Poll 2 - The False Prophet

There's a good chance the False Prophet is:
Pope Francis
Ayatollah Khameini of Iran
Jared Kushner
Bill Gates
George Soros
Jeff Bezos
The Dalai Lama
Mahant Swami Maharaj
Louis Farrakahn
Lord Maitreya
A religious leader not yet obvious
Other, or not sure.

The False Prophet will probably come from the nation of:
The United States
A European country not yet identified
Other, or not sure.

The False Prophet will probably emerge from the religion of:
Evangelical Christianity
Roman Catholicism
Atheism/Secular Humanism
Other, or not sure.

The False Prophet is probably alive today.
Not sure

Assuming the False Prophet is alive today, his current profession is probably:
Religious Leader
Military Officer
President or Prime Minister
Computer/Technology Expert
Media Mogul
Hollywood Actor
Minor Politician
Other, or not sure.

According to Revelation 13:13 the False Prophet will cause fire to come down from heaven. The source of this fire will likely be:
Pyrotechnics launched from a drone
A satanic miracle
Lightning bolts generated by a machine
An allegory for modern warfare
An optical illusion created by lasers
Fireballs launched by catapults
Other, or not sure.

According to Revelation 13:15 the False Prophet will "give life" to the image of the Beast so that it can talk. This incredible feat will be accomplished by:
A clone of the Antichrist created by scientists in a laboratory.
A statue possessed by a powerful demon.
A robot with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI).
A satanic miracle which literally brings the image to life.
A computer-generated holographic image
Other, or not sure.

The False Prophet is the one to whom Jesus was referring when he said that people would accept "another who shall come in his own name."
Yes, he was referring to the False Prophet.
No, he was referring to the Antichrist.
No, he was just speaking in general about false messiahs who would come in their own name.
Not sure

If the False Prophet is alive today, he is probably loved and admired by the Christian community, that is, "the elect" mentioned in Matthew 24:24.
Not sure
According to Revelation 13:11 the False Prophet has two horns like the horns of a lamb. This signifies his connection with:
[ — Thank you for participating!]

Judaism, since this religion requires the sacrificing of lambs.
Christianity, because Jesus is the Lamb of God
Satanism, because Baphomet, the goat-man, figures prominently in this religion.
Two nations, because horns signify nations or empires in prophecy.
Other, or not sure.
{"name":"Prophecy7000.comPoll 2 - The False Prophet", "url":"","txt":"There's a good chance the False Prophet is:, The False Prophet will probably come from the nation of:, The False Prophet will probably emerge from the religion of:","img":""}
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