Stock Trading, Week 1 Quiz

What is the stock market?
Stock market is a representation of ownership equity in a firm/company which gives shareholders voting rights and residual claims on corporate earnings.
A place where people meet up to buy and sell tangibles.
A place that strictly relies on institutional investors to buy and sell stocks and/or securities.
Stock market is a representation of full ownership in a firm/company which allow investors to fully operate.
When did the stock market exchange exist?
16th to 17th century
14th to 15th century
3rd to 4th century
1st century
How many types of stocks are there?
List the types of stock available for trading
How many major sectors/exchange are available for public trading in the U.S
List those major indexes and their sectors.
How much equity would a company required to be considered as a large cap company on the stock exchange?
$4 billion or more
$10 billion or more
$8 billion or more
$7 billion
True or False: You may use mutual funds to invest directly in commodities?
Define what is an ARBITRAGE as closely as possible to the definition shown in class
Define what is dividend in investing
{"name":"Stock Trading, Week 1 Quiz", "url":"","txt":"What is the stock market?, When did the stock market exchange exist?, How many types of stocks are there?","img":""}
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