
What is an aptitude test? An achievement test? How do they differ?
Aptitude Test tests designed to predict a person's future performance; aptitude is the capacity to learn I.e. College entrance exam Achievement Tests- tests designed to assess what a person has learned I.e. Ap exam
What is the W.A.I.S?
Weschsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) a commonly used intelligence test whose combined verbal and performance subtest scores yield an IQ score
What does the reliability of intelligence testing refer to?
The extent to which a test yields consistent results, as assessed by the consistency of scores on two halves of the test, on alternate forms of the test, or on retesting.
What is a cross-sectional study?
Cross-sectional study A study that captures all of the data for each participant at one time period A study that tests different age groups at the same time Tend to think of Cross-Sectional Studies as Between-subjects design -Advantage: all of the age groups can be tested at the same time; very economical -Disadvantage: age confounded with date of birth; therefore you cannot test for cohort effects. Contrast to Longitudinal study b/c you may look @ different age groups.
Longitudinal Study
A study in which data on the same people are collected at multiple time periods A study that tests individuals in a single cohort over the course of time Typically within-subjects design w/ repeated measurements, but can be between-subjects Often quasi-experiments because they involve pre-existing groups *Used extensively in developmental psych.
What is Down’s syndrome?
Chromosomal disorder usually resulting in mental retardation, and specific characteristics.
What does standardization of a test mean?
Any form of test that requires all test takers to answer the same questions, or a selection of questions from a common bank of questions, in the same way, and is scored in a 'standard,' or consistent manner, which makes it possible to compare the relative performance of individual students"
What does polygenetic mean?
Polygenic: controlled by the interaction of more than one gene
What is stereotype threat and how can that affect test performance?
Stereotype threat- anxiety that comes about in members of stereotyped groups that they may behave in a manner that confirms existing stereotypes - becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy (it'll affect performance if you let it) - experiment: black and white participants told they will take a difficult test --> threat: diagnostic of intellectual ability vs no threat: not diagnostic of ability - results: blacks do worse when told it is diagnostic of intellectual ability and do about the same as whites when told nondiagnostic
What did psychologist Carol Dweck believe about training students to have a growth mind set?
The Growth Mindset The virtuous collection of attitudes and attributes that animate the person to openly and excitedly accept challenge and difficulty. Knowing one can always grow their intelligence.
In what sense are intelligence tests biased?
Intelligence method for assessing an indiv mental aptitudes and comparing them with those of others, using numeric scores
How do girls and boys differ in how they perform on grammar tests, computer game competitions, and other tasks that are measured?
Girls are most likely to outperform boys in grammar test.
How did a deprived environment affect children in an Iranian orphanage as far as intelligence?
A deprived environment. Babies in an Iranian orphanage suffered delayed intellectual development due to a deprived environment.
Do males or females show more variability in mental ability scores?
Males and females tend to have the same average intelligence test scores. They differ in some specific abilities. Girls are better spellers, more verbally fluent, better at locating objects, better at detecting emotions, and more sensitive to touch, taste, and color. Boys outperform girls at spatial ability and related mathematics, though girls outperform boys in math computation. Boys also outnumber girls at the low and high extremes of mental abilities. Psychologists debate evolutionary, brain-based, and cultural explanations of such gender differences
How do men and women differ in terms of remembering spatial locations? Sensitivity to taste and color?
Compared with men, women are ________ capable of remembering objects' spatial locations and they are ________ sensitive to taste and color. more; more
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