Music Teacher Research Survey
Hi. Thank you for taking a few minutes to answer the few questions for our music teacher research survey.
Please be as specific as possible. We welcome all opinions and experiences...It's only by sharing your truth that we can elevate the experience for music teachers.
For our purposes:
- an independent studio owners is one who teaches for themselves and is paid by clients directly.
- a contractor is paid by another business and receives a 1099 form.
- an employee is paid by another business, whether full or part time and received a W2 form.
IF there's an idea, concern, or comment you want to share with us outside of this survey, please share your contact info on the final page of the survey. We'd welcome learning more from you and your experiences if you'd like to share beyond this survey.
Deanna Maio
Director and Founder
Confident Voice Studio
Portland, Oregon
Please explain the nature of your CURRENT teaching situation: (select all that apply)
Independent studio owner teaching out of my home with no other teachers on my payroll
Independent studio owner teaching out of a commercial space I rent with no other teachers on my payroll
Independent studio owner travel teaching out of clients homes with no other teachers on my payroll
Independent studio owner teaching out of my home with other teachers on my payroll
Independent studio owner teaching out of a commercial space with other teachers on my payroll
Independent studio owner travel teaching out of clients homes with other teachers on my payroll
Contractor at an independent school/organization
Contractor at an independent school/organization where I travel to client homes
W2 employee at an independent school/organization where I travel to client homes
W2 employee at an independent school/organization
W2 employee or contractor at a PUBLIC or PRIVATE Elementary, Middle, or High school
W2 employee or contractor at a PUBLIC or PRIVATE University, College or Community College
Please Specify:
How long have you been teaching?
Under 2 years
2-5 years
5-10 years
10+ years
How long have you been an independent studio owner?
Under 2 years
2-5 years
5-10 years
10+ years
Complete the sentence. Teaching is how I earn:
75% or more of my income
51-74% or more of my income
25-50% of my total income
24% or less of my total income
When working at a school/organization as an Independent Contractor (1099) or a W2 employee, what did you like BEST about the experience? What did the school or organization do or provide to create a GREAT experience for you?
When working at a school/organization as an Independent Contractor (1099) or a W2 employee, what did you like LEAST about the experience? What did the school or organization do, not do, or not provide to reduce your satisfaction with the experience?
When working as an independent studio owner, what did/do you like BEST about the business part (not the teaching part)?
When working as an independent studio owner, what did/do you like LEAST about the business part (not the teaching part)?
How would you describe the education you've received specific to teaching music?
(not playing/singing, or running a business)
Please select all that apply.
I took pedagogy classes in college in a performance degree program
I took pedagogy classes in college in a music education degree program
I've completed free pedagogy classes online
I've completed paid pedagogy classes online
I've completed in-person pedagogy classes/seminars, not through a degree program.
I've read more than 1 book on teaching music.
I've learned by virtue of taking lessons from my teacher(s)
I've shadowed other teachers
I've listen to podcasts about teaching music
I've watch/watched videos online about teaching music
I've completed one on one coaching/consulting with another teacher on how to teach.
Please Specify:
IF you have worked as an Contractor or employee please complete the following.
Imagine you were considering accepting a teaching position at a privately owned independent school/organization.
Please rate how important the benefits below would be to you IF they were offered by a school offering you a teaching position.
1 star means is "not important to me. I don't care at all about that benefit."
5 star means is "very important to me. I would not accept the job without it."
IF YOU HAVEN'T taught as a contractor or employee at an independent school. Please skip this question.
The ability to work there as an Independent Contractor | Not ImportantVery Important |
The ability to work there as a W2 employee | Not ImportantVery Important |
No makeup lessons or scheduling outside of your availability | Not ImportantVery Important |
Not traveling to client homes | Not ImportantVery Important |
Paid time off (vacation days, sick time, touring, etc) | Not ImportantVery Important |
No Marketing, Selling, Policy, Scheduling or Billing Hassles | Not ImportantVery Important |
A teacher library of method books, repertoire, resources, etc | Not ImportantVery Important |
Access to practice space when not teaching | Not ImportantVery Important |
A manager/supervisor that also teaches and brings considerable experience | Not ImportantVery Important |
A team of other teachers dedicated to collaborating and supporting each other | Not ImportantVery Important |
Dental insurance | Not ImportantVery Important |
Medical insurance | Not ImportantVery Important |
Life insurance | Not ImportantVery Important |
Vision insurance | Not ImportantVery Important |
public transportation passes or other travel reimbursement | Not ImportantVery Important |
401k or other retirement options | Not ImportantVery Important |
Parties, mixers, or social events with other school teachers and staff | Not ImportantVery Important |
In studio Massages | Not ImportantVery Important |
Sponsor Employee Participation in 5K/10K walks/runs or Marathons | Not ImportantVery Important |
Gym membership reimbursement | Not ImportantVery Important |
MVP/MIP/Rookie of the Year Awards | Not ImportantVery Important |
Rewards for Years of Service | Not ImportantVery Important |
Maternity and Paternity Leave | Not ImportantVery Important |
Quarterly lunch/dinner with the studio director/owner | Not ImportantVery Important |
Bonuses for Performance Day of Service – company shuts down to do a volunteering activity for the day | Not ImportantVery Important |
Bonuses for Client Retention | Not ImportantVery Important |
Charity Donation Matching | Not ImportantVery Important |
Personal Paid time off Volunteering days | Not ImportantVery Important |
Logo shirts to wear while teaching | Not ImportantVery Important |
Telecommuting/Teach from Home Days | Not ImportantVery Important |
Extended time-off around Holidays | Not ImportantVery Important |
Paid Time Off on Your Birthday or Birthday week | Not ImportantVery Important |
Credit/Discount for house cleaning/dry cleaning | Not ImportantVery Important |
Car Detailing or Wash (Free or at Savings) | Not ImportantVery Important |
Free/Discounted Massages | Not ImportantVery Important |
Free/Discounted Mani/Pedi | Not ImportantVery Important |
Fresh flowers/plants in teaching rooms | Not ImportantVery Important |
Employee of the Month Parking Spot | Not ImportantVery Important |
Free smartphone for business and personal use | Not ImportantVery Important |
Mentor program | Not ImportantVery Important |
Employee referral program (you refer another teacher and get a bonus) | Not ImportantVery Important |
Stipend for professional development | Not ImportantVery Important |
Continuing education opportunities | Not ImportantVery Important |
Financial Wellness Training | Not ImportantVery Important |
Student referral program (you refer a student and get a bonus) | Not ImportantVery Important |
Free coffee and tea | Not ImportantVery Important |
Employee discount on mobile phones/service | Not ImportantVery Important |
IPads (or other tech) in teaching rooms for games and resources teachers could use with students Subscriptions to professional organization (like MTNA or NATS) | Not ImportantVery Important |
Free/Discounted Music Lessons for yourself | Not ImportantVery Important |
Free/Discounted Music Lessons for your family | Not ImportantVery Important |
Hypothetically, if you could choose continuing education to support your development as a teacher or a business owner (not as a musician), what would you want to learn? What results would you want it to help you create?
Rate your level of agreement with the statements below.
0 - Doesn't Apply to Me, 1 - Strongly Disagree,2 -Disagree,3 -Neither Agree Nor Disagree,4 - Agree,5- Strongly Agree | |
I was prepared to run an independent teacher studio business when I started my business | 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree |
I was prepared to teach and get results for my students when I started teaching | 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree |
I was prepared to market and sell my services when I started my independent studio business | 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree |
I was prepared to have healthy boundaries and policies when I started my independent studio business | 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree |
I have the skills, habits, and resources I need to be the kind of teacher I want to be. | 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree |
I have the skills, habits, and resources I need to be successful at marketing and selling my services. | 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree |
I have the skills, habits, and resources I need to be successful as a business owner | 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree |
{"name":"Music Teacher Research Survey", "url":"","txt":"Hi. Thank you for taking a few minutes to answer the few questions for our music teacher research survey. Please be as specific as possible. We welcome all opinions and experiences...It's only by sharing your truth that we can elevate the experience for music teachers. For our purposes: an independent studio owners is one who teaches for themselves and is paid by clients directly. a contractor is paid by another business and receives a 1099 form. an employee is paid by another business, whether full or part time and received a W2 form. IF there's an idea, concern, or comment you want to share with us outside of this survey, please share your contact info on the final page of the survey. We'd welcome learning more from you and your experiences if you'd like to share beyond this survey. Thanks. Deanna Maio Director and Founder Confident Voice Studio Portland, Oregon, Please explain the nature of your CURRENT teaching situation: (select all that apply), How long have you been teaching?","img":""}
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