Journey to A Castle and Find Out Which Habit You Need To Work On

You are an adventurer. You have recently been told by your elf friend Mugwort about seven enchanted castles you can reach depending on the paths you take. Mugwort decides to come along with you. You both start off to meet a magic wood nymph in the forest. You must help the nymph solve one of her three problems. Which option will you choose?
Figure out a successful strategy on how to battle 3 sleepy giants
Listen to her piddle fairy’s worries (piddle fairies are known for sensing true attention/ care from people listening)
Work with Mugwort to make a sculpture of a unicorn (the wood nymph lacks decorations)
The wood nymph tells you to walk down the path until you reach a shack where the old, wise woman lives. You walk to the door of the shack and enter. You ask the woman how to get to the castles. She says she will only tell you if can escape her maze. How do you go about this?
Just focus on finding your way out of the maze
Agree to attend the woman’s lessons for two weeks
Figure out a way to trade with the witch for information
She tells you to find the bronze bridge and the ogre that lives under it. You arrive at the bridge and walk towards the bottom. You find the ogre that the old woman told you about and he’s sitting near a cauldron over a fire. You approach him and ask if he knows anything about reaching the castle. He says that he does but that you'd need to do some labor for him. You must both fill 6 buckets of water each and bring them to him to make a peasant stew. You each will be given 30 minutes of rest and 30 minutes to work. If you don't finish in the allotted amount of time he will put you in his stew as well. Which option do you think is the most efficient?
You know you will be tired so you fill buckets for fifteen minutes, rest for fifteen, work another fifteen minutes, and then take your final break
Use your 30 minute rest to prepare yourself for continuous work; you stretch and do breathing exercises to make sure you have enough endurance to complete the task
The ogre pulls you to the side and tells you you can take Mugwort’s time if you do an additional task and let him be eaten.
The ogre tells you that you must cross a large lake to get to a dragon’s lair. But, the lake is infested with glowing rigasauruses, known for their 3 rows of razor sharp teeth (top and bottom) and their super-ability to see in dark waters due to their glow. How do you get across?
You and Mugwort work on collecting materials, and make a steady little boat
Tell the ogre that you will help make his stew if he helps you get across
Walk all the way around the lake, which will take approximately one week
You’ve finally reached the other side. As you continue along, you find out that you are at the bottom of a canyon. You and Mugwort look desperately to find the lair, and Mugwort finally notices the stick poking out of a crack in the rock. You guys use your combined efforts to pull down the stick and after a while, the rocks start shifting to reveal a large cavern. The interior is lined with gemstones, coins, and the occasional bone. Mugwort briskly shoves a handful of coins into a sack. You walk further in when suddenly a loud “WHO GOES THERE” is heard from deep inside the cave. You and Mugwort quickly identify yourselves to the dragon, but they don’t seem to care, and go straight to blaming Mugwort for thievery. How do you safely get clues and then get out?
Own up to the crime, and take responsibility for stealing from the dragon
Give the gold back to the dragon, and give up one of your valuable items as a way to make amends
Receive a 3 day long lecture/scolding from the dragon on stealing and consequences
The dragon accompanies the two of you to the other end of the cave, where you come out onto a large green hill with an amazing view. The dragon points at a bench in the distance, telling you that it is your next destination. However, before you walk off, the dragon gives both you and Mugwort a handful of coins, another handful of gems, and some supplies. They wish you both luck on your journey, and wander back into the cavern. You and Mugwort start making the trek to the bench. As you get closer and closer, you notice there is an oddly out of place music box right next to the bench, but you pay no mind. As you two sit on the bench, you both admire the majestic valley below you. Mugwort hops off, and starts playing with the music box, only to accidentally push some sort of button, which causes music to start playing. All of a sudden, three figures appear in front of you. They all claim they have a way to get you to one of the castles. Who do you go with?
The very tall figure who says he can teleport you both to the castle (with stops along the way)
The shorter figure with a large, friendly bee that can fly you both straight to the castle
The semi-tall figure who carries a large collection of music allays, that when played will cause the two of you to dance and fly your way to the castle
{"name":"Journey to A Castle and Find Out Which Habit You Need To Work On", "url":"","txt":"You are an adventurer. You have recently been told by your elf friend Mugwort about seven enchanted castles you can reach depending on the paths you take. Mugwort decides to come along with you. You both start off to meet a magic wood nymph in the forest. You must help the nymph solve one of her three problems. Which option will you choose?, The wood nymph tells you to walk down the path until you reach a shack where the old, wise woman lives. You walk to the door of the shack and enter. You ask the woman how to get to the castles. She says she will only tell you if can escape her maze. How do you go about this?, She tells you to find the bronze bridge and the ogre that lives under it. You arrive at the bridge and walk towards the bottom. You find the ogre that the old woman told you about and he’s sitting near a cauldron over a fire. You approach him and ask if he knows anything about reaching the castle. He says that he does but that you'd need to do some labor for him. You must both fill 6 buckets of water each and bring them to him to make a peasant stew. You each will be given 30 minutes of rest and 30 minutes to work. If you don't finish in the allotted amount of time he will put you in his stew as well. Which option do you think is the most efficient?","img":""}
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