The Fluid Challenge

A medical professional administering fluid resuscitation in an emergency setting, with medical equipment and patient care items in the background, bright and informative.

The Fluid Challenge Quiz

Test your knowledge on fluid resuscitation practices with our comprehensive quiz. Designed for medical professionals and enthusiasts alike, this quiz challenges your understanding of fluid management in various clinical scenarios.

Key features of this quiz:

  • Multiple-choice questions covering a range of fluid administration situations
  • Real-world scenarios to enhance your critical thinking skills
  • Perfect for refreshing your medical knowledge or preparing for exams!
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by AdministerFluid742
What amount of fluid is given in an Adult PEA arrest?
What amount of fluid is given in an Adult Traumatic Arrest?
In an adult patient who has adequate perfusion however appears dehydrated, how much fluid would you give them?
A bottle of water
10ml/kg over 30 minutes
20ml/kg over 30 minutes
An Adult patient who is dehydrated with less than adequate perfusion would receive?
40mls/kg, consulting for a further 20mls/kg if required
20mls/kg consulting for a further 20mls/kg if required
20mls/kg max
40mls/kg max
You have a patient who is hyperglycaemic at a BSL of 28. They are less than adequately perfused and have the clinical featured of DKA. They receive?
Nothing, wait until hospital
40mls/kg titrated to perfusion status
10mls/kg titrated to perfusion status
20mls/kg titrated to perfusion status
Your patient has consumed a peanut butter sandwhich despite their peanut allergy. They have a BP of 60/30. Your partner is drawing up adrenaline to administer. How much fluid will this patient get?
20mls/kg titrated to perfusion, consult for a further 20mls/kg if required
40mls/kg titrated to perfusion, consult for further 20mls/kg if required
40mls/kg max
Eat left over sandwhich and wait for MICA to arrive
Your patient has cellulitis. They have a temp of 39 degrees, a HR of 120, RR 36 and BP of 70/40. Their chest is clear. You have requested MICA who are coming once they have finished their coffee. You give:
20ml/kg over 30 minutes
10ml/kg over 30 minutes
A can of coke from the fridge
Normal saline TKVO
Your patient has been doing some home renos during the lock down. Unfortunately, they dropped the circular saw onto their arm, severing their brachial artery. They have lost some blood. After placing your CAT tourniquet and stopped the bleeding you find their BP is unrecordable and their GCS is dropping. You give:
500ml increments with a max of 2000ml
20mls/kg max
250ml increments with a max of 2000ml
250ml increments with a max of 4000ml
Your patient has fallen out of a 5g tower after trying to film some content for their conspiracy covid-19 YouTube channel. Bystanders state the patient was unconscious for 6 minutes and has been profusely vomiting since he has become conscious. Pt is presenting GCS 13 (E4, V4, M5), with a BP of 100/70. You give?
A subscription to his youtube channel
No fluid required
40mls/kg and if his SBP remains <100 afterwards, consult for a further 20mls/kg
20mls/kg and if his SBP remains <100 afterwards, consult for a further 20mls/kg
A 14 year old patient has become bored at home whilst on lockdown and started a fire in the back yard. The patient tripped and fell into the fire, sustaining 20% partial thickness burns to his body. He weighs approximately 60kg. What calculation do you use to determine the amount of fluid he receives?
3 x TBSA% x pt weight(kg) = vol (ml) given over 24 hours, half in the first 8 hours
3 x TBSA% x pt weight(kg) = vol (ml) given over 36 hours, half in the first 8 hours
3 x TBSA% x pt height(cm) = vol (ml)
An 18 year old male dove into a shallow pool, sustaining a SCI. Pt is presenting with paralysis below the waist and a BP of 80/50. You give:
500ml bolus to correct hypotension
You find a patient that was scuba diving in the shepparton lake. The patient is sufferring from decompression illness. After lying him flat and administering oxygen you:
Tell them they are ridiculous for swimming in dirty water
Administer 1000mls over 15-20 minutes if they have a clear chest
Administer 1000mls over 30 minutes if they have a clear chest
Administer 1500ml over 15-20 minutes if they have a clear chest
A 20 year old patient (70kg) has thrown a deodorant can into her open fireplace. She has sustained partial thickness burns to her arm and chest, totaling 15% TBSA. How much fluid do you give when using the appropriate burn fluid calculation?
A young and fit patient has been laying in the sun on a 42 degree day. The patient is presenting with heat stroke and has a temperature of 40 degrees. Whilst cooling the patient, you give:
Room temperature saline, max 40mls/kg
Room temperature saline, max 20mls/kg
Cold saline, max 40mls/kg
Cold saline, max 20mls/kg
{"name":"The Fluid Challenge", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on fluid resuscitation practices with our comprehensive quiz. Designed for medical professionals and enthusiasts alike, this quiz challenges your understanding of fluid management in various clinical scenarios.Key features of this quiz:Multiple-choice questions covering a range of fluid administration situationsReal-world scenarios to enhance your critical thinking skillsPerfect for refreshing your medical knowledge or preparing for exams!","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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