Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in nucl-th on Mon, 10 Jan 22
[2201.02232] Iain Lee, Alexis Diaz-Torres: Coherence dynamics in low-energy nuclear fusion
[2201.02238] Paul-Gerhard Reinhard, Witold Nazarewicz: Information content of the differences in the charge radii of mirror nuclei
[2201.02316] Chao Zhang, Peng Yang, Feng Liu et al.: Practical considerations for the effect of finite coverage on the azimuthal dependence of global spin alignment
[2201.02429] R. Shafieepour, H.R. Moshfegh, J. Piekarewicz: Characterization of the inner edge of the neutron star crust
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in nucl-th on Mon, 10 Jan 22","img":""}
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