What is your Nutrition IQ?

What most closely resembles your typical breakfast?
Milk and Cereal
Pastry or Bread
Breakfast sandwich, bacon or eggs
Oatmeal or Yogurt with Fruit
Sugary snacks are best for maintaining energy throughout the day
Antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables help ward off cell damage throughout the human body, including the brain. The best way to ensure you gets enough antioxidants is to:
Try juicing! You can’t get enough antioxidants from meals alone; freshly juiced veggies are the only way to obtain enough.
Choose juice-enhanced and vitamin-enriched snack foods for extra fortified nutrients.
€�Eat the rainbow.” Offer a wide variety of colourful fruits and vegetables every day.
Go raw. Raw food diets provide antioxidants in their purest form.
You are cranky and thirsty and have no energy. The best beverage to help you find your equilibrium is:
A sports drink. Sugar and electrolytes deliver an energy boost.
Processed Juice
Chocolate Milk
How often do you eat sweets like cake, cookies and ice cream?
Everyday. Sometimes as a snack and definitely after dinner.
Every night after dinner
A few times a week
Adequate protein can help you feel full longer, so that you are not distracted by thoughts of the next snack or mealtime.
Which of the following best describes your eating style?
Mostly Plant based
Meat and potatoes, typical American diet
Mostly frozen or prepare packaged foods
How many times per week do you eat fast food?
How regularly do you eat fermented foods?
Every now and then
What percentage of your food is home cooked?
Greater than 75%
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