Which Fruits Basket characters most resemble you?

How well do you get along with your siblings?
We love and support each other
I pamper my siblings a lot
We're friendly but a bit distant
We used to get along better
We've been getting along better recently
We do not get along well
They have their life, I have mine
I wish we were closer
I don't have siblings (you can still pick other options if you feel strongly about them)
If I had siblings, I'd protect them with my life
You witness a traffic accident. What do you do?
I'd do my best to help but need instructions to know where I'm needed most
Assess the scene, figure what's the best way to help and then do it
I'd watch from afar and not get involved
I'd organize and lead others to get the scene under control
I'd offer medical aid first
Leave. Someone else will help
Inspire others to do their best to help
Study how other people react and blend in
Panic but try to help, getting in the way probably
Panic and freeze up, unable to act
Run away
How do you mostly watch TV?
I have a TV on as I do other things
I have a few shows that I love to watch
I watch the news
I watch TV for inspiration for my work/hobbies
I like to watch anything with friends
I might channel surf if I'm bored
I don't watch TV
How do you act in social interactions with strangers?
I'm talkative and ask lots of questions
I'm shy and don't talk much
People often feel uncomfortable around me
I try my best to get to know them better, but fear I overstep
I'm polite but remain distant
I'm quiet but a good listener if they wish to talk
I'm polite if there is something in it for me
I'm not good at holding a conversation and might say something rude
I naturally lead the conversation
I don't feel the need to be nice with people I don't know
I'm bad at socializing and quietly wish they'd leave
I might try to talk but they probably won't like me
Do you think the cat should be included in the Chinese Zodiac?
I'm indifferent/don't care
It would be nice but difficult
My feelings are mixed
If there was a poll, I'd go with the majority
If there was a poll, I'd go with the minority
What do you look for most in a romantic partner? (Choose max 2)
Someone with whom to share both burdens and joys
Someone with whom I can truly be myself
Someone who will be kind and pamper me
Someone who shares my passions
Someone who I can always rely on
Someone who can always make dull days brighter
Someone who can give me what I need
Someone who always accepts me as who I am
Someone with whom I can have a stable and mature relationship
I haven't thought about it
Which of the following plants would you most want in your garden? (Choose max 2)
Pine trees: tenacious and strong evergreens and the symbol of longevity and steadfastness
Plum trees: first flower to blossom during winter, a symbol of perseverance, strength and the arrival of spring
Cherry trees: flowers that fall while still beautiful, a symbol of the transience of things
Wisteria: artistic flowers with courtly elegance, a symbol of long life and immortality
Iris: a purple water flower that symbolizes royalty and wisdom
Peony: large, fragrant flowers that are the symbol of prosperity and good luck
Bush clover: large bushes of little flowers resistant to droughts, a symbol of melancholy and unrequited love
Silvergrass: a tenacious tall grass used in decorations and to ward off evil, a symbol of the fall
Chrysanthemum: large brightly coloured flowers, the symbol of life and devoted love
Maple trees: a bright display of colour in the autumn, the symbol of balance and serenity
Willows: trees with tough wood and slender branches, the symbol of rain that attracts spirits
White rose: a flower well recognized and traditional, its white colour symbolizes devotion and innocence
Black rose: a flower well recognized and traditional, its blackness symbolizes both death and new beginnings
Sunflower: flowers standing brightly as tall as humans, a symbol of adoration and loyalty
Camellia: an evergreen queen of winter flowers, a symbol of deep desire and passion
Bamboo trees: grass tall as a tree, a symbol of luck, health and purity
I'd rather have a fish pond
Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
A bit of both, but more extrovert
A bit of both, but more introvert
If you found a hungry stray cat, would you take it home?
Absolutely! Can I keep it?
I would but allergies
No, I know I cannot keep it
I would be tempted but know I can't
I'd bring food where I found it
It would probably follow me home on its own
Yes. It must be a fated encounter
It's kind of pathetic but none of my concern
I'd bring it back to feed it, but then let it go
Cats don't like me
How good are/were you at school?
I get top scores in tests
I don't have much interest in studying
As long as I get the passing grade I'm content
I'm average in my class
I hate studying
I have more practical than book knowledge
School is more about the social interactions than book smarts
I work hard to get into a good university/collage
I'm homeschooled
I do my best in tests, but I know I have other life as well
I don't study much but I'm not dumb
I struggle at some subjects, but do my best
What do you do on your pastime? (Choose max 3)
Play games
Household chores
Do sports
Martial arts
Play music
Listen to music
Go shopping
Hang out with friends
Play/spend time outdoors
Lounge around
Watch TV
Arts and crafts
Go on walks
Do nothing
I have very little time for leisure
You lose a bet or a competition. How does it make you feel?
I'm happy for the person who won
I'm annoyed for losing and don't want to talk about it
I hate losing and keep talking how or why I could have won
I do not care much about the result
Oh well, it was fun to participate
I'll get them next time!
I hope no one I know hears about this...
It's about what I expected
I feel bad for all the people who cheered for me
I complain about the result to the referee/judge/winner
I feel a little down, but congratulate the winner
I feel awful and want to be alone
You end up in a hazardous and dangerous situation with one other person (stuck in collapsing building, stranded on an island, lost on a mountain etc.). What traits do you most want this other person to have? (Choose max 3)
Clever (book smarts)
Physically strong
Mentally strong
Experienced (life smarts)
Are you more a leader or a follower?
A leader
A follower
Which ever the situation calls for
If someone has caused you trouble and a heavy heart, will you forgive them?
Of course I will, no harm done
I'm salty, but yes
It is not my place to forgive. They should be the one to make up for it
I suppose I have to...
Yes, but I will let them know how I feel
I won't forgive or hold a grudge. Just let it be forgotten
I'll say I forgive them, but secretly it keeps bothering me
No. I hold long grudges
Yes, I was probably to blame as well
Do you like being the center of attention?
Yes, it comes naturally
No, it makes me uncomfortable
No, but will if I have to
I hate it
I don't like it but have grown accustomed to it
I have grown to like it more
I feel someone else is more worthy of the attention
I don't hate it but I'm not accustomed to it
Do you usually approach the future with positivity or negativity?
I switch between them a lot depending on my mood
I have tried to learn to be more positive
Recently I have become more negative
In your daily life, do you feel your smile is sincere?
Yes, it rarely isn't
I wear my emotions on my sleeve: if my smile isn't sincere, people will know
No, I constantly mask my feelings
I don't smile much and don't need to fake it either
It usually is, but sometimes I have to force it
It might not be, but I won't always know it myself
Are you skilled with your hands?
Yes! I do all sort of things from scratch
I have passions for it, but I'm still learning
No, I'm clumsy
I can do a few things, but I'm not actively trying to get better
I have natural talent for things
I'm not completely hopeless
I have only recently started having more will to get better
I have one or few great talents and are completely hopeless with the rest
I have no interest in such things
Which of the following you value most? (Choose max 2)
What best describes your friendship circle?
I have a lot of acquaintances but only few close friends
I have a group of close friends I treasure
I always hang out with the same people
I've only formed a few closer bonds
I have a lot of friends and can hang out with a lot of different people
I don't really have friends
I only ever open up to one or two chosen people
If you met a person like them in real life, which of the following Fruits Basket characters would you most likely become friends with?
Tohru Honda
Arisa Uotani
Saki Hanajima
Kyo Sohma
Yuki Sohma
Hatsuharu Sohma
Isuzu Sohma
Momiji Sohma
Kagura Sohma
Kisa Sohma
Hiro Sohma
Shigure Sohma
Hatori Sohma
Ayame Sohma
Ritsu Sohma
Kureno Sohma
Akito Sohma
Which of the following things would you say have had most effect on the person you have become today? (Choose max 2)
I lost a family member
I had a wild and free youth/childhood
I was isolated and lonely
I didn't have friends
I witnessed/was in a terrible accident
I ran away from home
I had low self-confidence
I met someone who changed my life
I was cheated on in a relationship
I lost someone close to me
My parents didn't care for me
I wasn't able to express my gender as I wanted
People around me didn't have confidence in me
I was pressured by my family and couldn't choose my own path
I was bullied in school
I couldn't help someone important
I felt I had to be responsible for others
I valued my own happiness over that of others
I valued the happiness of others over that of my own
I wasn't able to see/meet those dear to me
My friends/family supported me in tough times
I was in a relationship people didn't allow
None of the above
When in an argument with someone, I...
...feel awful
...will win in the end
...am right, admit it
...was wrong, sorry
...am not doing this, I'm leaving
...am just saying-! ...sigh, look: let's calm down
...will feel any of the above depending on the mood/topic
{"name":"Which Fruits Basket characters most resemble you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"How well do you get along with your siblings?, You witness a traffic accident. What do you do?, How do you mostly watch TV?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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