Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-th on Wed, 10 Nov 21
[2111.04745] Antoine Bourget, Julius F. Grimminger, Amihay Hanany et al.: Higgs Branches of U/SU Quivers via Brane Locking
[2111.04747] Connor Behan, Lorenzo Di Pietro, Edoardo Lauria et al.: Bootstrapping boundary-localized interactions II: Minimal models at the boundary
[2111.04750] Pablo A. Cano, Alejandro Ruipérez: String gravity in $D=4$
[2111.04756] James Halverson, Benjamin Sung: Faking Gauge Coupling Unification in String Theory
[2111.04761] Yang-Hui He, Shailesh Lal, M. Zaid Zaz: The World in a Grain of Sand: Condensing the String Vacuum Degeneracy
[2111.04800] Weyner Ccuiro, David Choque, Gustavo Valdivia-Mera: Anomalous changing angular momentum of geodesic of hairy black holes
[2111.04813] Leila Shahkarami: Magnetized Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton model under external electric fields
[2111.04962] Ryotaku Suzuki, Shinya Tomizawa: Squashed black holes at large $D$
[2111.05018] Frank Saueressig, Amir Khosravi: Black Hole Remnants from Dynamical Dimensional Reduction?
[2111.05067] Alex Mitchell, Tim R. Morris, Dalius Stulga: Provable properties of asymptotic safety in $f(R)$ approximation
[2111.05102] Roberto Bonezzi, Tomas Codina, Olaf Hohm: Duality invariant string beta functions at two loops
[2111.05131] N. E. Mavromatos, Sarben Sarkar, A. Soto: PT symmetric fermionic field theories with axions: Renormalization and dynamical mass generation
[2111.05141] W. A. Sabra: Flow Equations In Arbitrary Signature
[2111.05151] Akihiro Ishibashi, Kengo Maeda: The averaged null energy condition on holographic evaporating black holes
[2111.05206] Leonardo Santilli, Miguel Tierz: Crystal bases and three-dimensional $ \mathcal{N}=4 $ Coulomb branches
[2111.05295] Bin Guo, Marcel R. R. Hughes, Samir D. Mathur et al.: Contrasting the fuzzball and wormhole paradigms for black holes
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-th on Wed, 10 Nov 21","img":""}
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