
A high-speed car accident scene with emergency medical personnel attending to a trauma patient, showcasing a hospital environment and trauma care equipment.

Trauma Response Quiz

Test your knowledge on trauma management with this engaging quiz! Ideal for healthcare professionals and students eager to deepen their understanding of trauma protocols and best practices.

  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Text-based and checkbox-style answers
  • Critical scenarios and guidelines
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by AssessingSkill42
A patient arriving from a high speed rollover with fatality in the vehicle will mandate activation of a Trauma A or Trauma B?
Trauma A
Trauma B
Which Cubicle in FSH ED is the designated Trauma Bay?
Which one of these is not a designated target in massive transfusion?
Temp > 35
ICa > 1.1
Hb > 80
Platelets > 50
Lactate < 4
The Team Leader
Should always be the most senior doctor in the room
Should not touch the patient
Should never hand over their role to someone else
Should be the Trauma Registrar/Consultant
Massive Transfusion is
Replacement of 40% of blood volume in 6 hours
Replacement of 80% blood volume in 24 hours
Replacement of 80ml/kg in 24 hours
6 units of PRBCs in 24 hours
Which type of pelvic injury is most amenable to pelvic binder?
Anterior posterior
Lateral compression
Vertical shear
Pubic rami
Where should the Pelvic Binder (Sam Sling) Sit?
What three things constitute the Trauma Triad of Death?
Massive transfusion involves replacement by 1:1:1, which products and dose would you need to given if you have are using 4 units PRBC's
2 units FFP
4 units FFP
4 pools of platelets
1 pool of platelets
In a massive transfusion, what other drugs and products may you need to give to the patient?
Tranexamic acid
Calcium gluconate
Vitamin K
Which of these may be considered an indication for Resuscitative Thoracotomy?
Penetrating chest trauma, SBP < 70
Penetrating chest trauma, signs of life 10 mins ago
Blunt trauma signs of life 15 mins ago
Blunt trauma with tamponade
Blunt trauma with signs of life 5 mins ago
Arrest post gunshot to head
What's happening here?
Fast positive or negative?
What are the 4 boarders of the Triangle of Safety for a chest drain/thoracostomy?
{"name":"Trauma", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on trauma management with this engaging quiz! Ideal for healthcare professionals and students eager to deepen their understanding of trauma protocols and best practices.Multiple-choice questionsText-based and checkbox-style answersCritical scenarios and guidelines","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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