Conformity Quiz

An illustration of diverse individuals in a vibrant social setting, some walking together and some standing apart, with elements symbolizing conformity and individuality.

Conformity Quiz

Discover your level of conformity with our engaging quiz! This quiz will challenge your perspectives on social behavior and individual identity.

Learn about:

  • Your decision-making in social situations
  • Your alignment with peers on interests and behaviors
  • Your thoughts on societal pressures
18 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ThinkingTree425
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You are waiting to cross the street with your friends but it says DONT WALK. While waiting for it to be safe to cross, you see someone going and a few seconds later, other your friends start walking too. What do you do?
Walk with them. If other people are doing it, there is really no harm.
Wait for the light. I'd rather be safe than sorry.
You’re waiting in line at the cafeteria and you see people cutting in line, what do you do?
Cut in line. (Other people are doing it, why not?)
Stay in line. (I don't want to get in trouble.)
Do you and your friends generally share the same taste in music/ clothing/ movies/ etc?
Yes. It's great, everyone can talk about similar interests.
No. We are all unique and have different interests and opinions!
If your best friend told you your hat is silly would you take it off?
No, who cares what he/ she thinks. I think my hat is fabulous.
Yes, my friend is doing what’s right for me. I probably do look ridiculous.
Do you keep up and follow trends? (This refers to music, fashion, magazines)
No, I I do what I feel like doing.
Yes, I tend to follow the latest trends.
Have you ever changed yourself in order to be liked by others?
Yes. Just to fit in.
No. I don't care about fitting in.
One of your friends is in a disagreement with another group of people. Would you side with your friend even if you disagree?
Yes, I support my friends regardless.
No, he/she is wrong so.
How often do you find yourself agreeing to something only because everyone else is doing so. (Ex; all your friends raise their hands so you do so as well)
Not often. I have my own opinions that I should hold.
Often, my friends are knowledgeable (just pretend they are) and by siding with them I have a greater chance of being right
Do you think it’s important in your primary group (the people you spend time with most) for you and your friends to have similar interests?
Yes. We should be able to talk about the same things and have the same opinions about things.
No. Having different opinions and topics to talk about is a good thing.
If all members of your family become vegans would you follow their example:
After some time maybe yes.
No way I love meat.
If the teacher asked you a question and you knew the answer but weren`t so sure would you:
Give your own answer.
Say what the classmates are telling you to.
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia what do you think of this word:
I will google it
I have seen a documentary about it
I will buy it
If you were put into a dark room with just a tiny light point and you think that the light isn’t moving but all other people that were with you said it was what would you do:
Stick to your opinion.
Say what others are to not look dump.
Every girl/boy in your group listens to k-pop what would you do.Would you listen to it?
Yes. It is important that I like what they do.
No. I don’t have why to do the same things they do.
Loosely speaking, do you think that people tend to uniform themselves, adopting the same opinions and behaviors?
Yes. I think our society is too involved in conformity and indifference is some what lacked.
No. Everyone is different from each other in opinion and trends.
Do you think you are conformed easily?
{"name":"Conformity Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Discover your level of conformity with our engaging quiz! This quiz will challenge your perspectives on social behavior and individual identity.Learn about:Your decision-making in social situationsYour alignment with peers on interests and behaviorsYour thoughts on societal pressures","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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