Poll 3 - The Rapture

The Rapture will most likely occur:
Before the Tribulation begins (i.e., before the first Seal Judgment is opened)
At the Tribulation mid-point (at the same time the Two Witnesses are raptured, or thereabouts)
Sometime between the mid-point and the end of the Tribulation, that is, when the Bowl Judgments begin
At the end of the Tribulation, concurrent with the battle of Armageddon
The Rapture is allegorical. The physical removal of Christians will not actually occur.

If the Rapture is Pre-Tribulational (slated to occur before the Tribulation begins), it will most likely happen within the next:
2 years
5 years
10 years
15 years
50 years or later

The Rapture will include all children, regardless of whether their parents are born-again Christians:
Agree - Children are innocent before God, and therefore do not deserve to go through the Tribulation.
Disagree - Children are "justified" by their parents (just as it was in the days of Noah), and so only those children with a born-again father or mother will be raptured.
Not sure

The Rapture will include:
Anyone who calls himself "Christian," including Roman Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and Evangelicals
Anyone who worships "God," or some higher being(s), including Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans, and Muslims
Only born-again Christians who are genuinely walking with Christ
Not sure

When a person is raptured, his (or her) shoes, clothing, jewelry, and accessories (like iPhones and AirPods) will be left in a neat pile where he (or she) had been standing.
Not sure

The most common explanation for the sudden disappearance of millions of Christians will be:
A coordinated withdrawal of Christians to remote, underground bunkers
An alien abduction of "intolerant" Christians to UFO spaceships
An illusion, nothing but mass hysteria triggered by a worldwide pandemic or natural disaster
An operation conducted by government agents, sent to arrest and incarcerate "troublemakers"
The removal of "unfit" humans by angels or ascended masters, to prepare those who remain for godhood.
An inter-dimensional portal that was artificially created by scientists, which inadvertently transported people to another universe

Airliners should be crewed by at least one non-Christian pilot to avoid a catastrophe in the event the Rapture happens while a plane is in mid-flight.
Not sure

The Rapture sounds exciting, but I hope it doesn't occur for several more years, because I still need to do a few more things to make my life complete.

When the Rapture occurs, everyone on earth will hear the sound of the trumpet, and the shout of Christ, saying, "Come up hither!"
Not sure

According to experts, the Rapture is foreshadowed by the ancient Jewish wedding custom, whereby a groom would come for his bride at night. Therefore, the Rapture will most likely occur sometime between the hours of sunset and sunrise in Israel.
Not sure
When a Christian receives his (or her) new body at the Rapture, that body will appear to be about the age of:
[ — Thank you for participating!]

Not sure
{"name":"Prophecy7000.comPoll 3 - The Rapture", "url":"","txt":"The Rapture will most likely occur:, If the Rapture is Pre-Tribulational (slated to occur before the Tribulation begins), it will most likely happen within the next:, The Rapture will include all children, regardless of whether their parents are born-again Christians:","img":""}
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