Peds Pharmacology

Create an illustration of a pediatric nurse administering medication to a child in a hospital setting, with medical charts and prescription bottles in the background.

Pediatric Pharmacology Challenge

Test your knowledge in pediatric pharmacology with our engaging quiz! Designed for healthcare professionals, this quiz will challenge your understanding of medications, dosages, and nursing actions related to children and adolescents.

• Assess your knowledge on medication safety
• Understand dosing calculations
• Familiarize yourself with nursing interventions

36 Questions9 MinutesCreated by AdministerCare257
The nurse is providing medication instructions to a parent. Which statement by the parent indicates a need for further instruction?
"I should cuddle my child after giving the medication"
"I can give my child a frozen juice bar after he swallows the medication"
"I should mix the medication in the baby food and give it when I feed my child"
"If my child does not like the taste of the medicine, I should encourage him to pinch his nose and drink the medication through a straw"
A pediatrician’s prescription reads “ampicillin sodium 125 mg IV every 6 hours.” The medication label reads “when reconstituted with 7.4 mL 1 g/7.4mL.” The nurse prepares to draw up how many milliliters to administer 1 dose?
1.1 mL
0.54 mL
7.425 mL
0.925 mL
A pediatric client with ventricular septal defect repair is placed on a maintenance dosage of digoxin. The dosage is 8mcg/kg/day, and the client’s weight is 7.2 kg. The pediatrician prescribes the digoxin to be given twice daily. The nurse prepares how many mcg of digoxin to administer to the client at each dose?
12.6 mcg
21.4 mcg
28.8 mcg
32.2 mcg
Sulfisoxazole, 1 g orally twice daily, is prescribed for an adolescent with a UTI. The medication label reads “500-mg tablets.” The nurse has determined that the dosage prescribed is safe. The nurse administers how many tablets per dose to the adolescent?
1/2 tablet
1 tablet
2 tablets
3 tablets
Penicillin G procaine, 1,000,000 units IM is prescribed for an adolescent with an infection. The medication label reads “1,200,000 units per 2 mL.” The nurse has determined that the dose prescribed is safe. The nurse administers how many mL per dose to the adolescent? Round to the nearest tenth position
0.8 mL
1.2 mL
1.4 mL
1.7 mL
The nurse prepares to administer an IM injection to a 4-month-old infant. The nurse selects which best site to administer the injection?
Lateral deltoid
Rectus femoris
Vastus lateralis
Atropine sulfate, 0.6mg IM, is prescribed for a child preoperatively. The nurse has determined that the dose prescribed is safe and prepares to administer how many mL to the child? *theres a diagram/picture in the book
1.5 mL
Betaxolol hydrochloride eye drops have been prescribed for a client with glaucoma. Which nursing action is most appropriate related to monitoring for side and adverse effects of this medication?
Assessing for edema
Monitoring temperature
Monitoring blood pressure
Assessing blood glucose level
The nurse is preparing to administer eye drops. Which interventions should the nurse take to administer the drops? SATA
Wash hands
Put gloves on
Place the drop in the conjunctival sac
Pull the lower lid down against the cheekbone
Instruct the client to squeeze their eye shut after instillation
Instruct the client to tilt the head forward
The nurse prepares a client for ear irrigation as prescribed by the primary health care provider. Which action should the nurse take when performing the procedure?
Warm the irrigating solution to 98.6 F
Position the client with the affected side up following the irrigation
Direct a slow, steady stream of irrigation solution toward the eardrum
Assist the client to turn her/his head so that the ear to be irrigated is facing upward
The nurse is providing instructions to a client who will be self-administering eye drops. To minimize systemic absorption of the eyedrops, the nurse should instruct the client to take which action?
Eat before instilling the drops
Swallow several times after instilling the drops
Blink vigorously to encourage tearing after instilling the dtops
Occlude the nasolacrimal duct with a finger after instilling the drops
A client is prescribed an eye drop and an eye ointment for the right eye. How should the nurse best administer the medication?
Administer the eye drop first, followed by the eye ointment
Administer the eye ointment first, followed by the eye drop
Administer the eye drop, wait 15 mins, and administer the eye ointment
Administer the eye ointment, wait 15 minutes, administer the eye drop
Which medication, if prescribed for the client with glaucoma, should the nurse question?
Atropine sulfate
A miotic medication has been prescribed for the client with glaucoma, and the client asks the nurse about the purpose of the medication. Which response should the nurse provide to the client?
"The medication will help dilate the eye to prevent pressure from occuring"
"The medication will relax the muscles of the eyes and prevent blurred vision"
"The medication causes the pupil to constrict and will lower the pressure in the eye"
"The medication will help block the responses that are sent to the muscles in the eye"
A client was just admitted to the hospital to rule out a gastrointestinal (GI) bleed. The client has brought several bottles of medication prescribed by different specialties. During administration assessment, the client states, “Lately, I have been hearing some roaring sounds in my ears, especially when I am alone.” Which medication would the nurse identify as the cause of the client’s complaint?
Atropine sulfate
Acetylsalicyclic acid
Diltiazem hydrochloride
In preparation for cataract surgery, the nurse is to administer cyclopentolate eye drops at 9:00 a.m. For surgery that is scheduled for 9:15 a.m. What initial action should the nurse take in relation to the characteristics of the medication action?
Provide lubrication to the operative eye prior to giving the eye drops
Call the surgeon, as this medication will further constrict the operative pupil
Consult the surgeon, as there is not sufficient time for the dilative effects to occur
Give the medication as prescribed; the surgeon needs optimal constriction of the pupil
Carbidopa-levodopa is prescribed for a client with Parkinson’s disease. The nurse monitors the client for side and adverse effects of the medication. Which finding indicates that the client is experiencing an adverse effect?
Impaired voluntary movements
The home health nurse visits a client who is taking phenytoin for control of seizures. During the assessment, the nurse notes that the client is taking birth control pills. Which information should the nurse include in the teaching plan?
Pregnancy must be avoided while taking phenytoin
The client may stop the medication if it is causing severe gastrointestinal effects
There is the potential of decreased effectiveness of birth control pills while taking phenytoin
There is the increased risk of thrombophlebitis while taking phenytoin and birth control pills together
The nurse is caring for a client in the emergency department who has been diagnosed with the Bell’s palsy. The client has been taking acetaminophen, and acetaminophen overdose is suspected. Which antidote should the nurse prepare for administration if prescribed?
Meperidine has been prescribed for a client to treat pain. Which side and adverse effects should the nurse monitor for? SATA
Urinary frequency
Increased respiratory rate
A client is taking the prescribed dose of phenytoin to control seizures. Results of a phenytoin blood level study reveal a level of 35 mcg/mL. Which finding would be expected as a result of this laboratory result?
Slurred speech
No abnormal findings
The client arrives at the emergency department complaining of back spasms. The states, “I have been taking 2 to 3 aspirin every 4 hours for the last week, and it hasn’t helped my back.” Since acetylsalicylic acid intoxication is suspected, the nurse should assess the client for which manifestation?
A client with trigeminal neuralgia is being treated with carbamazepine, 400mg orally daily. Which value indicates that the client is experiencing an adverse effect to the medication?
Sodium level, 140 mEq/L
Uric acid level, 4.0 mg/dL
White blood cell count, 3000 mm
Blood urea nitrogen level, 10 mg/dL
The nurse is caring for a client with chronic back pain. Codeine has been prescribed for the client. Specific to this medication, which intervention should the nurse include in the plan of care while the client is taking this medication?
Monitor radial pulse
Monitor bowel activity
Monitor apical heart rate
Monitor peripheral pulses
The nurse has given medication instructions to a client receiving phenytoin. Which statement indicates that the client has an adequate understanding of the instructions?
"Alcohol is not contraindicated while taking this medication"
"Good oral hygiene is needed, including brushing and flossing"
"The medication dose may be self-adjusted depending on side effects"
"The morning dose of the medication should be taken before a serum medication level is drawn"
A client with myasthenia gravis has become increasingly weaker. The primary health care provider prepares to identify whether the client is reaction to an overdose of the medication (cholinergic crisis) or an increasing severity of the disease (myasthenic crisis). An injection of edrophonium is administered, which finding would indicate that the client is in cholinergic crisis?
No change in the condition
Complaints of muscle spasms
An improvement of the weakness
A temporary worsening of the condition
A client with trigeminal neuralgia tells the nurse that acetaminophen is taken daily for the relief of generalized discomfort. Which laboratory value would indicate toxicity associated with the medication?
Sodium level of 140 mEq/L
Platelet count of 400,000 mm
Prothrombin time of 12 seconds
Direct bilirubin level of 2 mg/dL
A client has been on treatment for rheumatoid arthritis for 3 weeks. During the administration of etanercept, which is most important for the nurse to assess?
The injection site for itching and edema
The WBC counts and platelets counts
Whether the client is experiencing fatigue and joint pain
Whether the client is experiencing a metallic taste in the mouth and loss of appetite
Allopurinol is prescribed for a client and the nurse provides medication instructions to the client. Which instruction should the nurse provide?
Drink 3000 mL fluid a day
Take the meds on an empty stomach
The effect of the medication will occur immediately
Any swelling of the lips is a normal expected response
Colchicine is prescribed for a client with a diagnosis of gout. The nurse reviews the client’s record, knowing that this medication would be used with caution in which disorder?
Kidney disease
Diabetes mellitus
Alendronate is prescribed for a client with osteoporosis, and the nurse is providing instructions on administration of the medication. Which instructions should the nurse provide?
Take the med at bedtime
Take the med in the morning with breakfast
Lie down for 30 minutes after taking the med
Take the med with a full glass of water after rising in the morning
The nurse is preparing discharge instructions for a client who sustained a skeletal muscle injury and is receiving baclofen. Which instruction should be included in the teaching plan?
Restrict fluid intake
Avoid the use of alcohol
Stop the med if diarrhea occurs
Notify the doctor if fatigue occurs
The nurse is analyzing the lab studies on a client receiving dantrolene to treat muscle spasms from an injury. Which lab test would identify as an adverse effect associated with the administration of this medication?
Platelet count
Creatinine level
Liver function tests
Blood urea nitrogen level
Cyclobenzaprine is prescribed for a client for muscle spasms, and the nurse is reviewing the client’s record. Which disorder, if noted in the record, would indicate a need to contact the primary health care provider about the administration of this medication?
Diabetes mellitus
In monitoring a client’s response to disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), which assessment findings would the nurse consider acceptable responses? SATA
Control of symptoms during periods of emotional stress
Normal white blood cell, platelet, and neutrophil counts
Radiological findings that show no progression of joint degeneration
An increased range of motion in the affected joints 3 months into therapy
Inflammation and irritation at the injection site 3 days after the injection is given
A low-grade temp on rising in the morning that remains throughout the day
The nurse is administering an IV dose of methocarbamol to a client with a muscle skeletal injury. For which adverse effect should the nurse monitor?
Rapid pulse
{"name":"Peds Pharmacology", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge in pediatric pharmacology with our engaging quiz! Designed for healthcare professionals, this quiz will challenge your understanding of medications, dosages, and nursing actions related to children and adolescents.• Assess your knowledge on medication safety• Understand dosing calculations• Familiarize yourself with nursing interventions","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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