Affiliate Assessment

What category does your site fit into?
Roleplay Group
Resource Site
Sharing Site
Please type the name of your site as you would like it posted.
How long has your site been around?
If we are to become affiliates, what can you offer as far as promoting?
We would like to create a share train that will be posted once a week. The dimensions for a banner would be 100x50px. Would this hinder you? Would you like us to create the banner for you?
Yes; I would like to use different dimensions
Yes; I would like to use our banner as is
No; I would like to create our banner
No; I would allow a banner to be created
Thank you for your time! How did this assessment make you feel?
{"name":"Affiliate Assessment", "url":"","txt":"What category does your site fit into?, How long has your site been around?, If we are to become affiliates, what can you offer as far as promoting?","img":""}
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