virtual team strategies
Wipro Digital relies heavily on virtual teams
Virtual teams range from teams where just one member works remotely to teams where all members are in different time zones or different countries.

We want to hear from you!!
Based on your ANONYMOUS answers to this brief 10-question survey, Wipro Digital HR will be sending out tips and trainings for virtual teams within the next couple of weeks.
Thanks so much for your participation!! 

What is your base location?
India - Electronic City Campus
India - Sarjapur Campus
India - Other locations
Europe (other than UK)
Asia Pacific (other than Australia)
Latin America
Middle East
What subgroup best describes your role within Wipro Digital?
Buildit - Engineering
Overall, how effective are virtual teams within Wipro Digital?
Above Average
Below Average
Overall, how effective are virtual teams when there is a collaboration between Designit or Buildit and the larger Wipro Digital?
Above Average
Below Average
Please choose the option that best describes your main virtual team.
A short-term project team (up to 3 months)
A long-term project team (longer than 3 months)
My manager and his/her reports
Myself and my reports
A team representing multiple levels within the same department
A team representing multiple departments
Please Specify:
Does your team have a clear leader for each project or initiative?
Yes, I am usually the leader
Yes, someone else is usually the leader
Sometimes we have a leader, sometimes we don't
No, we work collaboratively and don't usually assign a leader
How many members are on your team
2 to 4
5 to 9
10 or more
How much time is spent chatting or giving personal updates during each meeting?
Little to none: We get right down to business when we are on a call.
Some: While we are waiting for members to join a call, we break the silence with light conversation.
5-10 minutes: We purposely start or end the call with personal updates from each team member.
Over 10 minutes: We have trouble sticking to the task at hand because we enjoy discussing other topics.
Please select all of the following statements which are true (or mostly true) for your team.
Team members know each other on a personal and professional level.
Team members understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
Team members frequently give each other feedback.
Team members are passionate and unguarded in their discussion of issues.
Once our team comes to a decision, we are all committed to following through on the plan.
Team members have a clear understanding of the goals and deadlines.
Most or all of our meetings have a clear agenda.
An action plan is clearly communicated after each team interaction.
Team members never or rarely multitask during a meeting or conference call.
Team members hold each other accountable.
Besides email and phone calls, our team communicates on other platforms (e.g. Skype, Whatsapp, Slack, etc.)
We frequently use video conferencing to see each other “face-to-face.”
Which of the following does your team leader usually do? (Please select all that apply.)
The team does not have a clearly defined leader. (If this is true, please leave all others blank)
The team leader is personally committed to the success of the team.
The team leader is responsive to emails.
The team leader encourages all members to voice opinions.
The team leader clearly communicates goals, priorities, and timelines.
The team leader delegates work fairly.
The team leader maintains focus on the big picture and on long-term goals.
The team leader helps to resolve conflicts when team members disagree.
Would you be willing to participate in some quick and fun team-building exercises?
Yes, definitely!
Maybe, but it depends on how much time it would take.
No, team-building would probably be a waste of time for me.
What are some barriers to effective virtual teams that you have experienced at Wipro Digital?
What are some strategies that you have found to be successful when working with virtual teams?
{"name":"virtual team strategies Wipro Digital relies heavily on virtual teams Virtual teams range from teams where just one member works remotely to teams where all members are in different time zones or different countries. We want to hear from you!! Based on your ANONYMOUS answers to this brief 10-question survey, Wipro Digital HR will be sending out tips and trainings for virtual teams within the next couple of weeks. Thanks so much for your participation!!", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What is your base location?, Overall, how effective are virtual teams when there is a collaboration between Wipro Digital and the larger Wipro?, Overall, how effective are virtual teams within only Wipro Digital?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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