro Tanaka, Takashi Inoue, Masahito Mochizuki: Theory of the Inverse Faraday Effect due to the Rashba Spin-Oribt Interactions: Roles of Band Dispersions and Fermi Surfaces
[2007.08089] Nabil Ramlawi, N.Ashwin Bharadwaj, Randy H. Ewoldt: The weakly nonlinear response and non-affine interpretation of the Johnson-Segalman/Gordon-Schowalter model
[2007.08120] Marco Schnurbus, Richard A. Campbell, Jörn Droste et al.: Photo-Switchable Surfactants for Responsive Air-Water Interfaces: Azo vs. Arylazopyrazole Amphiphiles
[2007.08156] Antu Laha, Sougata Mardanya, Bahadur Singh et al.: Magnetotransport properties of the topological nodal-line semimetal CaCdSn
[2007.08168] Asaf Miron, David Mukamel: Driven tracer dynamics in a one dimensional quiescent bath
[2007.08175] Takahiro Masuda, Xavier Sauvage, Shoichi Hirosawa et al.: Achieving highly strengthened Al-Cu-Mg alloy by grain refinement and grain boundary segregation
[2007.08181] David Richard, Geert Kapteijns, Julia A. Giannini et al.: A simple and broadly-applicable definition of shear transformation zones
[2007.08182] Florian Lange, Achim Rosch: Bistabilities and domain walls in weakly open quantum systems
[2007.08195] Annika Ott, Svend-Age Biehs: Radiative heat flux through a topological Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain of plasmonic nanoparticles
[2007.08212] Kwangrae Kim, Hoon Kim, Jonghwan Kim et al.: Direct observation of excitonic instability in Ta2NiSe5
[2007.08236] Daniel A. Martin, Tiago L. Ribeiro, Sergio A. Cannas et al.: Box-scaling as a proxy of finite-size correlations
[2007.08241] P. Garcia-Campos, Y. K. Huang, A. de Visser et al.: Visualization by scanning SQUID microscopy of the intermediate state in the superconducting Dirac semimetal PdTe${}_2$
[2007.08245] B. V. Pashinsky, M. Goldstein, I. S. Burmistrov: Finite frequency backscattering current noise at a helical edge
[2007.08261] Alexandre Vilquin, Vincent Bertin, Pierre Soulard et al.: Time dependence of advection-diffusion coupling for nanoparticle ensembles
[2007.08268] Jianlei Shen, Qingqi Zeng, Shen Zhang et al.: 33% Giant Anomalous Hall Current Driven by both Intrinsic and Extrinsic Contributions in Magnetic Weyl Semimetal Co3Sn2S2
[2007.08276] A. G. Mal'shukov: Spontaneous generation of vortices by a nonuniform Zeeman field in a two-dimensional Rashba coupled superconductor
[2007.08282] Habib Rostami, Emmanuele Cappelluti: Dominant Role of Two-Photon Vertex in Nonlinear Response of Dirac Materials
[2007.08320] Federico Paolucci, Vittorio Buccheri, Gaia Germanese et al.: Highly sensitive nano-TESs for gigahertz astronomy and dark matter search
[2007.08323] Paolo Solinas, Andrea Amoretti, Francesco Giazotto: Schwinger effect in a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superconductor
[2007.08348] Xiaoqin Yang, Zi Cai: An instanton-like excitation of a discrete time crystal
[2007.08359] Michele Failla, Francisco García Flórez, Bastiaan B. V. Salzmann et al.: Observation of the quantized motion of excitons in CdSe nanoplatelets
[2007.08361] Ryan Cohn, Elizabeth Holm: Unsupervised machine learning via transfer learning and k-means clustering to classify materials image data
[2007.08365] Piotr Staroń, Andrzej Syrwid, Krzysztof Sacha: Measurement of one-dimensional matter-wave quantum breather
[2007.08367] Yuta Yamaguchi, Soumyajyoti Biswas, Takahiro Hatano et al.: Failure processes of cemented granular materials
[2007.08371] Christian Baumgartner, Lorenz Fuchs, Linus Frész et al.: Josephson inductance as a probe for highly ballistic semiconductor-superconductor weak links
[2007.08372] Ara Sedrakyan, Andreas Sinner, Klaus Ziegler: Deformation of graphene sheet: Interaction of fermions with phonons
[2007.08381] L. Villa, J. Despres, S. J. Thomson et al.: Local quench spectroscopy of many-body quantum systems
[2007.08395] Pinquan Qin, Hee Chul Park: Kick-induced rectified current in symmetric nano-electromechanical shuttle
[2007.08413] Josu Diego, A. H. Said, S. K. Mahatha et al.: Phonon collapse and van der Waals melting of the 3D charge density wave of VSe$_2$
[2007.08414] C Guarcello, FS Bergeret: Thermal noise effects on the magnetization switching of a ferromagnetic anomalous Josephson junction
[2007.08425] Kevin Fernando, Patrick K. Schelling: Non-local thermal transport via molecular-dynamics simulation and the Green-Kubo formalism
[2007.08465] Elena F. Sheka, Yevgeny A. Golubev, Nadezhda A. Popova: Amorphous state of sp$^2$ solid carbon
[2007.08468] Bing Li, D. M. Pajerowski, S. Riberolles et al.: Two-dimensional ferromagnetism with long-range interactions in the layered magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4
[2007.08482] Ren-Bo Wang, Akira Furusaki, Oleg A. Starykh: Majorana end states in an interacting quantum wire
[2007.08502] Adolfo O. Fumega, Victor Pardo, Alberto Cortijo: Uniaxial pressure induces a Lifshitz phase transition in BaSn2: A route to increase the number of topological nodal lines in semimetals
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 17 Jul 20","img":""}
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