Drama General Knowledge

Generate an image of a vibrant theater stage with dramatic lighting, curtains, and actors performing in colorful costumes, reflecting the essence of theatre and drama.

Drama General Knowledge Challenge

Test your knowledge of drama and storytelling with our fun and engaging quiz! Dive into various questions about drama conventions, plot structures, and iconic figures in theatre.

  • Multiple-choice format
  • Learn more about dramatic arts
  • Perfect for students and drama enthusiasts
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ActingMaster27
What is the opposite of Protagonist?
Not Protagonist
Protein shake
Proton Cannon
Pro wrestling
Orang jahat
Orang baik
Orang sadang-sadang saja.
Which of the following is a typical fairy tale plot?
A detective trying to solve a murder case
A woman trying to find her lost child
A doctor trying to cure a beautiful patient
A huge monster rampaging a city
An alien trying to conquer the world
A prince trying to rescue a princess who got kidnap by a dragon
A bear trying to defend its family from the hunter
A legendary warrior fighting against an empire
A father trying to teach his son how to win an argument with his mother
A mother trying to teach her daughter how to teach her father
A sponge living in a pineapple under the sea having fun with his friends
A man/woman trying to answer this random question and find it difficult coz they have read all options.
Look at this distinguished gentleman? hmm.. yes.. Very distinguished indeed... Who is this?
Mr Bean
Stephen Chow
Adam Sandler
Adolf Hitler
Robbin William
Jim Carrie
Charlie Chaplin
Jessica Alba
Angelina Jolie
Megan Fox
What does the Drama logo mean?
Laughing and crying
Happy and sad
Hehe and Wawa
Smile and frown
Cat and dog
Good and evil
Funny and emotional
Comedy and Tragedy
White phantom and Black phantom
Light and shadow
White and Black
Your face and My face
Actors and Actress
Satire and Sentimental
Where do you usually hear sound play?
From television
From the theatre
From the hospital
Inside the lake where the fish swim
From your heart <3
From the radio
From friends and family
From the nature
From a toaster
From a printer
From an oven
From a vacuum cleaner
What does the director do?
Eating your lunch
Writing the script
Recording your performance
Making a vlog, creating content for youtube
Making an announcement
Acting on stage
Supervising the actors and other staff to act according to their role
Producing music for the play
Playing with you when you're feeling lonely ☹︝
Buy food for the actors
Make funny jokes for the actors to relief their stress
Directing his assistance to do his job
Do nothing
None of the above
Look at this dude.. What on earth is he wearing?
A costume for romantic scene, like Romeo and Juliet
A costume for a fairy tale performance, like Snow White
A costume for making a silent performance, like mr mime from Pokemon
A costume for making a parody of popular movies.
A costume for making funny performance like a clown.
A costume you wear when you're in jail
A costume for a formal event
A costume you typically wear for a date with your girlfriend
A costume for traveling
A costume for wedding
What is the typical climate setting for local (Brunei) myth and legend play? (lets learn geography a bit)
Desert/dry climate
Mediterranean climate
Tropical rainy climate
Polar climate
Temperate marine climate
I hate geography. (no complain, just answer the question)
What do you call this kind of performance?
Macam arah anime ni cigu
Wayang kulit
Guling tangan
Spongebob squarepants
Japanese Noh
Chinese Quyi
Kimi no na wa
Indian Dandiya Dance
Creepy dance (I'm scared 😦)
Naruto Shippuden
High school musical
Tarian Samalindang ba itu
Which of the following is an example of mystery genre plot?
A man going back to the past with a time machine to fix his mistake
A superhero fight against an alien who tried to conquer the world
A detective trying to solve a murder case
A ghost trying to possess a lonely woman
A giraffe ran away from a ferocious lion
A fisherman trying to rescue fishes from drowning
A pirate trying to steal treasures.
A fine gentleman flirting with a florist
An old lady waiting for her daughters to come back home
A warrior fought against a dragon
What do you do if you forgot your dialog when you're doing performance on stage?
Stay quiet and cry like a baby
Stare the audience with a serious face
Move forward and bow to audience
Sing a song instead
Wait for the other actors to speak
Leave the stage immediately before the director is angry
Run... Run away as fast as you can.. Don't look back..
Wait for the audience to clap their hand
Use body language instead.
Come up with new dialogs spontaneously. improvise, adapt, overcome.
Do a barrel roll
Apologies to audience
Apologies to the director
Just say "I forgot the dialog" and laugh
"Eh sekajap cigu, aku telupa scriptnya, hehe"
"Inda ku pandai cigu eh"
Why do you think it is important to wear suitable costume for a play?
To look nice
To be the very best, but no one ever was, to catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause.
To take photo and post it on social media
To convince the director that you are well prepared for the play
To show your facial expression more effectively
To improve the atmosphere of the play
To improve your voice
To convince the audience what is your role.
To protect the world from devastation
To unite all people within our nation
To denounce of evils of truth and love
To extend our reach to the stars above
Team rocket blasts off at the speed of light
Surrender now or prepare to fight
What is this weird looking figures? From what country is this from?
Karak Wayang from Malaysia
Patung Puaka from Sri Langka
Shadow Puppet from Europe
Skin Cinema from Uganda
Kupu-kupu Malam from Brunei
Karakatoa from Indonesia
Wayang Kulit from Indonesia
Pinocchio from Florence
Angels and Demons from USA
Malin Kundang from Malaysia
Jembalang Hitam from Philippine
Silhouette show from United Kingdom
Black figure from your nightmare
No, please...
How do you normally change a scene on stage?
Just simply change the image background / backdrop.
The narrator speaks for transition
Exit the stage > quickly change necessary props on stage > enter the stage
Exit the stage > show the audience some advertising video on stage > enter the stage
The director need to yell "next scene" to the audience.
The other actor need to enter the stage with a big sign board saying "next scene". While the main actors on stage freeze.
Turn off the light > make some noise > turn on the light
The director need to throw flashbang / stun grenade to the audience to blind them for a while. While the actors quickly change props and position.
Close the curtain > prepare for the next scene > open the curtain
Put some music to tell the audience the scene is changing
Which of the following is a reasonable way to improve your acting skills?
Read a lot of books
Eat healthy food
Drink a lot of water
Wear beautiful cloths everyday
Watch a lot of movies
Observe other actors, mimic, create impressions
Think positive
Ask your friends and family to give support
Get at least a thousand likes on instagram.
Become famous first, then you'll automatically gain confidence in acting
Sing in the shower
Pfft, there's nothing to improve. Acting is talent, it doesn't require practice if you have talent. (siapa cakap cemani baik ta di terajang)
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