Phrasal Verbs
by Hamlet Khachatryan

In today's world it's difficult to _______ children so that they can get something out of life.
Bring up
Make off
Bring on
Make for
If I go ahead with the plan, can I _______ your backing ?
Count on
Turn into
Look into
Look after
Tomorrow's match has been _______ because of the icy weather.
Called off
Mixed up
Kept back
Made off
She sniffed, trying to _______ the tears.
Keep back
Black out
Put together
Turn out
The university was _______ by stages.
Put together
Put up with
Put up on
Put back
We _______ when we saw the police.
Slowed down
Cut down
Cut down on
Made down
The manager offered her an excellent job, but she simply ____ it ____.
Turned down
Plugged in
Went off
Made down
He had some money in an account that he had _______ for his kids.
Set aside
Set back
Set ahead
Set against
I can _______ the house being messy, but I hate it if it's not clean.
Put up with
Cut down on
Pull up with
Cut away with
Don't worry about Linda - she can _______ herself.
Look after
Look down on
Look aside
Look out
I think you are ____ me ____ with my sister. We really look similar.
Mixing up
Mixing in
Mixing down
Mixing off
I _______ right after the accident.
Blacked out
Blacked off
Blacked away
Blacked down
The keyboard _______ at the back of the computer.
Plugs in
Blackes in
Blackes out
Plugs up
The burglars _______ before the police arrived.
Made off
Made out
Called off
Called over
My sister is trying to _______ caffeine.
Cut down on
Cut on in
Cut down in
Cut off with
{"name":"Phrasal Verbs by Hamlet Khachatryan", "url":"","txt":"In today's world it's difficult to _______ children so that they can get something out of life., If I go ahead with the plan, can I _______ your backing ?, Tomorrow's match has been _______ because of the icy weather.","img":""}
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