Criminal Profiling

Criminal profiling is not an exact science
Criminal profiling is an investigative tool used to:
Determine accused personality type and behaviour
Determine accused verbal and written statements
Determine accused M.O
Determine accuse linguistic skills
Walter lang was asked to criminal profile which political leader?
Adolf Htler
John f Kennedy
Satan Mukowski
John douglas
You can link a suspect to their crime scene through there:
Personality type
Modus Operandi
Freud suggest we have mass biological urges and instincts that are uncontrollable and sexually driven, what did he call those instincts?
Super Ego
What equates to the child in us?
Super ego
T or F: After 7 months the child develops the Ego
Which is not a characteristic of Ego?
Adult in us
Reality based and environmentally aware
Controls the impulses of the ID
Morally based, knows the difference between right or wrong
Which is not a characteristic of Superego
The parent in us
Morally based, know the difference between right and wrong
Keeps a balance and peace between the ego and the ID
The child develops superego at the age of 5
What is parapraxis:
When the ID impulses slips into reality through the slip of tongue
When the EGO impulses slips into reality through the slip of tongue
When the SuperEgo impulses slips into reality through the slip of tongue
What is Denial?
Taking up an intellectual viewpoint to avoid confrontation with the anxiety producing impulse
Refusing to acknowledge the anxiety producing fact or feeling
Returning to an earlier stage of development to avoid the actual stage
What is Displacement?
Acting out the opposite to one's unacceptable feelings
Redirecting these emotions to a substitute target instead of the original target
Taking up an intellectual viewpoint to avoid confrontation with the anxiety producing impulse
What is Projection?
Transferring one's fear impulses onto an external agent
Transferring one's fear impulses onto an internal agent
T or False: Rationalization is created a false but credible justification
T or False: The ID has two driving impulses that are at different, the drive to life (sex and love Eros) and the drive to self destruction (Thanatos)
A Person who commit suicide can keep the balance between Eros and Thanatos, but a normal person cant
T or F: if one is fixated in the Oral stage, one develop smoking habits in adult good
Which is not a characteristic of the Anal Stage:
Toilet training
Pleasure derived from using toilet successfully and pleasing our parents
We can control our parents in this stage by refusing to go to the toilet
Adults fixated in this stage, develop sexual deviance
Oedipus Complex
T or False: At 6 years old we enter the phallic stage and develop pleasure from our genitalia
Which is not a characteristic in the Normality of Existential Philosophy
The ability to accept on trueself
Finding the meaning of life
The ability to establish intimacy with other
The balance between the ID, Ego, Superego
T or F: one of the abnormality in the Existential Philosophy is the inability to make authenticated decision
T or F: Behavioral theory is not based on empirical (provable) studies
Thorndike law of effect theory suggest:
If there is reward and reinforcement the behaviour will continue
We get some of our personality trait from our parents, but our personality is developed from our interaction with the environment
Things that are satisfying are likely to be repeated and things that are not satisfying are not likely to be repeated
Our behaviour is shaped through positive rewards and punishments
Skinner theory of Operant condition suggest:
If there is reward and reinforcement the behaviour will contrinue
Our behaviour is shaped through positive rewards and punishment
Our personality is developed through our interaction with our environment
All of the above
Who defined motive as satisfying a perceived need:
Henry Maslow
T or F: Serial Killers fail to develop a superego and moral conscious through Kohlberg moral growth
Which is not a characteristic of a organized nonsocial serial killer:
Married and intelligent
Likeable and socially inadequate
Intelligent and get arouse from body discovers
Carries a weapon, takes souvenirs, starts killing in comfort zone then migrates
Only kills at night and is mentally ill
T or F: An organized nonsocial killer at an early age experiments with arson, bet wetting, and cruelty to animals
T or F: Investigation begins with the actual scene not discovery of the body
Sever mental illness, cannot function in society, schizophrenia
A disorganized asocial serial killer:
Kills only at night
Commits the crime in frenzy
Weapon of oppotunity
Leave the body at the crime scene
Uses foreign object in the body
All of the above
Edward Gein was filthy, retrieved body through grave yards, and mentally ill. He identifies as a:
Organized non social
Disorganized a social
Which is not a characteristic of Kleptomania:
Middle age woman
Married to a professional Male
Obscene caller
T or F: Obscene Caller is a 30 year old male:
{"name":"Criminal Profiling", "url":"","txt":"Criminal profiling is not an exact science, Criminal profiling is an investigative tool used to:, Walter lang was asked to criminal profile which political leader?","img":""}
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