DES C_Diagnosis (8) Prepared : CHILLY

A 46-year-old male is brought to the emergency department after falling on his head and back during a downhill bike race and losing consciousness for 1 minute. He has severe back and abdominal pain. AP and lateral skull films show no abnormalities. Lumbar films show anterior compression wedge fractures of the bodies of L1 and L2. A brace is placed. CT scan of the abdomen shows a mild retroperitoneal bleed and splenic laceration. During the hospitalization he was treated conservatively with analgesics and supportive measures. On hospital day 3, he started to have abdominal distention, pain and nausea. His last bowel movement was 4 days ago and he is not passing gas. His abdomen is distended, tympanic and mildly tender without rebound or guarding. Bowel sounds are absent. An x-ray film of the abdomen is shown below: Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Functional constipation
Paralytic ileus
Large bowel obstruction
Worsening hematoma
A 46-year-old man is brought to the emergency department after a fall during a downhill bike race. He lost consciousness for approximately 1 minute after the fall. He complains of severe back and abdominal pain. He has no other medical problems. Head computed tomography (CT) scan shows no intracranial bleeding. Lumbar films suggest a compression wedge fracture of the body of L2 vertebra, and a brace is placed. Abdominal CT scan shows a small retroperitoneal bleed and splenic laceration. He is conservatively treated with analgesics and supportive measures. On hospital day three, he complains of abdominal pain and nausea. His abdomen is distended, tympanic, and mildly tender, without rebound or guarding. Bowel sounds are absent. X-ray of the abdomen reveals. Which is the most likely diagnosis?
Erosive gastritis
Colonic pseudoobstruction
Mesenteric ischemia
Paralytic ileus
Expanding retroperitoneal hematoma
A 46-year-old man is brought to the emergency department after being involved in a motor vehicle collision. He is unresponsive and his injuries include a basilar skull fracture, brain contusion, fractures of ribs 7-10, hemopneumothorax on the right, and a pelvic fracture. After placement of a chest tube and pelvis fixation, his condition stabilizes. On the fifth day of his hospital stay, he is still unresponsive with a Glasgow Coma Scale of 8 and spontaneous respirations. Examination shows an abnormal facial reaction with palpation of the right upper quadrant of the abdomen and diminished bowel sounds. Rectal examination shows no abnormalities. Nasogastric tube aspiration shows retention of gastric contents. An abdominal CT scan shows gaseous distention of the small and large bowels without air-fluid levels. The gall bladder is distended with pericholecystic fluid but no gallstones. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis for this patient's abdominal findings?
Bowel obstruction
Mesenteric ischemia
Lung contusion
A 46-year-old man presents to the emergency department with difficulty breathing and chest discomfort. His pain worsens with inspiration but does not radiate. He says that he has never had symptoms like this before. His past medical history is unremarkable. He works as a long-haul truck driver. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 110/70 mmHg, his heart rate is 110/min, his respiratory rate is 31/min, and his temperature is 36.7°C (98°F). ECG reveals sinus tachycardia but no ischemic ST-segment or T-wave changes. His chest X-ray is shown below. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Ascending aortic dissection
Pulmonary embolism
Pleural effusion
Myocardial infarction
A 46-year-old man is brought to the emergency department after being involved in a motor vehicle collision. He is unresponsive. His injuries include a basilar skull fracture, brain contusion, fractures of ribs 7-10, hemopneumothorax on the right and a pelvic fracture. After placement of a chest tube and pelvis fixation, his condition stabilized. On the fifth day of his hospital stay, he is still unresponsive with a Glasgow Coma Scale of 8. He is breathing spontaneously. Examination shows an abnormal facial reaction to abdominal palpation. Pain appears to be elicited by palpation in right upper quadrant. Bowel sounds are diminished. Rectal examination shows no abnormalities. Nasogastric tube aspiration shows retention of gastric contents. An abdominal CT scan shows gaseous distention of the small and large bowels without airfluid levels. The gall bladder is distended and pericholecystic fluid is present. Stones are not seen. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Bowel obstruction
Mesenteric contusion
Lung contusion
A 46-year-old man with a history of medication-controlled hypertension sees his doctor for a routine check-up. His blood pressure is 115/80 mm Hg and an electrocardiogram shows a normal sinus rhythm. The doctor notes that the man seems more down than usual. The man admits that he has been "stressed out" for the past two weeks, as a few people at work recently quit and he has had to take on more work while management finds replacements. He has been sleeping poorly at night, feels tired during the day, and states that he hates his job right now, but has no other choice. He continues to get his work done and enjoys social activities, remarking that he "can still golf on the weekends." What is the patient's most likely diagnosis?
Adjustment disorder with depressed mood
Major depressive disorder
Acute stress disorder
Primary insomnia
Normal human experience
A 46-year-old woman presents with a 4-month history of a discharge from the nipple. An excisional biopsy of the nipple area reveals infiltration of the nipple by large cells with clear cytoplasm. These cells are found both singly and in small clusters in the epidermis and are PAS-positive and diastase resistant. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Ductal papilloma
Mammary duct ectasia
Eczematous inflammation
Paget disease
Phyllodes tumor, malignant
A 47-year-old African American woman presents with two days of shortness of breath and left-sided chest pain. Her past medical history is significant for a mastectomy six months ago for breast cancer, for which she also received adjuvant chemotherapy. Her mobility has been limited recently due to progressive back pain. Her current medications include tamoxifen. On chest x-ray, there is an infiltrate obscuring the right heart border as well as a right-sided pleural effusion. Pleural fluid analysis reveals the following: pH 5.75, Nucleated cells 10,050/mm3, RBC 1,500/mm3, Protein 3.9 g/dl, LDH 620 units/L, Glucose 38 mg/dl. Her serum chemistries are notable for an LDH of 310 units/L and protein of 6.1 g/dl. Which of the following is the most likely cause of her effusion?
Heart failure
Drug-induced lupus
Pulmonary embolism
A 47-year-old female, who is a chronic alcoholic, is admitted to the hospital with epigastric pain, nausea, and vomiting. Her serum amylase and lipase levels are significantly elevated and the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis is made. She is maintained nothing by mouth (NPO), and receives intravenous hydration and narcotic analgesics. On the second day of hospitalization she develops progressive shortness of breath. Her temperature is 37.2°C (98.9°F), blood pressure is 110/66 mm Hg, pulse is 110/min, and respirations are 24/min. Her oxygenation is measured at 84% on 100% non-rebreather mask and the decision is made to intubate. Since the time of admission, she has received 5 liters of normal saline and has produced 3 liters of urine output. On examination, there is no evidence of jugular venous distention. Chest auscultation reveals diffuse bilateral crackles. Auscultation of the heart reveals normal heart sounds with no murmurs. A chest x-ray from the time of admission and one from the time of intubation are shown below. Based on these findings, what is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Alcoholic cardiomyopathy
Congestive heart failure from myocardial infarction
Hospital acquired pneumonia
Iatrogenic volume overload
A 47-year-old obese female comes to the office for the evaluation of recent episodes of mood instability. Her mood varies between sad and irritable. She denies any other symptoms, except for some mild forgetfulness. She tearfully shares that she is convinced that she is going to die, as her father also developed similar symptoms around the same age and died subsequently. On physical examination, writhing movements of the extremities are prominent. This patient's clinical presentation is most consistent with:
Alzheimer's disease
Huntington's disease
Pick's disease
A 47-year-old smoker presents to the emergency room with a three-day history of shortness of breath and cough. His past medical history is significant for tuberculosis ten years ago, treated with six months of a multidrug regimen. On exam today, his blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg and his heart rate is 110/min. Breath sounds are decreased over the right lung base. Over the same area there is dullness to percussion and increased fremitus. The patient also has trace ankle edema. Which of the following most likely accounts for these findings?
Pleural effusion
A 47-year-old woman comes to the office and complains of burning abdominal pain which has been present for the past 3 months, is grade 6/10 in severity, continuous, and relieved by taking antacids. She also complains of some constipation. Her father has a history of "ulcers in his belly." She works as a floor secretary in a surgical ward, and is not happy with her new boss. She denies any weight loss or decreased appetite. Her temperature is 37.1°C (98.8°F), blood pressure is 130/85 mm Hg, heart rate is 78/min, and respirations are 14/min. She is awake, alert, and oriented. The abdominal examination reveals normoactive bowel sounds and tenderness in the epigastric region, but no palpable mass. Her stools are occult blood positive. ECG reveals increased PR and shortened QT intervals. The laboratory results reveal the following: Sodium 137 mEq/dL, Potassium 4.2 mEq/dL, Chloride 101 mEq/dL, Bicarbonate 27 mEq/dL, Calcium 12.0 mg/dl, Phosphorus 2.2 mg/dl, BUN 37 mg/dl, Creatinine 1.8 mg/dl. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Stress ulcer
Parathyroid adenoma
Vitamin-D toxicity
Metastatic gastric carcinoma
A 47-year-old woman develops accelerated hypertension (blood pressure 210/105 mmHg) but no clinical symptoms except frequent headaches. Which of the following findings are most likely on examination of the fundii?
Retinitis obliterans
Cotton wool spots
Retinal detachment
Optic atrophy
Foveal blindness
A 47-year-old woman is brought to the emergency room after she jumped off an overpass in a suicide attempt. In the emergency room she states that she wanted to kill herself because the devil had been tormenting her for many years. After stabilization of her fractures, she is admitted to the psychiatric unit, where she is treated with risperidone and sertraline. After 2 weeks she is no longer suicidal and her mood is euthymic. However, she still believes that the devil is recruiting people to try to persecute her. In the past 10 years, the patient has had three similar episodes prior to this one. Throughout this time, she has never stopped believing that the devil is persecuting her. Which of the following is the most appropriate diagnosis for this patient?
Delusional disorder
Schizophreniform disorder
Schizoaffective disorder
Schizophrenia, paranoid type
Major depression with psychotic features
A 47-year-old woman presents to your office with complaints of lower abdominal pain, nocturia, urinary urgency and frequency relieved with urination. She states the symptoms have been worsening this past month and she recently experienced dyspareunia. She is sexually active with her husband, but this is causing her a great amount of pain. She has four children and had uncomplicated pregnancies. She denies fevers or chills. On examination, she has diffuse lower abdominal pain with no rebound or guarding. Her external genitalia appear normal. On bimanual examination, palpation of the anterior vaginal wall elicits extreme pain. No cervical motion tenderness is present. No other abnormalities are noted. A urinalysis is negative. The most likely diagnosis is:
Urinary tract infection
Interstitial cystitis
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Stress incontinence
A 48-year-old Caucasian female presents to your office due to a small swelling on her left lower eyelid. She has worked outdoors her whole life. This swelling has been present for the past 6 months. Recently, she noticed a loss of eyelashes on her lower eyelid. On examination, there is a small nodular lesion on the lower eyelid margin. It is firm, painless, pearly and indurated. Loss of lashes on the left lower eyelid is confirmed. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Squamous cell carcinoma
Basal cell carcinoma
Squamous papilloma
Seborrheic keratosis
A 48-year-old G5P5 woman has genuine stress incontinence (GSI). Kegel exercises have not helped, and her incontinence is gradually worsening. Her urethrovesical junction (UVJ) is prolapsed into the vagina, and her urethral closure pressure is normal. Which of the following procedures will most likely cure her incontinence?
Retropubic urethropexy
Needle suspension of paraurethral tissue
Suburethral sling procedure
Anterior colporrhaphy
Paraurethral collagen injections
A 48-year-old white male comes to the emergency department with complaints of severe pain and swelling in his left leg. He sustained an injury to his left leg while playing tennis five days ago. The pain worsened over the past 2-3 days, and is now unbearable. He also complains of flu-like symptoms. His temperature is 39 °C (102°F), pulse is 104/min, blood pressure is 110/80 mmHg, and respirations are 18/min. Physical examination reveals an edematous limb with purplish discoloration of the injured area, along with bullae and a serosanguineous discharge. The leg is extremely tender to touch. A scalpel incision of the skin reveals yellowish green necrotic tissues. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Necrotizing fasciitis
Erythema induratum
Toxic shock syndrome
A 48-year-old woman develops pain in the right lower quadrant while playing tennis. The pain progresses and the patient presents to the emergency room later that day with a low-grade fever, a WBC count of 13,000/mm3 and complaints of anorexia and nausea as well as persistent, sharp pain of the right lower quadrant. On examination, she is tender in the right lower quadrant with muscular spasm, and there is a suggestion of a mass effect. An ultrasound is ordered and shows an apparent mass in the abdominal wall. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Acute appendicitis
Hematoma of the rectus sheath
Cecal carcinoma
Torsion of an ovarian cyst
A 48-year-old woman has been married for 8 years and desperately wants to have a child of her own before it is too late. She consults a new obstetrician for help because she has experienced multiple early secondtrimester losses due to painless cervical dilation leading to expulsion of immature stillborn fetuses. She reports that she was exposed in utero to diethylstilbestrol (DES), explaining that when her mother was pregnant with her she experienced early pregnancy bleeding and, as a consequence, was treated with DES to prevent the pregnancy from being terminated. At this time, this patient is most likely to demonstrate which of the following conditions on physical examination?
Cervical dysplasia
Breast fibroadenoma
Vaginal adenosis
Müllerian agenesis
Polycystic ovary syndrome
A 48-year-old woman presents to her primary care physician because of 2 weeks of neck pain. The pain is constant and sharp (rated at 10 of 10) and is felt in the anterior portion of her neck. She also notes several weeks of loose stools and fatigue. Past medical history is significant for a viral upper respiratory infection about 1 month ago. She has a temperature of 37.9°C (100.2°F), heart rate of 96/min, and blood pressure of 136/82 mmHg. On neck examination there is diffuse enlargement of the thyroid and it is exquisitely tender to even mild palpation. Laboratory tests show a total tri-iodothyronine level of 280 ng/dL, total thyroxine of 25 μg/dL, and thyroid-stimulating hormone of 2 μU/mL (normal: 0.4–4 μU/L).Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Acute infectious thyroiditis
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
Drug-induced thyroiditis
Riedel’s thyroiditis
Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis
A 48-year-old woman presents with a 1.5-cm firm mass in the upper outer quadrant of her left breast. A biopsy from this mass reveals many of the ducts to be filled with atypical cells. In the center of these ducts there is extensive necrosis. No invasion into the surrounding fibrous tissue is seen. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Colloid carcinoma
Infiltrating lobular carcinoma
Infiltrating ductal carcinoma
Lobular carcinoma in situ
A 48-year-old woman with five children complains of urinary incontinence with coughing and stair climbing. She likely has genuine stress urinary incontinence if which of the following is true?
Loss of urine occurs when intravesical pressure exceeds maximal urethral pressure
Loss of urine is due to increased intravesical pressure associated with bladder distention
Loss of urine occurs in relation to anxiety or depression
Loss of urine is associated with a strong desire to void immediately
Loss of urine is secondary to involuntary bladder contractions
A 49-year-old G4P4 presents to your office complaining of a 2-month history of leakage of urine every time she exercises. She has had to limit her physical activities because of the loss of urine. She has had burning with urination and some blood in her urine for the past few days. Which of the following is the best next step in the evaluation and management of this patient?
Physical examination
Office cystometrics
Placement of a pessary
Urinalysis with urine culture
A 49-year-old man is brought to the ED by EMS stating that he vomited approximately three cups of blood over the last 2 hours. He also complains of epigastric pain. While examining the patient, he has another episode of hematemesis. You decide to place an NG tube. You insert the tube, confirm its placement, and attach it to suction. You retrieve 200 mL of coffee-ground blood. What is the most common etiology of an upper GI bleed?
Peptic ulcer
Gastric erosions
Mallory-Weiss tear
A 49-year-old woman comes to the office and complains of a "strange, itchy rash" on her left areola which has been present for the last month. She tried applying various lotions and creams, but the lesion did not resolve. She denies having other skin conditions, except for a poison ivy rash 2 months ago. She does not take any medications and feels "goofy" when she takes penicillin. Physical examination reveals an eczemoid lesion on the left nipple. No abnormality is visible on the mammogram. Biopsy demonstrates large cells surrounded by halo-like areas which invade the epidermis. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Adenoma of nipple
Scirrhous carcinoma
Paget's disease
Phyllodes tumor
Lymphocytic carcinoma of breast
A 49-year-old woman presents with a two-week history of lower abdominal pain and severe diarrhea. The stools are watery without blood or mucus. The abdominal pain is mild and unrelated to her stools. She has had recent episodes of flushing. She has not had fever. There is no history of travel. She does not smoke or drink alcohol. Her past surgical history includes a fracture repair of her right leg 3 years ago. Her temperature is 36.6°C (97.8°F), blood pressure is 106/68 mm Hg, pulse is 103/min, and respirations are 20/min. Oxygen saturation is 99% on room air. Physical examination shows facial flushing, a prominent jugular venous pulse and expiratory wheezes. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Inflammatory bowel disease
Infectious gastroenteritis
Irritable bowel syndrome
Carcinoid syndrome
A 5-day-old male premature infant in the NICU develops a decreased level of consciousness, hypotonia and decreased spontaneous movements. He was delivered vaginally at 32 weeks of gestation, and his birth weight was 1800g. Examination reveals a lethargic infant with a weak and high-pitched cry, prominent scalp veins, tense fontanels, and eyes directed downward, poor suckling, hypotonia. CT scan reveals dilation of the entire ventricular system, with distinct enlargement of the subarachnoid space over the cerebral cortex. What is the most likely cause of the patient's condition?
Intraventricular hemorrhage
Arnold-Chiari malformation
Dandy-Walker malformation
Intrauterine infection
Neonatal meningitis
A 5-day-old male term neonate has been passing maroon-colored stools for the past three days, along with frequent episodes of vomiting. He is being breastfed by his mother, who is an asthmatic. His vital signs are within normal limits. The physical examination is unremarkable. Stool examination is positive for RBCs and eosinophils. What is the most likely cause of this patient's findings?
Necrotizing enterocolitis
Meckel's diverticulum
Viral gastroenteritis
Milk protein intolerance
Hirschsprung's disease
A 5-month-old boy is brought to the office for a mass in his left groin area. The infant is on the examination table, quietly sucking on his pacifier. On examination, there is a fluid-filled sac that does not reach the inguinal ring and transilluminates well. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Inguinal hernia
Testicular torsion
Testicular tumor
A 5-month-old child was normal at birth, but the family reports that the child does not seem to look at them any longer. They also report the child seems to “startle” more easily than he had before. Testing of his white blood cells (WBCs) identifies the absence of β-hexosaminidase A activity, confirming the diagnosis of which of the following?
Niemann-Pick disease, type A
Infantile Gaucher disease
Tay-Sachs disease
Krabbe disease
Fabry disease
A 5-month-old child with poor growth presents to the ER with generalized tonic-clonic seizure activity of about 30-minute duration that stops upon the administration of lorazepam. Which of the following historical bits of information gathered from the mother is most likely to lead to the correct diagnosis in this patient?
The mother previously worked as an attorney in an energy-trading firm
The mother reports there are two dogs and one cat at home
The mother has been diluting the infant’s formula to make it last longer
The child is developmentally normal, as are his siblings
The child has had congestion without fever for the past 3 days
A 5-month-old girl is brought to the office by her mother, who states that the girl had an episode following feeding during which she began to breathe deeply, became blue, and then lost consciousness. The mother states that she picked her up and held her, and the infant regained her usual color and became alert. Physical examination reveals a harsh systolic murmur. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Aortic stenosis
Patent ductus arteriosus
Coarctation of the aorta
Tetralogy of Fallot
Ventricular septal defect
A 5-month-old infant has failed to gain weight despite a good appetite. The child’s mother reports that the baby has up to eight bulky, foul-smelling, oily stools per day. A sweat chloride test reveals a chloride level of 78 mEq/L (normal: < 60 mEq/L). Which of the following sequelae is most likely to occur as a result of this patient’s disease?
Purple lines on the gums, red-brown discoloration of the urine, and renal tubular acidosis
Recurrent airway disease with eventual respiratory insufficiency associated with bronchiectasis
Dehydration, electrolyte abnormalities, and acute hypotension
Esophageal ulceration or strictures and upper gastrointestinal bleeding
Cirrhosis and subsequent hepatic failure
A 5-month-old infant is brought to the office by his mother because of a rash on his face, hands and chest. The baby is constantly scratching these areas, and his mother is having a hard time keeping his hands away from the rash. She has tried a variety of over-the-counter products and many home remedies, as advised by her mother, but has noted no improvement. On physical examination, there are erythematous lesions on his cheeks with erosion, scaling, excoriated papules and plaques. Similar lesions are also found on his trunk, scalp and forehead. The lesions are symmetrical, and the diaper area appears spared. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Contact dermatitis
Exfoliative dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis
A 5-week-old infant is brought to the clinic for a 4-week history of noisy breathing that has not improved. She has otherwise been healthy except for a current upper respiratory infection for the past 4 days, which according to the parents, has worsened the noisy breathing. On examination, she has inspiratory stridor. The noisy breathing improves when the infant is asleep. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Bronchoalveolar carcinoma
Foreign object obstruction
Bacterial pneumonia
A 5-week-old infant presents with a 1-week history of progressive nonbilious emesis, associated with a 24-hour history of decreased urine output. The infant continues to be active and eager to feed. On examination, the infant has a sunken fontanelle and decreased skin turgor. The abdomen is scaphoid, and with a test feed, there is a visible peristaltic wave in the epigastrium. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Viral gastroenteritis
Gastroesophageal reflux
Urinary tract sepsis
Pyloric stenosis
Milk protein allergy
A 5-week-old infant presents with a 1-week history of progressive nonbilious emesis, associated with a 24-hour history of decreased urine output. The infant continues to be active and eager to feed. On examination, the infant has a sunken fontanels and decreased skin turgor. The abdomen is scaphoid, and with a test feed, there is a visible peristaltic wave in the epigastrium. The diagnosis is best confirmed by which of the following?
Careful clinical examination with palpation of an epigastric mass
UGI contrast study
Abdominal ultrasound
Surgical exploration
A 5-year-old boy is brought to the emergency department by his mother. One week ago, he developed a low grade fever followed by persistent bouts of coughing that last 20-30 minutes each. The coughing spells are severe, unresponsive to antitussive medications, and appear to worsen with eating and drinking cold liquids. On physical examination, there is subconjunctival hemorrhage and extensive subcutaneous emphysema over the anterior chest. What is the most likely organism responsible for this child's illness?
Haemophilus influenza
Bordetella pertussis
Rickettsia rickettsia
A 5-year-old boy is brought to the emergency department due to general malaise and a swollen scrotum. His mother noticed the swollen scrotum today, and is sure that "it was not there yesterday." He had a low-grade fever and a cough two weeks ago, and "hasn't been himself ever since." He has no significant past medical history. On examination, he looks ill and lethargic. He has palpable purpura on his buttocks and lower legs. He has a swollen right scrotum which is slightly tender to palpation, and his abdomen is moderately tender to palpation. Urinalysis reveals the presence of a small amount of blood and protein. He is subsequently admitted for observation. Which of the following adverse outcomes is he most likely to develop?
A 5-year-old boy is brought to the emergency department with high-grade fevers, irritability, dyspnea and difficulty swallowing that started just hours ago. His mother reports that he had been well before going to bed, but then awoke in the middle of the night with respiratory distress. His vaccination history is uncertain. On physical examination, his temperature is 39. 1 °C (102 .4°F), pulse is 130/min, and respirations are 46/min. He appears anxious and restless, and he is drooling. While observing his respirations, you note that inspiring causes him particular distress. There is no stridor. Sitting upright with his neck hyperextended seems to give the child some relief. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Peritonsillar abscess
Vascular ring
A 5-year-old boy is brought to the physician because of a malodorous discharge coming from his right nostril. His parents report that the child developed frequent sneezing and mucus discharge for one week. They thought it was a common cold. The child is afebrile and in apparent good health. There is no history of allergic diseases or recurrent infections. Examination reveals obstruction of the right nasal fossa with associated purulent discharge from the right nostril. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Allergic rhinitis
Juvenile angiofibroma
Nasal foreign body
Nasal polyp
Rhinitis medicamentosa
A 5-year-old child develops an earache, but her mother is too busy to take her to the pediatrician. Two weeks later, the child still has not improved and now has a painful, swollen, red area behind the pinna. At this point, the child is taken to the emergency department, where the physician additionally notes the presence of fever and a creamy discharge in the ear canal. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Acute mastoiditis
Barotitis media
Chronic otitis media
Meniere disease
Secretory otitis media
A 5-year-old child undergoes a school entrance physical examination. The pediatrician notices grey-brown pigmentation on the skin of his forehead, hands, and pretibial regions. Subconjunctival areas near the corneoscleral junction show wedge-shaped, yellow-brown discoloration (pingueculae). Enlargement of both the spleen and the liver are noted on abdominal examination. Needle biopsy of the spleen demonstrates the presence of unusually large (20- to 100-mm diameter) reticuloendothelial histiocytes with a "crumpled-silk" appearance. Bone marrow biopsy demonstrates the presence of the same type of cells. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Fabry disease
Gaucher disease
Niemann-Pick disease
Tangier disease
A 5-year-old febrile child presents with swelling of the right eyelid. Proptosis and limitation of ocular movements is noted. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Orbital cellulitis
Periorbital cellulitis
A 5-year-old female child is brought to the emergency department due to fever, chills and abdominal pain. She has been complaining of burning micturition and abdominal pain for the last 2 days. Her temperature is 102 F (38.9C), respirations are 20/min, pulse is 130/min, and blood pressure is 90/60 mmHg. Physical examination reveals costovertebral angle tenderness. Urine analysis shows pyuria, significant bacteriuria, WBC casts, positive nitrite, and esterase. What is the most likely cause of this condition in children?
Wilm's tumor
Vesicoureteral reflux
Ureteral duplication
Renal stones
A 5-year-old girl is being evaluated for generalized swelling. Her blood pressure is 98/60 mm Hg. Her laboratory results show: Creatinine 0.7 mg/dl, Albumin 1.6 g/dL, Cholesterol 360 mg/dL, Triglycerides 400 mg/dL, C3 complement 120 mg/dL (normal, >80 mg/dL), Antinuclear antibody Negative, Urinalysis 1 RBC/hpf, protein 400 mg/dL. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Membranous glomerulopathy
Postinfectious acute glomerulonephritis
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Minimal change disease
A 5-year-old girl is brought to the physician with low grade fever and rhinorrhea. Her symptoms began ten days ago. She has also had persistent purulent rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, and a dry cough during the day that worsens at night. Her symptoms do not seem to be improving. On examination, the child has erythema and swelling of the nasal turbinates with purulent nasal drainage. She has evidence of drainage in the posterior pharynx as well. The remainder of her examination is unremarkable. Computed topography of her face is shown below. Which of the following is the most common predisposing factor for her condition?
Allergic rhinitis
Environmental mucosal irritants
Viral upper respiratory infection
Septal deformities
Adenoidal hypertrophy
A 5-year-old girl is brought to the physician's office for a follow-up visit after recovering from an episode of acute bacterial meningitis. Five weeks ago, she developed pneumococcal meningitis, and was admitted to the hospital, where she underwent lumbar puncture, CT scan of the head, and ceftriaxone therapy. She was discharged in a stable condition. According to the mother, the child has not been performing well in school since her illness. She also noticed that the child has forgotten how to copy figures such as triangles and squares, and is unable to identify colours accurately. What is the most likely cause for the regression of milestones in this patient?
Drug reaction
Lumbar puncture
A 5-year-old girl presents to the emergency department with acute onset of muscle weakness. The mother carried the girl to the examination room and states that the muscle weakness started in her daughter's legs yesterday. The weakness became worse today and progressed to the trunk and both arms. She was also complaining difficulty of breathing earlier today. She has been otherwise healthy but had a common cold about 10 days ago. On examination, her respirations are 26/min and shallow. She has profound muscle weakness in her lower extremities, and moderate weakness in her upper extremities. Her deep tendon reflexes are absent. A lumbar puncture is performed, which shows increased protein concentration but no pleocytosis. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Myasthenia gravis
Toxic neuropathy
A 5-year-old girl presents with a 3-day history of fever, dyspnea, and intermittent joint pain. She has a history of sore throat about 1 month ago. On physical examination, her temperature is 39.6 C (103.2 F), blood pressure is 94/60 mm Hg, pulse is 114/min, and respirations are 22/min. Her knees and elbow joints are swollen and tender to palpation. There is a grade III/VI diastolic murmur best heard at the apex. Multiple fine, pink macules are noted on her trunk. These macules are blanching in the middle. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Lyme disease
Rheumatic fever
Scarlet fever
Septic arthritis
A 50-year-old construction worker continues to have elevated blood pressure of 160/95 mmHg even after a third agent is added to his antihypertensive regimen. Physical examination is normal, electrolytes are normal, and the patient is taking no over-the-counter medications. Which of the following is the best next step for this patient?
Evaluate for Cushing syndrome
Obtain a renal angiogram
Check pill count
Obtain an adrenal CT scan
Check chest x-ray for coarctation of the aorta
A 50-year-old female presents with a 3-year history of abdominal pain and diarrhea. She has not been evaluated by a physician. Recently, her symptoms have been progressively worsening. Endoscopy shows multiple ulcerations of the duodenum and prominent gastric folds. Secretin stimulation test shows increased gastrin secretion. Which of the following is most likely associated with this patient's condition?
Medullary thyroid cancer
Primary hyperparathyroidism
Marfanoid habitus
A 50-year-old male presents for the evaluation of polyuria and polydipsia of two months duration. He also complains of weakness and fatigue. He had one episode of paralysis that resolved on its own. He has a 20 pack-year history of smoking. He does not drink alcohol. His past medical and family histories are not significant His pulse is 78/min, blood pressure is 150/96 mmHg and temperature is 37°C (98.6°F). The rest of his examination, including the neurological examination, is unremarkable. Laboratory studies show: Plasma sodium 145 mEq/L, Potassium 24 mEq/L, Serum creatinine 0.8 mg/dl, Plasma renin activity low, Plasma aldosterone concentration high. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Primary hyperaldosteronism
Renovascular hypertension
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis
Renin-secreting tumor
Congestive heart failure
A 50-year-old man comes to the clinic seeking help for a skin condition he has had for the last 6 months. He has developed hyperpigmented, “velvety” lesions in his axilla, neck, and groin, and particularly prominent lesions on the soles of his feet and palms of his hands. Additionally, he has developed small skin tags on his neck. Since immigrating 10 years ago, he reports being in excellent health, watching his diet, and exercising regularly. Review of systems reveals some mild dyspepsia but is otherwise unremarkable. Family history includes an aunt with breast cancer but no diabetes or heart disease. He does not smoke cigarettes and only rarely drinks. Vital signs are within normal limits. The patient is a thin Japanese man in no apparent distress. Physical examination confirms the lesions about which the patient was complaining. Additionally, a firm, 3-cm left supraclavicular lymph node is palpable. Which of the following is the most likely underlying condition?
Gastric adenocarcinoma
Lung squamous cell cancer
Insulin resistance
Pancreatic cancer
Small cell carcinoma
A 50-year-old man comes to the physician because of a skin rash, joint pains, malaise and fatigue. He has a history of intravenous drug abuse. His temperature is 37.1°C (98.9°F), blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg, pulse is 80/min, and respirations are 14/min. Examination shows palpable purpura and hepatosplenomegaly. Urinalysis shows hematuria, red blood cell casts and proteinuria. The results of the laboratory studies are as follows: BUN 30 mg/dl, Creatinine 2.0 mg/dl, Serum complement Low, Anti-HCV Positive. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Acute interstitial nephritis
Mixed essential cryoglobulinemia
Alpert's syndrome
Benign recurrent hematuria
Acute post infectious glomerulonephritis
A 50-year-old man comes to the physician for a routine check-up. He has no present complaints. He has diabetes mellitus, type 2, stable angina, and gout. He takes glyburide and atenolol. He smokes two packs a day and, occasionally, consumes alcohol. His father had an early myocardial infarction; his brother has diabetes mellitus. His blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg and heart rate is 65/min. Physical examination shows no abnormalities. There is concern about end organ damage in this patient due to diabetes mellitus. Which of the following is the earliest renal abnormality that could be seen in this patient?
Nodular sclerosis
Mesangial expansion
Glomerular basement membrane (GBM) thickening
Immune deposits
Glomerular hyperfiltration
A 50-year-old man comes to the physician for a routine follow-up visit. He has hypertension, diabetes mellitus, secondary hyperparathyroidism, and end-stage renal disease. He has been on hemodialysis for the past three years. He was admitted three months ago for line sepsis, which was treated with antibiotics. He had a right below-the-knee amputation two years ago following a non-healing foot ulcer. Physical examination shows a right carotid bruit. If this patient dies within the next five years, what would be the most likely cause of his death?
Cardiovascular disease
Withdrawal from dialysis
A 50-year-old man is brought to the ED by ambulance with significant hematemesis. In the ambulance, paramedics placed two large-bore IVs and began infusing normal saline. In the ED, his HR is 127 beats per minute, BP is 79/45 mm Hg, temperature is 97.9°F, RR is 24 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 96%. On physical examination, his abdomen is nontender, but you note spider angiomata, palmar erythema, and gynecomastia. Laboratory results reveal WBC 9000/μL, hematocrit 28%, platelets 40/μL, aspartate transaminase (AST) 675 U/L, alanine transaminase (ALT) 325 U/L, alkaline phosphatase 95 U/L, total bilirubin 14.4 mg/dL, conjugated bilirubin 12.9 mg/dL, sodium 135 mEq/L, potassium 3.5 mEq/L, chloride 110 mEq/L, bicarbonate 26 mEq/L, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 20 mg/dL, creatinine 1.1 mg/dL, and glucose 150 mg/dL. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Perforated gastric ulcer
Splenic laceration
Esophageal varices
Ruptured AAA
A 50-year-old man presents to the emergency department for increasing abdominal distention and jaundice over the last 4–6 weeks. Examination reveals mild jaundice, spider angiomas, and ascites. Enlarged veins are noted around the umbilicus. Which one is the most likely diagnosis?
Hepatitis A
Pancreatic carcinoma
Liver metastases
A 50-year-old man presents with excessive day- time sleepiness and a history of snoring. One week ago, he fell asleep while driving his car and got into a minor accident. On examination, he is obese (body mass index [BMI] >30) and his blood pressure is 160/90 mm Hg. His lungs are clear and heart sounds are distant. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for the symptoms associated with this condition?
Related to cardiac dysfunction
Neuropsychiatric and behavioral
Gastrointestinal (GI)
A 50-year-old white male comes to the physician's office because of diarrhea, abdominal pain and weight loss. He has bulky, foul-smelling stools, abdominal distension and flatulence. He also has arthralgias and a chronic cough. His temperature is 37.8°C (100°F), blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg, pulse is 80/min, and respirations are 18/min. Physical examination shows generalized lymphadenopathy, skin hyperpigmentation and a diastolic murmur in the aortic area. Small bowel biopsy shows villous atrophy with numerous PAS-positive materials in the lamina propria. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Celiac disease
Tropical sprue
Crohn's disease
Whipple's disease
Cystic fibrosis
A 50-year-old white woman presents with aching and stiffness in the trunk, hip, and shoulders. There is widespread muscle pain after mild exertion. Symptoms are worse in the morning and improve during the day. They are also worsened by stress. The patient is always tired and exhausted. She has trouble sleeping at night. On examination, joints are normal. ESR is normal, and Lyme antibody and HIV test are negative. A diagnosis is best made by which of the following?
Trial of glucocorticoid
Demonstration of 11 tender points
Muscle biopsy
Psychiatric evaluation
Trial of an NSAID
A 50-year-old woman comes to clinic due to several episodes of severe watery diarrhea for the past 15 days. There is 4/10 pain all over her abdomen but she has not noticed any blood in her stools. She has normal diet and has not travelled anywhere recently. She denies any one around her having similar complaints. She also had occasional cramps in her leg muscles and feels dehydrated. She smokes one to two cigarettes a day and drinks socially. Her temperature is 36.8°C (98.1°F), blood pressure is 108/64 mmHg, pulse is 118/min, and respirations are 18/min. On examination her abdomen is slightly tender. Laboratory results are as follows. WBC 5600mm3, Hemoglobin 13.6, Hematocrit: 41%, Platelets 209,000mm3, Sodium 138mEq/L, Potassium: 2.1mEq/L, Bicarbonate: 35mEq/L, Blood urea nitrogen: 16 mg/dl, Creatinine: 0.8 mg/dl, Glucose 106 mg/dl. A CT abdomen is ordered which shows a mass in the head of pancreas. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma
A 50-year-old woman complains of leakage of urine. After genuine stress urinary incontinence, which of the following is the most common cause of urinary leakage?
Detrusor dyssynergia
Unstable bladder
Unstable urethra
Urethral diverticulum
Overflow incontinence
A 50-year-old woman develops pink macules and papules on her hands and forearms in association with a sore throat. The lesions are target like, with the centers a dusky violet. What causes of this disorder are most likely in this patient?
Tampons and superficial skin infections
Anxiety and emotional stress
Harsh soaps and drying agents
Drugs and herpesvirus infections
Rickettsial and fungal infections
A 50-year-old woman is diagnosed with cervical cancer. Which lymph node group would be the first involved in metastatic spread of this disease beyond the cervix and uterus?
Common iliac nodes
External iliac nodes
Parametrial nodes
Paracervical or ureteral nodes
Para-aortic nodes
A 50-year-old woman presents to the physician’s office for evaluation of a right neck mass. The mass has been present for 3 years and is painless. On examination, a nontender, firm, 2.5-cm mass is noted slightly below and posterior to the angle of the mandible on the right. Which one is the most likely diagnosis?
Carotid artery aneurysm
Laryngeal carcinoma
Mixed parotid tumor (pleomorphic adenoma)
Parathyroid adenoma
Branchial cleft cyst
A 50-year-old woman presents to your office complaining of severe insomnia, hot flashes, and mood swings. She also states that her mother had a hip fracture at 65 years of age. She is afraid of developing osteoporosis and having a similar incident. Her last menstrual period was six months ago. Her past medical history is significant for hypothyroidism diagnosed seven years ago. She takes L-thyroxine and the dose of the hormone has been stable for the last several years. Her blood pressure is 120/70 mmHg and her heart rate is 75/min. Serum TSH level is normal. You consider estrogen replacement therapy for this patient. Which of the following is most likely concerning estrogen replacement therapy in this patient?
The level of TSH would decrease
The volume of distribution of thyroxine would decrease
The requirement for L-thyroxine would increase
The metabolism of thyroid hormones would decrease
The level of total thyroid hormones would decrease
A 50-year-old woman presents with fatigue, insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, and absence of menses for the last 5 months (secondary amenorrhea). Her urine hCG test is negative. Laboratory tests reveal decreased serum estrogen and increased serum FSH and LH levels. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this individual’s clinical signs and symptoms?
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone–secreting tumor of the hypothalamus
Prolactin-secreting tumor of the anterior pituitary
17-hydroxylase deficiency of the adrenal cortex
A 50-year-old woman undergoes screening colonoscopy at her primary care physician’s recommendation. She has no family history of colorectal cancer. A single lesion is removed during the procedure and sent for pathologic examination. Which of the following findings carries the greatest risk of malignancy?
Lymphoid polyp
Tubular adenoma
Peutz-Jeghers polyp
Tubulovillous adenoma
Villous adenoma
A 50-year-old woman with a history of essential hypertension presents to the emergency department with sudden onset of a severe headache, nausea and vomiting, and photophobia. On examination, her BP is 160/100 mmHg. She is mildly confused and has nuchal rigidity, without focal neurologic signs. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Hemorrhagic stroke
Ruptured cerebral aneurysm
Ischemic cerebrovascular accident
Transient ischemic attack
A 50-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis has been treated with meloxicam (Mobic). You add hydroxychloroquine. Six weeks later her arthritis is mildly improved. The same joints are still involved but she now reports only 1-hour morning stiffness. She has, however, developed epigastric burning and melena for the past 3 days. Stool is strongly positive for occult blood. Which of the following is the most likely cause for the melena in this case?
Meckel diverticulum
Gastric lymphoma associated with autoimmune disease
Hydroxychloroquine-induced acid peptic disease
Emotional stress over her illness resulting in acid peptic disease
NSAID gastropathy .
A 51-year-old Caucasian female complains of low-back pain radiating to the buttocks. She also complains of persistent muscle pain that gets worse with exercise. Physical examination reveals normal muscle strength. Her joints are not swollen, but palpation over the outer upper quadrants of the buttocks and the medial aspect of the knees elicits tenderness. Her ESR is 12mm/hr. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Seronegative spondyloarthropathy
Polymyalgia rheumatica
Polymyositis Rheumatoid arthritis
A 51-year-old male with a history of alcoholic pancreatitis presented to the hospital because of sudden onset severe retrosternal and upper abdominal pain. He has been vomiting for the past few hours after consuming alcohol. His temperature is 38.1C (100.9F), blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg, pulse is 120/min and respirations are 30/min. Examination shows palpable crepitus in the suprasternal notch. Lungs are clear to auscultation. The abdomen is tender to palpation mostly in the epigastrium. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his current condition?
Spontaneous pneumothorax
Perforated duodenal ulcer
Acute pancreatitis
Esophageal perforation
Mallory-Weiss tear
A 51-year-old man describes 1 week of gradually worsening scrotal pain and dysuria. He is sexually active with his wife. His temperature is 100.1°F, HR 81 beats per minute, BP 140/75 mm Hg, and oxygen saturation is 99% on room air. On physical examination, his scrotal skin is warm and erythematous. A cremasteric reflex is present. The posterior left testicle is swollen and tender to touch. Color Doppler ultrasonography demonstrates increased testicular blood flow. Urinalysis is positive for leukocyte esterase. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Testicular torsion
Testicular tumor
A 51-year-old man develops acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) while hospitalized for acute pancreatitis. On his third day in the intensive care unit, he is sedated, intubated, and ventilated with a PEEP (positive end-expiratory pressure) of 15 cm water and FiO2 of 0.6 (60%). Suddenly his pulse increases from 100 to 140/min, systolic blood pressure drops from 120 to 90 mm Hg, and central venous pressure increases from 10 to 15 cm water. On chest auscultation, breath sounds are absent on the left side. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this sudden deterioration?
Myocardial infarction
Endotracheal tube shift into the right main bronchus
Tension pneumothorax
Mucous plugging and atelectasis
Pulmonary thromboembolism
A 51-year-old man is admitted to the hospital because of renal failure. His past medical history is significant for recurrent episodes of bilateral flank pain over the past several years as well as nocturia 2 to 3 times per night for the past 10 years. He has no weight loss. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 160/100 mm Hg. His mucous membranes are pale. There is a palpable mass located at the right flank. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Horseshoe kidney
Papillary necrosis
Polycystic kidney disease
Renal cell carcinoma
A 51-year-old man is undergoing abdominal surgery and becomes hypotensive while under general anesthesia. The patient had been doing well during most of the procedure but now has a blood pressure of 80/40 mm Hg. His past medical history is significant for coronary artery disease and diabetes mellitus. A pulmonary artery catheter placed prior to the procedure gives the following data: Central venous pressure 10 mmHg, Pulmonary artery pressure 60/30 mmHg, Pulmonary capillary occlusion 24 mm Hgpressure Cardiac output 2.3 L/min. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Acute left heart failure
Acute right heart failure
Acute mitral regurgitation
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
Sepsis syndrome
A 51-year-old woman comes to your office for a routine health maintenance examination. She says that she has been having irregular menses and occasional hot flashes for the past eight months. She has a very stressful job and drinks two to three cups of coffee every morning. She does not smoke, but drinks two to three ounces of alcohol daily. She eats a pure vegetarian diet and walks two miles on a treadmill each day. Her vital signs are within normal limits. Her BMI is 31 kg/m2 Physical examination is unremarkable. You inform her that she is probably reaching menopause, and that she will be at an increased risk of developing osteoporosis. Which of the following is the most significant risk factor for the development of osteoporosis in this patient?
Caffeine use
Excess walking
Excess alcohol use
Vegetarian diet
A 51-year-old woman is diagnosed with invasive cervical carcinoma by cone biopsy. Pelvic examination and rectal-vaginal examination reveal the parametrium to be free of disease, but the upper portion of the vagina is involved with tumor. Intravenous pyelography (IVP) and sigmoidoscopy are negative, but a computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen and pelvis shows grossly enlarged pelvic and periaortic nodes. This patient is classified at which of the following stages?
A 51-year-old woman presents to the physician’s office with a 2-month history of a right breast blood tinged nipple discharge. Past history is unremarkable. Family history is positive for postmenopausal breast cancer in a maternal grandmother. Examination reveals no palpable masses or regional adenopathy, but a serous discharge is easily elicited from a single duct in the right breast. Bilateral mammograms show no abnormalities. Cytology from the discharge was not diagnostic. A ductogram was ordered, and the results are shown: Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Invasive carcinoma
Intraductal papilloma
Fibrocystic disease
Duct ectasia
Intraductal carcinoma
A 51-year-old woman presents with an ill-defined, slightly firm area in the upper outer quadrant of her right breast. The clinician thinks this area is consistent with fibrocystic change, but a biopsy from this area has a focus of lobular carcinoma in situ. Which of the following histologic features is most characteristic of this lesion?
Small tumor cells with little cytoplasm infiltrating in a single-file pattern
Small individual malignant cells dispersed within extracellular pools of mucin
Large syncytium-like sheets of pleomorphic cells surrounded by aggregates of lymphocytes
Large cells with clear cytoplasm within the epidermis
Expansion of lobules by monotonous proliferation of small cells
A 52-year-old African-American man with a history of smoking and asthma presents to the emergency department complaining of shortness of breath. He has alcohol on his breath and admits to drinking 3–4 beers each night plus an occasional “mixed drink.” He denies drug use and states that he has been feeling well until recently, when he began to sleep with more pillows and to become out of breath when walking. His blood pressure is 143/89 mmHg, respiratory rate is 21/min, pulse is 112/min, and he is afebrile. On physical examination he has a laterally displaced point of maximal impulse and an S3 gallop, as well as rales over his right lung base. X-ray of the chest shows cardiomegaly and a pleural effusion. Echocardiogram reveals an ejection fraction of 25%. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Asthma exacerbation
Delirium tremens
Dilated cardiomyopathy
A 52-year-old Caucasian male comes to you for a routine health check-up. You decide to do age-appropriate screening in this patient and order a colonoscopy. The colonoscopy is normal, except for a 1.5cm polyp in the left descending colon. A colonoscopic polypectomy is done and the biopsy results are pending. The patient is anxious to know the expected biopsy results and the risk of cancer. Which of the following types of polyps is considered to be most premalignant?
Hamartomatous polyp
Hyperplastic polyp
Villous adenoma
Tubulovillous adenoma
Tubular adenoma
A 52-year-old male presents with a long history of joint pain. He describes pain and stiffness of the small joints of his hand that is worse in the morning and can last several hours. He also complains of occasional digit swelling. A picture of the patient's hands is shown on the slide below. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Enteropathic arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis
Crystalline arthritis
A 52-year-old man has episodes of severe chest pain associated with dysphagia. He has been seen twice in the emergency room, and both times the symptoms responded to sub-lingual nitroglycerin. He then had a full cardiac evaluation including electrocardiogram (ECG), cardiac biomarkers, and an exercise stress test, which were all normal. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Herpetic infection
Midesophageal cancer
A motor disorder
Peptic stricture
External esophageal compression
A 52-year-old man has suffered with chronic diarrhea for several years, but has refused to see a doctor. He finally comes because he is having trouble driving at night, because of difficulty seeing. Physical examination reveals a slender, pale, unwell-looking man. He has a microcytic anemia, low calcium, and albumin levels. Which of the following is the most likely cause for his diarrhea?
Osmotic diarrhea
Secretory diarrhea
Inflammatory bowel disease
Colonic tumor
A 52-year-old man is seen by a psychiatrist in the emergency room because he is complaining about hearing and seeing miniature people who tell him to kill everyone in sight. He states that these symptoms developed suddenly during the past 48 hours, but that he has had them “on and off” for years. He states that he has never previously sought treatment for the symptoms, but that this episode is particularly bad. He denies the use of any illicit substances. The patient is alert and oriented to person, place, and time. His mental status examination is normal except for his auditory and visual hallucinations. His thought process is normal. His drug toxicology screen is positive for marijuana. He is quite insistent that he needs to be “put away” in the hospital for the symptoms he is experiencing. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Substance-induced psychosis
Schizoaffective disorder
Schizophreniform disorder
A 52-year-old man is sent to see a psychiatrist after he is disciplined at his job because he consistently turns in his assignments late. He insists that he is not about to turn in anything until it is “perfect, unlike all of my colleagues.” He has few friends because he annoys them with his demands for “precise timeliness” and because of his lack of emotional warmth. This has been a lifelong pattern for the patient, though he refuses to believe the problems have anything to do with his personal behavior. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis for this patient?
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
Bipolar disorder, mixed state
Borderline personality disorder
Anxiety disorder not otherwise specified
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
A 52-year-old man presents to the primary care clinic for the first time. He states that he has been in good health throughout his life and takes no medications. He was once athletic but has noted a dramatic decrease in his muscle strength and exercise tolerance over the past year. On examination the patient is moderately hypertensive, with a tanned, round, plethoric face; large supraclavicular fat pads; and significant truncal obesity. He has no focal cardiovascular, pulmonary, or neurologic findings. His fasting blood sugar is 200 mg/dL. Which of the following is the most common etiology of this condition?
ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma
Ectopic ACTH-secreting tumor
Adrenal tumor
Primary adrenal hyperplasia
Small cell lung cancer
A 52-year-old man presents to your office after passing a black stool. He also describes occasional abdominal discomfort and nausea but denies hematemesis. He says that food seems to help his abdominal pain, so he eats frequently during the day and keeps some snacks on his night stand. As a consequence, he has gained 5 pounds over the last year. He admits that his diet is lacking in vegetables and fruit. He drinks one to two cans of beer nightly, but does not smoke or use illicit drugs. He says that his father died of colon cancer and his mother died from a stroke. Physical examination reveals a right-sided carotid bruit. The fecal occult blood test is positive. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his condition?
Mesenteric ischemia
Inflammatory bowel disease
Mallory-Weiss tear
Erosive gastritis
Peptic ulcer disease
A 52-year-old nursing home worker presents with a four-week history of non-productive cough and night-time sweating. She also reports having unintentionally lost five pounds over the last month. Her medical history is significant for a mastectomy for left-sided breast cancer five years ago and hepatitis C for which she does not take treatment. She says she was last tested for HIV 6 months ago and the test was negative. She takes no medications currently. She emigrated from Mexico two years ago. She smokes one pack of cigarettes daily and consumes two bottles of beer every weekend. Chest x-ray shows a right upper lobe cavity with surrounding infiltration. Which of the following is the most important epidemiologic clue to the etiology of this patient's disease?
Nursing home worker
Foreign born individual
Smoking history
Previous breast cancer
Hepatitis C
A 52-year-old woman comes to the physician because of hot flashes. Her last menstrual period was 1 year ago. Over the past year, she has noted a persistence of her hot flashes, which come several times each day and are associated with a feeling of heat and flushing. They also awaken her at night and interfere with her sleep. She has no medical problems, takes no medications, and has no known drug allergies. She has a family history of cardiovascular disease and she does not smoke. Physical examination is unremarkable. She is started on estrogen and medroxyprogesterone acetate (Provera). The addition of a progestin is most likely to decrease her risk of which of the following?
Breast cancer
Breast pain
Endometrial cancer
Mood changes
Weight gain
A 53-year-old Caucasian female is admitted to the ER with hypotension. Her condition is considered very serious, and invasive hemodynamic monitoring is established. Blood pressure measured by intra-arterial method is 72/46 mmHg. Her heart rate is 120/min, regular. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) estimated using Swan-Ganz catheter is 6 mmHg. Mixed venous oxygen concentration (MVo2) is 16 vol% (Normal = 15.5 vol%). Which of the following is the most likely cause of this patient's condition?
Cardiogenic shock
Volume depletion
Septic shock
Hemorrhagic shock
Neurogenic shock
A 53-year-old male is brought to the emergency room after a high-speed motor vehicle accident. He was an unrestrained driver and admits to consuming a moderate amount of alcohol before driving. In the ER, he complains of bilateral chest pain and left leg pain. His past medical history is significant for emphysema, diabetes mellitus and remote drug abuse. A traumatic fracture of the left femur is evident on physical examination. His initial arterial blood gas analysis shows a pH of 7.45, p02 of 81 mmHg and pC02 of 32 mmHg. His pulmonary capillary wedge pressure is 1OmmHg. After a 2000 ml IV fluid challenge, his p02 is 76 mmHg and his pulmonary capillary wedge pressure is 12 mmHg. Chest x-ray shows alveolar opacities over the right and left lower lobes. Hours after the accident, he complains of continued chest pain and shortness of breath. Which of the following diagnoses is most likely responsible for his shortness of breath?
Aspiration pneumonia
Pulmonary contusion
Myocardial contusion
Aortic rupture
A 53-year-old man complains of "shaking" of his right hand. He first noticed this shaking while resting in an armchair and watching TV. He reports that the shaking stopped when he reached for the remote to change the channel. On physical examination, his vital signs are within normal limits and all other organ systems appear normal. Which of the following is most likely responsible? 
Physiological tremor
Cerebellar dysfunction
Basal ganglia dysfunction
Corticospinal tract lesion
Essential tremor
A 53-year-old man is brought to the emergency department by his wife because of headache and visual changes. Approximately 3 hours ago, he had the acute onset of an extremely severe posterior headache that was non-radiating but was associated with nausea and vomiting. This headache subsided, but over the past hour he has developed mild neck stiffness and pain on flexion of his neck. The patient is not cooperative, so no additional history is known; however, his wife states that he was feeling well until recently and has no allergies. The patient appears moderately uncomfortable and is complaining of the worst headache he has ever experienced. Which of the following is the most likely cause for his symptoms?
Arteriovenous malformation
Cerebellar bleed
Putamenal bleed
Ruptured berry aneurysm
Thalamic bleed
A 53-year-old man presents to the clinic with complaints of increasing shortness of breath, a nagging cough, and weight loss over several months. He reports no history of cigarette smoking but has worked underground in the New York City subway system for the past 20 years. Spirometry demonstrates an FEV1: FVC ratio of 0.7 and an FEV1 value that is 60% of expected. The FEV1 improves to 70% of expected with bronchodilator treatment. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Chronic aspiration
A 53-year-old man presents with arthritis and bloody nasal discharge. Urinalysis reveals 4+proteinuria, RBCs, and RBC casts. ANCA is positive in a cytoplasmic pattern. Antiproteinase 3 (PR3) antibodies are present, but antimyeloperoxidase (MPO) antibodies are absent. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Behçet syndrome
Wegener granulomatosis
Henoch-Schönlein purpura
Classic polyarteritis nodosa
A 53-year-old man presents with two episodes of hemoptysis over the last week. He describes a preceding two-year history of morning cough productive of approximately one tablespoon of yellowish sputum. During the last week his morning cough was accompanied by a small amount of blood on two occasions. He denies any dyspnea, fever, chest pain, or weight loss. He has been smoking for 30 years but has tried to cut down recently. He works in construction. His only medication is ranitidine for occasional heartburn. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his hemoptysis?
Pulmonary thromboembolism
Chronic bronchitis
A 53-year-old man with alcoholic cirrhosis presents with increasing jaundice and abdominal discomfort. He reports no fevers or chills. On examination, his blood pressure is 100/60 mm Hg, pulse 100/min, temperature 38.1°C. He has a distended abdomen, peripheral edema, and shifting dullness. The abdomen is tender and bowel sounds are present. A diagnostic paracentesis is performed; the total cell count is 940/mL with polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) equal to 550/mL, Gram stain is negative, and cultures are pending. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Pancreatic ascites
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP)
Malignant ascites
Secondary peritonitis
Tuberculous ascites
A 53-year-old obese, menopausal woman comes to the physician for a routine annual examination. Her last menstrual period was one year ago. Upon further questioning, she says that she sometimes experiences hot flashes of mild intensity. She is sexually active and denies vaginal dryness or dyspareunia. Her medical problems include mild hypertension managed with hydrochlorothiazide and a salt-reduced diet. Her obstetrical history is significant for an elective termination of pregnancy at 35 years of age because of an abnormal maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein. Physical examination is normal. Which of the following is a possible cause of the comparatively milder nature of the symptoms the patient is having compared to many other menopausal women with more severe symptoms?
Conversion of adrenal androgens to estrogens by adipose tissue
Conversion of adrenal androgens to estrogens by the liver
Compensatory adrenal production of estrogens
Peripheral adipose tissue production of estrogens
Increased levels of FSH
A 53-year-old obese, postmenopausal woman presents to your office for a routine annual examination. Her last menstrual period was one year ago. Upon further questioning, she says that she sometimes experiences hot flashes of mild intensity. She is sexually active and denies vaginal dryness or dyspareunia. She has mild hypertension managed with hydrochlorothiazide and a salt-reduced diet. Her obstetrical history is significant for an elective termination of pregnancy at 35 years of age because of an abnormal MSAFP. Physical examination is normal. What is the most likely cause of the mild nature of the symptoms the patient is having?
Conversion of adrenal androgens to estrogens by fat tissue
Conversion of adrenal androgens to estrogens by liver
Compensatory adrenal production of estrogens
Peripheral fat tissue production of estrogens
Increased levels of FSH
A 53-year-old woman comes to the physician because of concerns regarding menopause. She has a period almost every month, but her cycle is lengthening. She is worried because her mother, her two older sisters, and practically all her aunts have osteoporosis. She does not want to be on estrogen because she is concerned about cancer and thrombosis. Physical examination is within normal limits. The patient is started on raloxifene. On this medication, which of the following is this patient most likely to develop?
Breast cancer
Elevated cholesterol
Endometrial hyperplasia
Hot flashes
A 53-year-old woman presents with weight loss and a persistent rash to her lower abdomen and perineum. She is diagnosed with necrolytic migrating erythema and additional workup demonstrates diabetes mellitus, anemia and a large mass in the tail of the pancreas. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Verner-Morrison syndrome (VIPoma)
A 54-year-old alcoholic man comes to the emergency department because of dysphagia, drooling and a fever. He has been sick for two days and has not been able to eat. His mouth is swollen and feels hot. Examination shows a pale, febrile man who is drooling. There is redness around the entire mouth extending into the floor of the mouth. A tender, symmetric and indurated swelling with palpable crepitus is present in the submandibular area. Laboratory study shows an elevated W BC count. Which of the following is the most likely source of the oral cavity infection?
Parotid gland
A 54-year-old Caucasian man presents to his family physician's office complaining of several months of increased fatigability. He eats meat occasionally and drinks two to three cans of beer on weekends. Physical examination reveals pale conjunctivae and hyperdynamic carotid pulses. His blood hemoglobin level is 7.7 mg/dl, WBC count is 4,500/mm3, and platelet count is 170,000/mm3 Folic acid therapy is initiated. Four weeks later the patient's hemoglobin level is 9.1 mg/dl, but he complains of new tingling in his toes. Which of the following is a likely cause of this patient's current symptoms?
Drug toxicity
Vitamin deficiency
Iron deficiency
Glucose intolerance
Extramedullary hematopoiesis
A 54-year-old construction worker presents to your office complaining of a "funny sensation" in his right arm. He has no significant past medical history. His diet consists of mainly fast food and he drinks one to two litters of soda per day. He does not exercise regularly. He smokes 1½ pack of cigarettes per day. His BMI is 28.5 kg/m2. You ask the patient to stretch out his arms with the palms facing up and close his eyes. Five seconds later you observe the right palm turning inward and downward. Which of the following best explains the observed findings in this patient? 
Impaired proprioception
Cerebellar dysfunction
Parietal lobe lesion
Upper motor neuron lesion
Tactile sensation loss
A 54-year-old female with a 30 pack-year smoking history undergoes cholecystectomy after an episode of biliary pancreatitis. On the third postoperative day, she complains of discomfort in the upper abdomen. Though she is breathing comfortably, her oxygen saturation is 90%, compared with 98% yesterday. Her blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg, heart rate is 90/min, respiratory rate is 20/min, and temperature is 98F (36C). Arterial blood gas analysis reveals the following: pH = 7.44, p02 =64 mmHg, pC02 =34 mmHg, which of the following most likely explains the observed findings?
Impaired cough and deep breathing
Diaphragmatic paralysis
Aspiration of gastric secretions
Bronchial wall edema and bronchospasm
Ventilator-associated pneumonia
A 54-year-old female with megaloblastic anemia and ataxia is given radiolabeled cobalamin by mouth followed by an intramuscular injection of unlabeled cobalamin. The urine radioactivity level measured afterwards is determined to be normal. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this patient's symptoms?
Dietary cobalamin deficiency
Nontropical sprue
Atrophic gastritis
Fish tapeworm infestation
Chronic low-volume Gl bleeding
A 54-year-old male comes to the physician's office because of chronic cough and recent bloody sputum. He used to smoke 2 packs of cigarettes daily for 22 years, but he quit last month. His other symptoms are weight loss, anorexia, constipation, increased thirst, and easy fatigability. He thinks that he is depressed because his wife died 4 months ago and "life never felt the same after that." On examination, he is a slim man who appears pale. His vital signs are stable, although he appears a little irritable and short of breath. Laboratory and radiologic studies reveal: Sodium 144 mEq/dL, Potassium 4.3 mEq/dL, Chloride 98 mEq/dL, Bicarbonate 21 mEq/dL, Calcium 11.5 mg/dl, BUN 28 mg/dl, Creatinine 0.8 mg/dl. Chest x-ray hilar mass in the left lung. Biopsy of the mass would most likely reveal?
Oat cell carcinoma of the lung
Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung
Adenocarcinoma of the lung
A 54-year-old male had undergone an emergency colonic resection following an extensive ischemic colitis. The surgery was uneventful. The patient has been on peperacillin and tazobactam (Zosyn) for the past five days. He was NPO (nothing by mouth) for the past five days. He has a significant alcoholic history. On postoperative day six, he developed bleeding from the venipuncture site. His temperature is 36.7° C (98° F), blood pressure is 120/76 mmHg, pulse is 80/min, and respirations are 16/min. Lab results are: Hb 11.5g/dL, MCV 88 fl, Platelet count 160,000/cmm, Leukocyte count 7,500/cmm, Segmented neutrophils 68%, Bands 1%, Eosinophils 1%, Lymphocytes 24%, Monocytes 6%, Prothrombin time 20 sec (INR=1.9), Partial thromboplastin time 45 sec. His family history is insignificant. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his condition?
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Hemolytic uremic syndrome
Vitamin deficiency
Medication effect
A 54-year-old male is brought to the emergency department because of severe abdominal pain and diarrhea for the past 24 hours. He is confused and crying out in pain. His temperature is 38.6°C (101.6°F), blood pressure is 82/58 mm Hg, pulse is 118/min, and respirations are 24/min. Physical examination reveals extensive abdominal distention. There is fresh blood in his stools. Intravenous administration of normal saline is started after drawing blood for the necessary laboratory tests. The results of these tests are: Sodium 136 mEq/L, Potassium 3.6 mEq/L, Bicarbonate 18 mEq/L, Blood urea nitrogen 32 mg/dL, Creatinine 1.3 mg/dL, Glucose 86 mg/dL, WBC 35,000/mm3, Hemoglobin 13.0 g/dL, Hematocrit 36%, Platelets 460,000/mm3. Leukocyte distribution:Promyelocyte 2%, Myelocytes 7%, Metamyelocytes 18%, Bands 32%, Segmented neutrophils 24%, Lymphocytes 15%. The patient's temperature continues to remain elevated during the night of admission. A broad-spectrum antibiotic is added to the IV infusion. Repeat CBC on the following morning shows a WBC count of 118,000/mm3 with essentially the same differential distribution of leukocytes. His leukocyte alkaline phosphatase score is elevated. What is the most probable diagnosis of this patient?
CML with blast crisis
Leukemoid reaction
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Myelodysplastic syndrome
Secondary polycythemia
A 54-year-old man comes to the physician because of edema of his right ankle. He reports heaviness and cramping in the same leg that is worse after a long day at work. The swelling is usually reduced significantly when he wakes up in the morning and worsens progressively throughout the day. He denies any other symptoms. He has no significant medical problems except hypertension, for which he takes atenolol. His temperature is 36.7C (98F), blood pressure is 120/76 mm Hg, pulse is 80/min and respirations are 16/min. JVP is normal. Lungs are clearto auscultation. There are no murmurs. There is no hepatosplenomegaly. Examination shows edema of the right ankle. Doppler examination of the leg shows no evidence of thrombosis W hich of the following is the most likely cause of his edema?
Impaired cardiac contraction
Increased urinary loss of protein
Lymphatic obstruction
Reduced diastolic filling of the heart
Venous valve incompetence
A 54-year-old man comes to your office complaining of recurrent headaches. While observing his gait as part of your neurologic examination, you notice that he very prominently flexes his right hip and knee and his right foot slaps to the floor with each step. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this gait abnormality? 
Corticospinal tract lesion
Cerebellar dysfunction
L5 radiculopathy
Tarsal tunnel syndrome
Basal ganglia lesion
A 54-year-old man is being evaluated for shortness of breath. Examination shows dullness to percussion and increased breath sounds, particularly during expiration, in the right lower lobe. Cardiac examination reveals regular rate and rhythm with normal S1 and S2. There is no murmur. Moderate peripheral edema is present. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his shortness of breath?
Pleural effusion
Interstitial lung disease
Consolidation of the lung
A 53-year-old male comes to the emergency department complaining of sudden onset intense, stabbing epigastric pain. He also vomited once and a dull, aching pain then spread through his entire abdomen. He has had nonspecific epigastric pain for several months and saw a physician one month ago. He also has a history of constipation, type II diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia. He has smoked one and a half packs of cigarettes daily for 26 years. He drinks 4 oz of alcohol daily. His temperature is 38.3C (100.4F), blood pressure is 160/95 mm Hg, pulse is 100/min and respirations are 26/min. The entire abdomen is tender to palpation with rebound, but there is no guarding. No masses are palpable, and Murphy's sign elicits mild pain. Rectal examination shows no abnormalities. Abdominal ultrasound performed 2 weeks ago showed stones in the gall bladder. Upright chest x-ray is shown below: Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Acute cholecystitis
Acute gallstone pancreatitis
Perforated peptic ulcer
Perforated diverticulitis
Acute alcoholic pancreatitis
A 54-year-old black male from the southeast USA presents to you with complaints of generalized malaise, fever, and a cough. He claims that he has had intermittent hemoptysis for the past six months. He denies smoking and has never had tuberculosis. Examination is unremarkable and his chest x-ray is shown below. On changing position, you notice that the part of the lesion seen on x-ray also moves. The most likely diagnosis is?
Lung abscess
Pulmonary embolism
A 54-year-old male presents to the emergency department with a 1-week history of abdominal pain. His other symptoms are nausea, vomiting, low-grade fever, and loss of appetite. He does not use alcohol. He has a seizure disorder, for which he takes a "prescription drug." X-ray films of his chest and abdomen show no abnormalities. His abdominal CT scan is shown below. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this patient's abdominal symptoms?
Gall bladder pathology
Kidney pathology
Pancreas pathology
Air in the stomach
Liver pathology
{"name":"DES C_Diagnosis (8) Prepared : CHILLY", "url":"","txt":"A 46-year-old male is brought to the emergency department after falling on his head and back during a downhill bike race and losing consciousness for 1 minute. He has severe back and abdominal pain. AP and lateral skull films show no abnormalities. Lumbar films show anterior compression wedge fractures of the bodies of L1 and L2. A brace is placed. CT scan of the abdomen shows a mild retroperitoneal bleed and splenic laceration. During the hospitalization he was treated conservatively with analgesics and supportive measures. On hospital day 3, he started to have abdominal distention, pain and nausea. His last bowel movement was 4 days ago and he is not passing gas. His abdomen is distended, tympanic and mildly tender without rebound or guarding. Bowel sounds are absent. An x-ray film of the abdomen is shown below: Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?","img":""}
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