Pricing strategies issue in retailing :)

Price discrimination is a selling strategy that charges customers different prices for the same product or service based on what the seller thinks they can get the customer to agree to
With price discrimination, a seller charges retailers a different fee for the same product or service.
Price discrimination is less valuable when the profit that is earned as a result of separating the markets is greater than the profit that is earned as a result of keeping the markets combined
With price discrimination, the company looking to make the sales identifies different market segments, such as domestic and industrial users, with different price elasticities.
Markets must be kept separate by
Time, biological
Time physical, distance and demographic
Time, physical, distance, and nature
There are 3 stages of price discrimination True
Write the 3 stages of price discrimination
First-degree discrimination, or perfect price discrimination, occurs when a business charges the maximum possible price for each unit consumed. Second-degree price discrimination occurs when a company charges a different price for different quantities consumed, such as quantity discounts on bulk purchases. Third-degree price discrimination occurs when a company charges a different price to different consumer groups.
Resale price maintenance is a vendors encourage retailers to sell their merchandise at a certain price
The concept of price ceiling in the resale price maintenance is a government want to protect consumers from condition that could make commodities prohibitively expensive
Types of forms of resale price maintenance
Collective resale price and individual resale price
First degree and second degree price discrimination
Vertical scale fixing and horizontal prices fixing
The disadvantages of resale price maintenance
It eliminates price competition at the retail level
It keep the price higher
It prevents quality deterioration.
What is horizontal price fixing? =Horizontal price fixing is involves agreements between retailers that in direct competition with each other to set the same prices.
Impacts Of using Horizontal Price-Fixing
Reducing Consumer Surplus
It promotes fair trade practices
It kills competition.
Whether this act of predatory pricing is illegal ?
Which act and section will be prosecuted for violating the predatory pricing law?
Competition Act,2007 under section 27
Competition Act,2002 under section 4
Competition Act,2009 under section 6
What is the benefit of predatory pricing?
Financially weaker competitors will be driven from the market.
Financially that wise can stay with a longer time and plan with good strategy pricing.
As you know, pricing comparison is good for retailer ?
Ome retailers may use comparative price for advertising to deceive the consumer .
Does price comparison are work in online shopping ?
{"name":"Pricing strategies issue in retailing :)", "url":"","txt":"Price discrimination is a selling strategy that charges customers different prices for the same product or service based on what the seller thinks they can get the customer to agree to, With price discrimination, a seller charges retailers a different fee for the same product or service., Price discrimination is less valuable when the profit that is earned as a result of separating the markets is greater than the profit that is earned as a result of keeping the markets combined","img":""}
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