Pharmacology Unit 1

A visually engaging infographic illustrating various medications and their effects, including images of pills, syringes, and laboratory equipment, in a colorful and educational style.

Pharmacology Mastery Quiz

Test your knowledge on pharmacology with our comprehensive quiz designed for healthcare professionals and students alike. This quiz covers essential drug information, including indications, side effects, and laboratory considerations for various medications.

Key Features:

  • 30 multiple choice questions
  • Insight into pharmacological treatments
  • Immediate feedback on your answers
31 Questions8 MinutesCreated by LearningScribe512
Salicylic acid is prescribed for a client with a diagnosis of psoriasis. The nurse monitors the client, knowing that which finding indicates the presence of systemic toxicity from this medication?
Decreased respirations
The health education nurse provides instructions to a group of clients regarding measures that will assist in preventing skin cancer. Which instructions should the nurse provide? Select all that apply.
Sunscreen should be applied every 8 hours.
Use sunscreen when participating in outdoor activities.
Wear a hat, opaque clothing, and sunglasses when in the sun.
Avoid sun exposure in late afternoon and early evening hours.
Examine your body monthly for lesions that me suspicious.
Silver sulfadiazine is prescribed for a client with a burn injury. Which laboratory finding requires need for a follow up by the nurse?
Glucose level of 99 mg/dL (5.65 mmol/L)
Platelet level of 300,000 mm3 (300 X 109/L)
Magnesium level of 1.5 mEq/L (0.75 mmol/L)
White blood cell count of 3000 mm3 (3.0 X 109/L)
A burn client is receiving treatments of topical mafenide acetate to the site of injury. The nurse monitors the client, knowing that which finding indicates that a systemic effect has occurred?
Elevated blood pressure
Local rash at burn site
Local pain at burn site
Isotretinoin is prescribed for a client with severe acne. Before the administration of this medication, the nurse anticipates that which laboratory test will be prescribed?
Potassium level
Triglyceride level
Hemoglobin A1C
Total cholesterol level
A client with severe acne is seen in clinic and the primary health care provider prescribed isotretinoin. The nurse reviews the client’s medication record and would contact the PHCP if client is also taking which medication?
Vitamin A
The nurse is applying a topical corticosteroid to a client with eczema. The nurse understands that it is safe to apply the medication to which body areas? Select all that apply.
Soles of the feet
Palm of the hands
The clinic nurse is performing an admission assessment on a client and notes that the client is taking azelaic acid to treat acne. The nurse determines that which client complaint may be associated with use of this medication?
Frequent urination
Silver sulfadiazine is prescribed for a client with a partial-thickness burn, and the nurse provides teaching about the medication. Which statement made by client indicates a need for further teaching about the treatments?
€�The medication is an antibacterial.”
€�The medication will help heal the burn.”
€�The medication should be applied directly to the wound.”
€�The medication is likely to cause stinging every time it is applied.”
The camp nurse asks the children preparing to swim in the lake if they have applied sunscreen. The nurse reminds the children that chemical sunscreens are most effective when applied at which times?
Immediately before swimming
5 minutes before exposure to the sun
Immediately before exposure to the sun
At least 30 minutes before exposure to the sun
Chemotherapy dosage is frequently based on total body surface area (BSA), so it is important for the nurse to perform which assessment before administering chemotherapy?
Measure client's abdominal girth
Calculate the client's body mass index
Measure client's current weight and height
Ask client about his/her weight and height
A client with squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx is receiving bleomycin intravenously. The nurse caring for the client anticipates that which diagnostic study will be prescribed?
Cervical radiography
Pulmonary function studies
A client with acute myelocytic leukemia is being treated with busulfan. Which laboratory value would the nurse specifically monitor during treatment with the medication?
Clotting time
Uric acid level
Potassium level
Blood glucose level
A client with small cell lung cancer is being treated with etoposide. The nurse monitors the client during administration, knowing that which adverse effect is specifically associated with this medication?
Chest pain
Pulmonary fibrosis
Orthostatic hypotension
A clinic nurse prepares a teaching plan for a client receiving an antineoplastic medication. When implementing the plan, the nurse should make which statement to the client?
€�You can take aspirin as needed for headache.”
€�You can drink beverages containing alcohol in moderate amounts each evening.”
€�You need to consult with primary health care provider before receiving immunizations.”
€�It is fine to receive a flu vaccine at the local health fair without PHCP approval because the flu is so contagious.”
A client with ovarian cancer is being treated with vincristine. The nurse monitors the client, knowing that which manifestations indicates an adverse effect specific to this medication?
Hair loss
Chest pain
Peripheral neuropathy
The nurse is a reviewing the history and physical examination of a client who will be receiving asparaginase, an antineoplastic agent. The nurse contacts the primary health care provider before administering the medication if which disorder is documented in client’s history?
Diabetes Mellitus
Myocardial Infarction
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Tamoxifen citrate is prescribed for a client with metastatic breast carcinoma. The client asks the nurse if her family member with bladder cancer can also take this medication. The nurse most appropriately responds by making this statement?
€�This medication can be used only to treat breast cancer.”
€�Yes, your family member can take this medication for bladder cancer as well.”
€�This medication can be taken to prevent and treat clients with breast cancer.”
€�This medication can be taken by anyone with cancer as long as their health care provider approves it.”
A client with metastatic breast cancer is receiving tamoxifen. The nurse specifically monitors which laboratory value while the client is taking this medication?
Prothrombin time
Megestrol acetate, an antineoplastic medication, is prescribed for a client with metastatic endometrial carcinoma. The nurse reviews the client’s history and should contact the primary health care provider if which diagnosis is documented in client’s history?
Myocardial Infarction
Venous thromboembolism
The nurse is monitoring the intravenous (IV) infusion of an antineoplastic medication. During the infusion, the client complains of pain as the insertion site. On inspection of the site, the nurse notes redness and swelling and that the infusion of the medication has slowed in rate. The nurse suspects extravasation and should take which actions? Select all that apply.
Stop the infusion
Prepare to apply ice or heat to the site
Restart the IV at a distal part of the same vein
Notify primary health care provider
Prepare to administer a prescribed antidote into the site
Increase flow rate of the solution to flush the skin and subcutaneous tissue
The nurse is analyzing the laboratory results of a client with leukemia who has received a regimen of chemotherapy. Which laboratory value would the nurse specifically note as a result of the massive cell destruction that occurred from the chemotherapy?
Decreased platelets
Increased uric acid level
Decreased leukocyte count
The nurse is providing medication instructions to a client with breast cancer who is receiving cyclophosphamide. The nurse should tell the client to take which action?
Take medication with food.
Increase fluid intake to 2000 to 3000 mL daily.
Decrease sodium intake while taking the medication.
Increase potassium intake while taking the medication.
A client with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is receiving daunorubicin. Which finding would indicate to the nurse that the client is experiencing an adverse effect related to the medication?
Sores in mouth and throat
Complaints of nausea and vomiting
Crackles on auscultation of the lungs
The nurse is monitoring the laboratory results of a client receiving an antineoplastic medication by the intravenous route. The nurse plans to initiate bleeding precautions if which laboratory result is noted?
A clotting time of 10 minutes
An ammonia level of 10 mcg/dL (6 mcmol/L)
A platelet count of 50,000 mm3 (50 X 109/L)
A while blood cell count of 5000 mmm3 (5.0 X 109/L)
A nurse is caring for a client who has breast cancer and asks why the treatment plan contains a combination therapy of cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil. The response by the nurse should include that combination chemotherapy is used to do which of the following? (SATA)
Decrease medication resistance
Attack cancer cells at different stages of cell growth
Block chemotherapy agent from entering healthy cells
Stimulate immune system
Decrease injury to normal body cells
A nurse is preparing to administer cyclophosphamide IV to a client who has Hodgkin’s disease. Which of the following medications should the nurse expect to administer concurrently with the chemotherapy to prevent an adverse effect of cyclophosphamide?
Protectant agent, such as mesna
Opioid, such as morphine
Loop diuretic, such as furosemide
H1 receptor antagonist, such as diphenhydramine
A nurse is preparing to administer leucovorin to a client who has cancer and is receiving chemotherapy with methotrexate. Which of the following responses should the nurse use when the client asks why leucovorin is being given?
€�Leucovorin reduces the risk of a transfusion reaction with methotrexate”
€�Leucovorin increases platelet production and prevents bleeding”
€�Leucovorin potentiates the cytotoxic effects of methotrexate”
€�Leucovorin protects the healthy cells from methotrexate’s toxic effect”
A nurse is teaching a client who has breast cancer about tamoxifen. Which of the following adverse effects of tamoxifen should the nurse discuss with the client?
Irregular heart beat
Abnormal uterine bleeding
Yellow sclera or dark-colored urine
Difficulty swallowing
A nurse is caring for a client who is being treated with interferon alfa-2b for malignant melanoma. For which of the following adverse effects should the nurse monitor? (SATA)
Muscle aches
Peripheral neuropathy
Bone loss
A nurse is caring for a client who receives rituximab to treat non-Hodgkin’s leukemia and who asks the nurse how rituximab works. Which of the following should the nurse include?
Blocks hormone receptors
Increases immune response
Binds with specific antigens on tumor cells
Stops DNA replication during cell division
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